Quote Originally Posted by carole cucumber View Post
Kenneth, thanks for pointing that out.
For 'The Onion Song' Marvin records his lead vocal on March 15, but 1 day later for 'What You Gave Me', 'How You Gonna Keep It [[After You Get It)' and 'California Soul'. Whether the term 'demo lead vocal recorded' or 'vocal added' or' vocal added at GW' follows Marvin's information in reference to the female voice, the log shows the exact same date of March 17, 1969 [[Happy St. Patrick's Day!) for all four songs.
Good Lovin' Ain't Easy To Come By' annotation ends with Marvin Gaye lead vocal recorded in New York, November 21, 1968; 'Satified Feelin' shows Marvin's lead vocal date as May 23, 1968 followed by demo and background vocals added November 7, 1968.
While this proves nothing, it is interesting to ponder.
So between those recording dates and the November 1969 interview that Tammi gave to Ebony magazine where she stated that she had not recorded in a year and a half...something doesn't quite add up. Where's Harry, Andy and George S. when we need them?