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  1. #151
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    If these people ever objectively mentioned some of Diana's behavior along with criticisms of Mary, they would seem more sane.
    Vice versa. The same applies to you.

  2. #152
    I think Patti says and does certain things for publicity ~~ Diana and Patti are not the BEST of friends but at least are civil to one another.

    If the tour was as sucessful as most think I believe we would have seen and heard more from Nona, Sarah and Patti. At least another single or CD or TV appearance. It seemed to just fizzle out. I would love to see the final number of sells from that CD or concert shows.

    Perhaps, Sarah and Nona had a Flashback of that final concert in Cincinnati and decided they really didn't want to do this again.

    On the RTL merry-go-round-- the only thing I remember about that was Mary was constanly saying it wasn't about money and that is all I am hearing now is that it was about Money, even from Mary. Diana Ross was a Supreme but she also became Diana Ross the Superstar. Mary Wilson and Cindy Birdsong were Supremes.

    Finally, if Mary Wilson thought she could get a smaller interest rate from the bank than from Diana then she should have went to the Bank. True be known she knew the best deal was through Diana.

  3. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Marv you keep telling the truth about the death of Mary's son-it's disgusting what some Ross fans say. Show me where Mary ever called SP and LL fake supremes--quote it, document it-she NEVER said that. Marys first book was in 1970. She put it chronologically in her second book where it belonged. And Im sure there is much more to that person quitting -it makes no sense as the loan happened way after 1970. If all the haters can dig up is drama over a 30, 000 loan paid back WITH interest they are quite desperate. If these people ever objectively mentioned some of Diana's behavior along with criticisms of Mary, they would seem more sane. Just why couldnt Diana step back a bit and think - gee maybe Mary does deserve more and I can imagine she might feel devalued and I could really help Cindy out here...but no --more ego.
    That they would [[joke about the death of a child) is because they are twisted and warped. In one thread they went crazy over Patti sprinkling water on a woman and her child and asking me where is my "moral compass?" I now say git the f^$k outta here!

    You are right and Thaperson doesn't know what he is talking about. You are right, Mary's first book ended in 1970 with the prologue being Florence's funeral in 1976. That little loan did not occur until 1981 which shows you how desparate they are grasping for straw's . Mary's original co-writer whatever, who's name I cannot remember right now missed out on the opportunity of a life time. To be involved in the greatest selling music related autobiography in history! Diana Ross has never cared about the others in the group. She told a big lie about something that I wished I could get into here, but I just can't.
    This stuff Thaperson is saying is plain crazy. Mary has sung on more than have the Supremes hits. Try 90% . She was never offered $ 5 million and her career was no more"barren" in the 15 years prior to RTL than Diana Ross' who had not scored a chart hit during those 15 years which is the main reason she had to run back to the Supremes Legacy which Mary Wilson had been nurturing and keeping in the public conscious all those years! No one was buying or interested in "Diana Ross solo artist" by 2000. It had to been a crushing blow to her ego and pocketbook when the public voted her off the island for showing up without Mary and Cindy!
    Last edited by marv2; 11-18-2011 at 10:20 PM.

  4. #154
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    This is certainly where Berry came in in the past for her. This was a PR disaster for her. When she had behaved this way he would-I assume-fix it or prevent it or cover it up). A lot of stuff didnt make the papers then[[screaming at airport about her dog, Latin Casino behavior, slapping people...) Now everything does. JRT's book said there were people warning her to not go ahead with tour sensing the disaster that was coming.

    Berry Gordy did everything for her. He deserves 85% of the credit for her career. As we all know now, once she left Berry and Motown, it became much harder for her to get a hit and things slowly dried up to point of where it's been for the last 10-15 years. She really didn't make out much better than Mary Wells in terms of career success after Motown. She did get more money.

  5. #155
    Quote Originally Posted by dianesfan_1965 View Post
    RTL was in some people's minds was bigger than "the holacust" or "7-11".
    You get on down dianesfan, with your bad self! Have one on me too! It is Friday afterall LOL!!!!

  6. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by carlo View Post
    "For a time from 1998–2000, ABC News combined 20/20 and Primetime Live to compete with Dateline NBC. The editions were called 20/20 Monday, 20/20 Wednesday, 20/20 Thursday, 20/20 Friday, 20/20 Sunday, and finally 20/20 Downtown. In 2000 ABC News returned the news magazines to the original 20/20, reinstating Primetime Thursday, and spinning off 20/20 Downtown as simply Downtown. By early 2002, the show was airing again in only its original Friday timeslot."


    Well hells bells, no wonder you guys were confused as to what the show was called! Talk about convoluted!

  7. #157
    Quote Originally Posted by dianesfan_1965 View Post
    RTL was in some people's minds was bigger than "the holacust" or "7-11".
    Now listen here! ain't nothin bigger than 7-11!!!!! you'll pry that slurpee out of my cold dead hands!

  8. #158
    Whats 7-11??

  9. #159
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Whats 7-11??

    I think he meant, 9-11.......hehehehehehehe!

  10. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    Well hells bells, no wonder you guys were confused as to what the show was called! Talk about convoluted!
    Jill when I play the videotape it says "Primetime Liveowntown".

  11. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    It had to been a crushing blow to her ego and pocketbook when the public voted her off the island for showing up without Mary and Cindy!
    LOL!! I like the way you described that. They voted her off the island! lol!

  12. #162
    I still remember when Mary appeared on 20/20 or Downtown whatever and my Mom woke me up from bed to watch it. It was so exciting. I was in Grade 5 at the time. I still have that interview on tape. I thought she represented herself very well. When Diana appeared the next day, I was expecting to hear a lot more from her. I remember feeling underwhelmed because she didn't seem to answer anything. I love Diana, but her interview was basically, "I'm gonna sit here and flip back my hair every 5 seconds".

    I love Diana and Mary and I think they're both too fabulous to ever reunite as The Supremes. They're both divas of the stage...solo artists in their own right, so to expect either one of them to go back to working in a group setting would be far too difficult IMO. I would like to see it happen, but it's very unlikely. It would be cool if they were to both accept an award together.
    Last edited by carlo; 11-18-2011 at 11:24 PM.

  13. #163
    I am not linking anything. It's well known that Wilson dissed both of them as not being "the real Supremes", even going as far as to call it betrayal because "she hired them". Once again, playing the martyr.

    Did she stop and think that perhaps Scherrie and Lynda had fallen on hard times and needed the money? That perhaps they needed to take the gig that she personally rejected? She could have expressed dissapointment but ultimately wished them well. Nope. All that matters was that Mary was hurt. And getting that camera time by blasting Diana in the media and working her sob story. Yeah Mary got her way but she also helped to put those two other women out of work. But Mary's always the only victim in any situation.

    I've been objective towards Ross here many times. You can read the posts on Motown 25 and others. I've yet to see a self proclaimed Wilson fan look at Mary objectively. And you can quote me on that. You can criticize people who say that Ross is still a star in every way. That's fine. But if you're going to say that Mary playing a hotel lounge for about hundred people is somehow a smashing success, then I'm going to call you out on your insanity.

    If Berry is responsible for 85% of Diana's career, then Berry and Diana are responsible for all of Mary's. Because outside of them, she has had ZERO success.

  14. #164
    I think the real victim of this entire RTL thang is Shantel Baker. She was not even contacted to participate in the tour.

  15. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by carlo View Post
    I think the real victim of this entire RTL thang is Shantel Baker. She was not even contacted to participate in the tour.
    Oh the cruelty of it all! You mean they did not even consider asking the Diva Supreme herself? Ms. Shantel Baker? The nerve! It was doomed to fail from the onset.............

  16. #166
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    That they would [[joke about the death of a child) is because they are twisted and warped. In one thread they went crazy over Patti sprinkling water on a woman and her child and asking me where is my "moral compass?" I now say git the f^$k outta here!

    You are right and Thaperson doesn't know what he is talking about. You are right, Mary's first book ended in 1970 with the prologue being Florence's funeral in 1976. That little loan did not occur until 1981 which shows you how desparate they are grasping for straw's . Mary's original co-writer whatever, who's name I cannot remember right now missed out on the opportunity of a life time. To be involved in the greatest selling music related autobiography in history! Diana Ross has never cared about the others in the group. She told a big lie about something that I wished I could get into here, but I just can't.
    This stuff Thaperson is saying is plain crazy. Mary has sung on more than have the Supremes hits. Try 90% . She was never offered $ 5 million and her career was no more"barren" in the 15 years prior to RTL than Diana Ross' who had not scored a chart hit during those 15 years which is the main reason she had to run back to the Supremes Legacy which Mary Wilson had been nurturing and keeping in the public conscious all those years! No one was buying or interested in "Diana Ross solo artist" by 2000. It had to been a crushing blow to her ego and pocketbook when the public voted her off the island for showing up without Mary and Cindy!
    Marv2 you are on F-I-R-E!

  17. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by thaperson View Post
    I am not linking anything. It's well known that Wilson dissed both of them as not being "the real Supremes", even going as far as to call it betrayal because "she hired them". Once again, playing the martyr.
    You do what you gotta do to get the job done! hehehehehehe.......!

    No, Mary does not play hotel lounge acts

    Berry is responsible for 85% of Diana's career and success

    At least she never called Scherrie or Linda scabs, Sub-premes or anything

    Mary did not put anybody out of work, they were not suppose to a part of a tour called "Diana Ross & the Supremes" to begin with. What about us? The public? Why were we suppose to spend our hard earned money on something we did not ask for or wanted to see? Huh? Oh yeah, there were a lot more "victims" as you call it than just Mary in the whole nasty situation. Cindy didn't get anything from it either.

  18. #168
    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie View Post
    Marv2 you are on F-I-R-E!
    Thank you Rosie! I am going to have a cold beer now in hopes of cooling down a bit LOL!

  19. #169
    smark21 Guest
    Well, I must have woken from quite a nap. I dreamed 11 years of life, but what do you know, it's still year 2000 Y2K. An election year. Who do you think Al Gore should pick for his running mate? Joe Lieberman or Bill Bradley?

  20. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by thaperson View Post
    I am not linking anything. It's well known that Wilson dissed both of them as not being "the real Supremes", even going as far as to call it betrayal because "she hired them". Once again, playing the martyr.

    Did she stop and think that perhaps Scherrie and Lynda had fallen on hard times and needed the money? That perhaps they needed to take the gig that she personally rejected? She could have expressed dissapointment but ultimately wished them well. Nope. All that matters was that Mary was hurt. And getting that camera time by blasting Diana in the media and working her sob story. Yeah Mary got her way but she also helped to put those two other women out of work. But Mary's always the only victim in any situation.

    I've been objective towards Ross here many times. You can read the posts on Motown 25 and others. I've yet to see a self proclaimed Wilson fan look at Mary objectively. And you can quote me on that. You can criticize people who say that Ross is still a star in every way. That's fine. But if you're going to say that Mary playing a hotel lounge for about hundred people is somehow a smashing success, then I'm going to call you out on your insanity.

    If Berry is responsible for 85% of Diana's career, then Berry and Diana are responsible for all of Mary's. Because outside of them, she has had ZERO success.
    Now, YOU are on F-I-R-E!

  21. #171

    An interesting PATTI LABELLE thread!

  22. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by heikki View Post

    An interesting PATTI LABELLE thread!
    It was always going to end up that way.

  23. #173
    Now now, in the realm of music importance, what could possibly top the Supremes, especially Diana?

    Only Patti if she's gonna beat the shit out of you or your child.

  24. #174
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Now now, in the realm of music importance, what could possibly top the Supremes, especially Diana?

    Only Patti if she's gonna beat the shit out of you or your child.
    Music isn't really the focus of this thread, drama is.

  25. #175
    Ah, you're right of course...........and then again, in drama, Labelle and Patti are no competition for the Supremes and Diana......

    But if Patti were gonna have us beaten, would we run or fight? Diana & Mary would fight. I think I'd run........I'm a decent runner.

  26. #176
    So how do Supremes fans in general think of Labelle, the group? I'm curious.

  27. #177
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by BobC View Post
    So how do Supremes fans in general think of Labelle, the group? I'm curious.
    A few years ago a friend of mine burned me a few of Labelles albums. I played them a few times, though I really didn't take to the music. LaBelle's music, overall, had more edge and intensity and bite than The Supremes [[any incarnation). LaBelle was more rock and more soul than The supremes. But they were not as entertaining, for me, and while the ladies can sing hard, it's not my preferred style of singing. I respect where LaBelle was coming from with their music, but not to my taste.

  28. #178
    Fair enough, Smark.I know there was a rivalry between the groups--and the whole Cindy Birdsong thing probably intensified it. The Supremes were before my time, but Labelle wasn't and they seemed really cool to me as a kid [[along with Parliament/Funkadelic) when I saw them on Don Kirshner's Rock Concert. Over time I bought the Supreme's "High Energy" and "MSS" and thought they were great albums, although not as edgy as Labelle, which is okay of course. I thought those two records were really cool but liked the funk tracks like "Sweet Dream Machine" and "Come Into My Life" better than the disco stuff like "Love I Never Knew."

  29. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by BobC View Post
    So how do Supremes fans in general think of Labelle, the group? I'm curious.
    I loved Labelle...until Patti did what she did...it will take time for me to get over that one...

  30. #180
    I applaud you for this ~~
    Took the words right out of my mouth.

    Quote Originally Posted by thaperson View Post
    I am not linking anything. It's well known that Wilson dissed both of them as not being "the real Supremes", even going as far as to call it betrayal because "she hired them". Once again, playing the martyr.

    Did she stop and think that perhaps Scherrie and Lynda had fallen on hard times and needed the money? That perhaps they needed to take the gig that she personally rejected? She could have expressed dissapointment but ultimately wished them well. Nope. All that matters was that Mary was hurt. And getting that camera time by blasting Diana in the media and working her sob story. Yeah Mary got her way but she also helped to put those two other women out of work. But Mary's always the only victim in any situation.

    I've been objective towards Ross here many times. You can read the posts on Motown 25 and others. I've yet to see a self proclaimed Wilson fan look at Mary objectively. And you can quote me on that. You can criticize people who say that Ross is still a star in every way. That's fine. But if you're going to say that Mary playing a hotel lounge for about hundred people is somehow a smashing success, then I'm going to call you out on your insanity.

    If Berry is responsible for 85% of Diana's career, then Berry and Diana are responsible for all of Mary's. Because outside of them, she has had ZERO success.

  31. #181

    Here's Some Salt for Some Wounds

    If you go looking online for interviews by Eddie Holland, you will find one where he says he knew that it would just be a matter of time before there was trouble with Mary ~ from someone who lived through it.........

    I applaud you for this ~~
    Took the words right out of my mouth.

    Originally Posted by thaperson
    I am not linking anything. It's well known that Wilson dissed both of them as not being "the real Supremes", even going as far as to call it betrayal because "she hired them". Once again, playing the martyr.

    Did she stop and think that perhaps Scherrie and Lynda had fallen on hard times and needed the money? That perhaps they needed to take the gig that she personally rejected? She could have expressed dissapointment but ultimately wished them well. Nope. All that matters was that Mary was hurt. And getting that camera time by blasting Diana in the media and working her sob story. Yeah Mary got her way but she also helped to put those two other women out of work. But Mary's always the only victim in any situation.

    I've been objective towards Ross here many times. You can read the posts on Motown 25 and others. I've yet to see a self proclaimed Wilson fan look at Mary objectively. And you can quote me on that. You can criticize people who say that Ross is still a star in every way. That's fine. But if you're going to say that Mary playing a hotel lounge for about hundred people is somehow a smashing success, then I'm going to call you out on your insanity.

    If Berry is responsible for 85% of Diana's career, then Berry and Diana are responsible for all of Mary's. Because outside of them, she has had ZERO success.

  32. #182
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Ah, you're right of course...........and then again, in drama, Labelle and Patti are no competition for the Supremes and Diana......

    But if Patti were gonna have us beaten, would we run or fight? Diana & Mary would fight. I think I'd run........I'm a decent runner.

    Yeah! When Mary did her "My Life" speech out in front of Hitsville that night on "Primetime Live: Downtown", it was television drama at it's best! They should have won an Emmy just for that segment! LOL! It was all over after that! After that everything should have changed. They should have went back to planning board, postponing that tour and went to work to get Mary Wilson and Cindy Birdsong what they needed to do the tour properly.

    The "My Life" even startled me! It's never been uploaded to Youtube, it would definitely ignite a lot of discussion if it ever were.

  33. #183
    Patti it is all well and good to say "Return to Love" should have been Cindy and what's her name. In reality, when Florence met with an early transitioning, that took away any realities of a legitimate Supremes reunion. I will say for the umpteenth time, I was a Supreme fan but my allegiances were with Diana. I cannot help it. From the moment I saw that face on the cover of "Where Did Our Love Go", I couldn't stop looking at her. I naively thought that she and Mary were close friends because it seemed appropriate. Florence, even on the cover of "Where Did Our Love Go" always seemed a little detached and confronted. I didn't have the language to identify it at 11 years old but I just remember having to almost force myself to look up to see Florence on the cover. I am not going to rehash "Return to Love" issues as I am sure they have been beaten into submission numerous times. But for me, it was a fabulous show that celebrated the songs that identified my formative years. Though Lynda and Scherrie were virtually the same age as Florence and what's her name, they somehow looked younger and more vibrant. So when they hit that stage, at the Palace in Detroit, they fit their roles perfectly. Lynda with her blonde wig looked prettier than Florence was at times, Scherrie was and is adorable. It took ages before we found out that Cindy actually wanted to be a part of "Return to Love". However, what's her name selfishly messed up that opportunity for her as well. By the time she expressed interest, the producers had decided to go in a different direction. Call me gullible, but, I bought into Diana's suggestion that various Supremes members join the tour at appropriate intervals. I would have loved to seen Jean pop up in Philadelphia and really do justice to the Suprms '70s material. But, alas, that didn't happen. What did happen was a night of sheer bliss. Somewhere in the world, there exists the full version of opening night at the Spectrum videotaped by VH1. I just cannot see that they recorded a few songs and then turned the cameras off. That would have been foolish and shortsighted. But who knows. I'll hold out hope that it exists, just caught me in legalities. But back to Miss Patti. I love you dear Patti, but maybe you should learn to censor yourself a little. The LaBelle reunion was no landmark event. It came and went without a lot of fanfare including their rather underwhelming reunion CD, "Back to Now".....so maybe her concentration should have been on making those two things better rather than lamenting about something that was really none of her concern.

  34. #184
    yes, Patti it is not cute anymore~~~~~~~~~
    and yes Miss Thing still like you but I think she is tired of it too.
    As, I mentioned earlier I think this is an old mention from Ms. Labelle. What she found out that even witht the original members it is not that easy.

  35. #185
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Bokiluis View Post
    Patti it is all well and good to say "Return to Love" should have been Cindy and what's her name. In reality, when Florence met with an early transitioning, that took away any realities of a legitimate Supremes reunion. I will say for the umpteenth time, I was a Supreme fan but my allegiances were with Diana. I cannot help it. From the moment I saw that face on the cover of "Where Did Our Love Go", I couldn't stop looking at her. I naively thought that she and Mary were close friends because it seemed appropriate. Florence, even on the cover of "Where Did Our Love Go" always seemed a little detached and confronted. I didn't have the language to identify it at 11 years old but I just remember having to almost force myself to look up to see Florence on the cover. I am not going to rehash "Return to Love" issues as I am sure they have been beaten into submission numerous times. But for me, it was a fabulous show that celebrated the songs that identified my formative years. Though Lynda and Scherrie were virtually the same age as Florence and what's her name, they somehow looked younger and more vibrant. So when they hit that stage, at the Palace in Detroit, they fit their roles perfectly. Lynda with her blonde wig looked prettier than Florence was at times, Scherrie was and is adorable. It took ages before we found out that Cindy actually wanted to be a part of "Return to Love". However, what's her name selfishly messed up that opportunity for her as well. By the time she expressed interest, the producers had decided to go in a different direction. Call me gullible, but, I bought into Diana's suggestion that various Supremes members join the tour at appropriate intervals. I would have loved to seen Jean pop up in Philadelphia and really do justice to the Suprms '70s material. But, alas, that didn't happen. What did happen was a night of sheer bliss. Somewhere in the world, there exists the full version of opening night at the Spectrum videotaped by VH1. I just cannot see that they recorded a few songs and then turned the cameras off. That would have been foolish and shortsighted. But who knows. I'll hold out hope that it exists, just caught me in legalities. But back to Miss Patti. I love you dear Patti, but maybe you should learn to censor yourself a little. The LaBelle reunion was no landmark event. It came and went without a lot of fanfare including their rather underwhelming reunion CD, "Back to Now".....so maybe her concentration should have been on making those two things better rather than lamenting about something that was really none of her concern.
    Flo didn't meet an early transitioning, she DIED.

  36. #186
    I may be wrong but I think he meant early transititioning meant leaving here and moving over spirtually.

  37. #187
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    I may be wrong but I think he meant early transititioning meant leaving here and moving over spirtually.
    "early transitioning" is a new agey euphenism for "she died young".

  38. #188
    Yeah! When Mary did her "My Life" speech out in front of Hitsville that night on "Primetime Live: Downtown", it was television drama at it's best!...It's never been uploaded to Youtube
    I wonder why it hasn't been uploaded anywhere - does anyone have a copy?

  39. #189
    Yes, I do have a copy. I tried uploading it once in the past and I was unsuccessful because the video quality got messed up in the process. I will try again sometime over the holidays.

  40. #190
    Thanks, Carlo - I'd love to see it...

  41. #191
    I would love to hear what Nona and Sarah has to say about how the labelle reunion went.

  42. #192
    revvy Guest
    I'm with you, Luke. I would have seen that show more than once, too!

  43. #193
    Carlo--how freakin cute-mom getting you out of bed --out little Motowner!!

  44. #194
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Carlo--how freakin cute-mom getting you out of bed --out little Motowner!!
    Thanks! Yeah, as much as I probably drove and still drive my Mom up the wall with The Supremes over the years, she was always good to me when I was young...taping shows and interviews, accompanying me to concerts and buying me books or CD's for Christmas. However, when I tried to cover every inch of my bedroom walls with pictures of The Supremes as a kid, she made me take it all down. lol.

  45. #195
    Oh no!! You keep goin Carlo--carry it on when some of us "transition" lol.

  46. #196
    Shouldn't this be removed if the clip ain't there for all of us to see? I was there for the beginning of the RTL tour - the ladies got on great - still do. The last line-up of Diana Ross & The Supremes.

  47. #197
    revvy Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ivyfield View Post
    Shouldn't this be removed if the clip ain't there for all of us to see? I was there for the beginning of the RTL tour - the ladies got on great - still do. The last line-up of Diana Ross & The Supremes.
    Get over it , Steve! Nobody likes this grouping of scab Supremes except for you! You probably play that horrible video every night before you go to sleep!

  48. #198
    Never seemed like the Supremes to me and the clips I saw were not good. How can a group be presented as singer and as one NY columnist said" the other two standing like they were at another end of an airport?"

  49. #199
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Never seemed like the Supremes to me and the clips I saw were not good. How can a group be presented as singer and as one NY columnist said" the other two standing like they were at another end of an airport?"
    That was not a group in any sense of the word. Save for a few promo pics taken together they were hardly a group.

  50. #200
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    That was not a group in any sense of the word. Save for a few promo pics taken together they were hardly a group.
    For once we agree. I was originally psyched up for a re-union of the Supremes. When it became in reality a Diana Ross tribute to the Supremes, I decided not to attend. I could see that in smaller places than MSG, like RCMH, and cheaper.

    Having said that, I have seen the concert on DVD and it was good. But, as stated above, a 747 could have landed between Diana and Lynda and Sherrie.

    The music industry is a business, and as such, I can not blame Sherrie and Lynda to jump at the opportunity to make a quick buck.

    But this is all a dozen years old and I am over it. I continue to support ALL the Supremes and all that they do.


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