There's now the ridiculous threat that spectators who wear the wrong brand of clothing will be barred. Sebastian Coe indicated that supporters who innocently turn up in Pepsi T-shirts are likely to be turned away because the logos would upset games sponsor Coca Cola, and those wearing Nike trainers face a ban because Adidas are backing the game.

The G4S debacle caused by them not being able to employ enough security guards could be a blessing in disguise. It's the 40th anniversary of the massacre of Israeli athletes in the Munich Olympics, and with the killing of Israeli students in a car-bomb attack in Bulgaria this week, I feel happier with the army taking a greater role than a security company. At least in the Ancient Olympics all hostilities were suspended during the course of the Games. Human nature hasn't come very far since then, has it?

I shall be glad when the games actually start next week. I'm looking forward to the track and field events, particularly the middle-distance races.