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Thread: Sots

  1. #1


    I see Karen Ragland and her support !!! are out touring again - currently being advertised is their gig at a local seaside town, the generally 'not attractive to any a list stars' Felixstowe - billed as member of Mary Wilsons Supremes again - how do they get away with it? And who would pay good money to see them when a local concert featuring two original Supremes and Martha was cancelled a short while ago due to poor tiket sales.

  2. #2
    they were also on BBC Breakfast yesterday morning Paul saying the same things!


  3. #3
    Kaaaaaaren and her gals will appear anywhere, anytime, if there's a buck to be made, and she remains shameless in her insistence that she's a Supreme, which possibly garners her a few more higher-paying gigs than your average imposter because she can prove that there's a shred of veracity in her claim. Never mind that the act is terrible. Mary, of course, has unintentionally given her some credibility by billing her own backup singers as Supremes from time to time, which is where Kaaaaaaren got the idea she could get away with using the name in the first place. She, in fact, WAS billed as a Supreme when she toured with Mary. Sadly for the original artists, many concertgoers simply don't much care who's singing the songs; they just want to hear them, so the scores of bogus groups can always find work somewhere, and someone, like Kaaaaaaren, who has only an oblique connection to the original group by virtue of having toured with an original member, is able to go around calling herself a Supreme and the casual ticket buyer will accept this at face value. It besmirches the legacy of the original group but it's legal and it can't be stopped.

  4. #4
    We can beat this horse to death. Sadly, it is what it is.

  5. #5
    I watched the BBC breakfast interview yesterday and was amazed at it, not only did they open the interview by showing Diana,Mary and Flo singing Baby Love on Top of the Pops 1964, and end the show with SOTS ''singing'' Stop in the name of Love, Kaaaaaaaaren had the front to say they were not a tribute act but a follow on to the originals, and that she 'became' a Supreme in 1977. This is a very poor reflection on the BBC team to let them get away with saying this, and promoting this bogus groups tour, especially when original artists dont get this type of promotion.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by dickiemint View Post
    I watched the BBC breakfast interview yesterday and was amazed at it, not only did they open the interview by showing Diana,Mary and Flo singing Baby Love on Top of the Pops 1964, and end the show with SOTS ''singing'' Stop in the name of Love, Kaaaaaaaaren had the front to say they were not a tribute act but a follow on to the originals, and that she 'became' a Supreme in 1977. This is a very poor reflection on the BBC team to let them get away with saying this, and promoting this bogus groups tour, especially when original artists dont get this type of promotion.
    Then shame on the BBC for having SOTS on their morning show. I wouldn't pay a nickel to see them but if people are follish enough to buy tickets then so be it.

    There are children starving along with mass genocide happening in Darfur, which is much more important than some tribute group that uses trick billing IMO.


  7. #7
    smark21 Guest
    Well if Kaaren and her girls were as awful as you say they were on BBC this morning, then the channel should be commended for letting the act expose how bad they are which might dissuade people from seeing their show.

    I suspect SotS have a much lower asking price than Mary Wilson or the FLOS and that’s how they get these gigs. More likely they’re taking work away from the likes of Shantal Baker, who at least puts on an unintentionally entertaining trainwreck of a Supremes tribute show.

  8. #8
    who at least puts on an unintentionally entertaining trainwreck of a Supremes tribute show.

    OMG............best laugh I've had in awhile! Thanks!

  9. #9
    Well Mary has mentioned if things dont get better in the USA, she'll be reclaiming some English territory and it looks like there is some to be reclaimed.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Then shame on the BBC for having SOTS on their morning show. I wouldn't pay a nickel to see them but if people are follish enough to buy tickets then so be it.

    There are children starving along with mass genocide happening in Darfur, which is much more important than some tribute group that uses trick billing IMO.

    Roberta, thank you for keeping things in perspective.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Well Mary has mentioned if things dont get better in the USA, she'll be reclaiming some English territory and it looks like there is some to be reclaimed.
    Mary is non-threatened by anyone least of all by this play group called Sounds of the Supremes. She's solid in English and every territory where she chooses to appear. These women are now a non-issue.

  12. #12
    Good point Marv but per some of the other comments above-- people here get passionate about these things because it's a MOTOWN FORUM -we are not discussing the poor children of the world etc. Why do some people take it upon themselves to decide what people can get passionate about??

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Good point Marv but per some of the other comments above-- people here get passionate about these things because it's a MOTOWN FORUM -we are not discussing the poor children of the world etc. Why do some people take it upon themselves to decide what people can get passionate about??
    Your devotion and loyalty to Marv and Mary is so touching luke.

    Yours, with every good wish.


  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    Good point Marv but per some of the other comments above-- people here get passionate about these things because it's a MOTOWN FORUM -we are not discussing the poor children of the world etc. Why do some people take it upon themselves to decide what people can get passionate about??
    Thank you.

    I don't know why people attempt to drastically change the subject by grossly trying to compare the topic of discussion here with something totally unrelated. Why they take it upon themselves? It is because they don't have sense [[or common courtesy) to understand that we are adults and we decide for ourselves individually what we get passionate about.

    Now back the subject here. Kaaren Ragland is basically just another middle aged woman playing make believe to make a buck. I hardly believe that there are many out there that really believe she was a Supreme or even care. She is just fun to rag on [[pun intended!LOL)

  15. #15
    What I would like to know is just how how this item end up on the BBC morning show? I know it is mostly banal rubbish and they have now even stooped so low as to show youtube clips [[Note to BBC - this is NOT what I pay my poll tax t.v license for!) But WHO had their palm greased to allow Miss Ragland to promote her show on Britain's most watched news show?

    It stinks!

  16. #16
    True Lake. It bothers me that the proper research isnt put into by professionals and thus disrespects the true artists.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Well if Kaaren and her girls were as awful as you say they were on BBC this morning, then the channel should be commended for letting the act expose how bad they are which might dissuade people from seeing their show.

    I suspect SotS have a much lower asking price than Mary Wilson or the FLOS and that’s how they get these gigs. More likely they’re taking work away from the likes of Shantal Baker, who at least puts on an unintentionally entertaining trainwreck of a Supremes tribute show.
    This 'trainwreck' was just SOOO good it deserves another 'look-see'. It makes the SOS look pretty good! http://www.lmhmag.com/Shatel Baker S..., Lmh Mag.html

  18. #18
    smark21 Guest
    Shantal Baker is the Supreme Supreme…I love her!

  19. #19
    The funniest thing about this whole thing is how the interviewer let this Shantel get away with saying that she replaced Diana Ross when she left The Supremes. I mean, how did she let her get away with making a statement like that & expect to be taken seriously as a journalist? This woman would've let Shantel get away with saying that she replaced Patty Andrews when she left The Andrews Sisters back in 1951. Seriously, do these "professionals" even bother to do any homework at all, or are they just trying to make their bones by being seen with "celebrities", both real or imagined?

    I couldn't have done that interview because the moment that she said that I'd have had to holler "CUT!!!"
    Last edited by juicefree20; 06-02-2012 at 10:56 AM.

  20. #20

    Well .. interesting article and interview .. it kind of reminds me of those Sci-Fi movies where people end up in parallel universes where things are very similar to "our" world but with the odd few curious differences.

    However .. listening to the interview .. it seems that SHANTEL BAKER has a pedigree after all ..

    She was the SHANTELLE who had a minor Dance/R&B hit in 1985 .. #73 on Billboard's R&B chart .. with "Love Attack" ..

    This is her " hit" .. almost a quarter of a million views so far too ....


  21. #21

    I just can't get past how she asserted to be one of the 7 women who replaced Diana Ross in The Supremes.

    I mean, is that the video game edition of The Supremes where you can create a Supreme, or what?

    More than that is the fact that I simply don't understand any creative person who has an ounce of pride & dignity, who would attempt to take credit for the hard work & accomplishments of others. If it were me rather that being happy with propping myself up as the REPLACEMENT for Diana Ross, I'd prefer for people to want to accept me for bing the FIRST ME.

    I just can't relate to anyone who would tell such a blatant lie despite the mounds of information, thousands of photos, articles, tv appearances & millions of documented words which prove otherwise.

    I simply don't understand the workings of a mind such as that.

    For what it's worth, I was a DJ back in 1985 & had never played this song, never bought this song, nor ever had anyone request me to play it.
    Last edited by juicefree20; 06-02-2012 at 11:06 AM.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post
    For what it's worth, I was a DJ back in 1985 & had never played this song, never bought this song, nor ever had anyone request me to play it.
    I'd never heard of the song before today either Juice ..

    With regard to the remainder of your post I'm pretty much of the same opinion .. and even more so since finding out that she had had some success with her own recordings. Previously I'd assumed that she was some Karaoke singer [[or similar) who had received some local recognition for singing old SUPREMES tunes and had decided to make a career out of it .. no doubt egged on by some dodgy boyfriend/promoter.

    As far as I'm aware Shantel has absolutely NO connection with any line-up of THE SUPREMES whatsoever and not even the tenuous connection that KAAREN RAGLAND can claim.

    As I put in my previous post .. it is like she has appeared from some parallel universe.


  23. #23
    smark21 Guest
    Shantal was in Pearlie Salters' Supremes tribute group about 10 years ago. I think the group had a woman named Althea Burkhalter who performed with Kaaren Ragland. Hence Shantal's belief she's a Supreme. Of course Shantal could just be crazy and delusional too. I find it very amusing. I rather see Shantal than Kaaren Ragland any day.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Shantal was in Pearlie Salters' Supremes tribute group about 10 years ago. I think the group had a woman named Althea Burkhalter who performed with Kaaren Ragland. Hence Shantal's belief she's a Supreme. Of course Shantal could just be crazy and delusional too. I find it very amusing. I rather see Shantal than Kaaren Ragland any day.
    Aha!! So that is the "connection" .. so it sounds to me that she is a SUPREME thrice removed then .. so if she thinks that she qualifies as a "Supreme" by having sung with someone who sang with someone who had sung with someone who was a SUPREME there must be thousands of them out there ...

    it sounds like we could have a new parlour game here .. a bit along the lines of that old KEVIN BACON [[of movies fame) one ..

    Example .. why can NORMAN CONNORS consider himself to be a "Supreme" ..

    Answer .. because he did some recordings with JEAN CARN

    And .. JEAN CARN has recorded with SHIRLEY JONES


    And .. THE JONES GIRLS were backing singers for DIANA ROSS

    And .. DIANA ROSS was a SUPREME!!

    We could have lots of fun with this ..

    Roger ...

  25. #25
    Love this train of thought keep it up let's here some really tenuous Motown links....

  26. #26

    I've never seen either live, nor do I know much about them. But I do have to say that Shantel sounds as though she does have a voice.

  27. #27

    That sounds like a pretty good mental exercise.

    Gonna have to put on the old thinking cap for this one.

  28. #28

    When you think about it, that could really turn out to be a lot of fun!

  29. #29
    smark21 Guest
    Shantel has voice, it's just her presentation is just tacky, but in a good way.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Shantel has voice, it's just her presentation is just tacky, but in a good way.
    Holy @#*%.

  31. #31
    A true Supreme always wears a tube top, doesn't know a word of lyrics and sings "Where Did Our Love Go" to other women in seedy bars.

  32. #32
    I feel a vocal talent, of a certain elusive quality, may indeed be there.

    That, and a lot of nerve.

    I felt I was at the dental surgery.

    Open mouthed, with my eyes firmly closed.....

  33. #33
    Of course, how could anyway forget this 6-minute "Wait" version of "You Can't Hurry Love."

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    Of course, how could anyway forget this 6-minute "Wait" version of "You Can't Hurry Love."

    Oh Lord................I need a stiff drink.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    Of course, how could anyway forget this 6-minute "Wait" version of "You Can't Hurry Love."

    Shantel does the extended mix. That's my favorite version.

  36. #36
    smark21 Guest
    Shantel and her girls do wear gowns sometimes:

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Shantel and her girls do wear gowns sometimes:

    Beats some of those 'parking lot' ensembles I've seen Shantel in!

  38. #38
    It's a wet and dreary afternoon here in the southern part of the British Isles.

    I've just bought today's issue of our local newspaper, 'The Echo'.

    I open it, and there they are - 'The Sounds Of The Supremes'....

    I'm assuming the blurb I' m reading about them will be used to promote the group throughout their tour.

    The headline is 'Stop, in the name of Motown classics'.

    My thoughts, entirely.

    Appearing locally,for one night only, 'Kaaren was a former member of original Supreme, Mary Wilson's 70s/80s group.'

    Well, so far, so true - and I'm quite prepared to agree with BigAl, in his earlier post, that they may well be legally entitled to put on a show using the name ' Supremes'.

    What the blurb also states is..... 'The Sounds of The Supremes' are the only group to be endorsed by the Tamla Motown and Universal record labels'.

    Is that true?

  39. #39
    smark21 Guest
    Legally I’m sure there’s truth to the claim. The group always stay within the letter of the law and rules and regulations in promoting themselves while all the while implying that they are something more, especially Ragland.

  40. #40
    At one time, either Scherrie Payne/Lynda Laurence or the FLOs owned the named in the UK............didn't they? They got it, as I recall, because it was not being used there by anyone else.

    But perhaps some deal got made.

    Universal likely does not give a rats ass who uses the name; sadly these quasi Supremes will sell a few CDs by the real Supremes..........and that is likely all Universal cares about.

    They should flog some of the Extended Edition Copa CDs in the lobby or parking lot or off the tailgate of the truck.

    Mary should go over and have a front row seat in the audience and give them the eyeball.


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