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  1. #1851
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    I’ve been meaning to address this topic and after looking at the poll above, decided it was time.

    Painting a group of people with a broad brush is a personal pet peeve of mine. I don’t like it when it’s done to me and I don’t like it when it’s done to others.

    In 2008 several prominent members of the Republican Party endorsed Barack Obama for President.

    Republicans and Conservatives Endorsing Barack in 2008
    By John Martin - Posted on 16 October 2008

    Can someone explain to me why a member of the KKK would endorse a Black man for anything, much less President of the United States?

    Speaking of Black men…Colin Powell is not only Black, he’s a Republican. Now in all honesty, I’ve never been to a KKK meeting but I’m going to take a wild guess and say, they leave the hoods off while in their private setting.

    Barack Obama won the presidency with the help of Independents as well as Republicans and as of 2 years ago, many of those Repubs say they may vote for him again.

    Republicans who backed Obama say they may vote for him again
    By Hannah Brenton and Hayleigh Colombo - 10/28/10 05:00 PM ET

    Since anything is possible, I’m willing to throw caution to the wind and say, it could be argued that in the last two years those same Repubs made a mad dash to join the KKK…. …..although highly unlikely imo.
    If they weren’t willing to vote for McCain and Palin, why would they vote for the current crop of Repub candidates who are worse. [[hard to imagine but true imo) Come to think of it, many of the Repubs claiming to support Romney don’t even like him and when he resets the etch sketch for the general, he’s going to piss off a lot of folks but I digress.

    So, my point is this, with voter suppression laws that could disenfranchise not only Blacks but the elderly and students who could very well vote for President Obama, why demonize a potential group of voters? Especially when we already have laws designed to take away the voting power of others?

    How does that make any sense?

    Now I'm sure there are people thinking, what's the big deal if Repubs are being demonized on a forum that most people will never see?

    How do you know what people will see? How many times have you passed on or discussed something that was on the forum? Do you know for a fact the person you passed the info to didn't pass it on to someone else? Has anyone ever noticed the "views" versus the replies on many of these threads?

    Now many of these threads are being checked out by the same people, I'm sure, but members as well as non members lurk...you simply will never know all the people who are actually reading [[or not reading) the things we write.

    btw.....All types of people like sweet soul music, including Republicans....THINK about it folks....many of the people you talk music to, could be the very people you are insulting.
    Last edited by ms_m; 03-30-2012 at 07:19 PM. Reason: UPDATE

  2. #1852
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    Mitt Romney’s Local Panders Generate National Mockery

    Even though it’s been denied, I’ll always believe Reagan entered the WH with early dementia [[which eventually led to Alzheimer) but on his worse day he was a better campaigner than Mittens. Yet, with all likelihood this is going to be the standard bearer of the Republican Party in the general election.

    I will never be convinced this man gives a crap about anyone but himself. He only wants the job for the power. He certainly doesn’t need the money, the private jet or the big house. It’s estimated that Mittens the Etch a Sketch, makes an estimated 47K a DAY [[with investments and although I haven’t attempted to confirmed that tidbit it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s true)

    Then, there are the down tickets races… a Romney “win” could bring in more extreme conservatives nationally, locally and statewide….”Stand Your Ground” will be the least of the laws we’ll have to deal with it.....a second Romney term and it's all over but the shouting. The Koch Brothers and the extremist get what they have been working towards for more than 40 years.

  3. #1853
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    Diagnosing the Republican Brain
    Fact: Conservatives deny science and facts. But there's a reality check that liberals need too.
    —By Chris Mooney
    | Fri Mar. 30, 2012 3:00 AM PDT


    This is a long article but definitely worth the read. The last few paragraphs alone [[see below) are worth wading through all the other theories and observations to get to.

    Slightly off topic….whenever I read articles like this…..Aretha and “THINK” pop into my head and now it’s stuck there for the rest of the day. LOL

    […]So it is not that Schlafly, or other conservatives as sophisticated as he, can't make an argument. Rather, the problem is that when Schlafly makes an argument, it's hard to believe it has anything to do with real intellectual give and take. He's not arguing out of an openness to changing his mind. He's arguing to reaffirm what he already thinks [[his "faith"), to defend the authorities he trusts, and to bolster the beliefs of his compatriots, his tribe, his team.

    Liberals [[and scientists) have too often tried to dodge the mounting evidence that this is how people work. Perhaps because it leads to a place that terrifies them: an anti-Enlightenment world in which evidence and argument don't work to change people's minds.

    But that response, too, is a form of denial—liberal denial, a doctrine whose chief delusion is not so much the failure to accept facts, but rather, the failure to understand conservatives. And that denial can't continue. Because as President Obama's first term has shown—from the healthcare battle to the debt ceiling crisis—ignoring the psychology of the right has not only left liberals frustrated and angry, but has left the country in a considerably worse state than that.

  4. #1854
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    Allen West Claims Congressman In Hoodie Created Security Threat
    By Alex Seitz-Wald on Mar 30, 2012 at 12:30 pm

    WEST: They’re watching us real close now. … Right now, the security folks there on the House floor are laughing about it, but initially, they did not know who it was. And they were concerned that someone had just walked off the street, or you know, wondered off a tour group.
    BS, BS, BS....

    This is the type of ignorance that passes as opinion and commentary in our country, this is why I’m all about people using their brains to think. There are people who will read this and say, yeah, yeah he’s right, he caused a security problem. And with that same ignorant and closed mind, they will pretend the comment underneath doesn’t exist or it’s just the “lame stream media” spreading more lies….

    It seems incredibly improbable that security personnel were unable to recognize Rush, considering that he entered the House chamber wearing a suit and tie, complete with his congressional lapel pin, and was recognized by the chairman to speak on the floor. Only during his speech did he remove his jacket to reveal a hood and only then for a few moments. C-SPAN’s cameras had no problem identifying Rush, and neither did Rep. Gregg Harper [[R-MS), who was serving as speaker pro tem and gaveled him off the floor.

    and trust me, the script can be flipped to show examples of similar behavior from the other side.

  5. #1855
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    FaultLine: Disenfranchised in America

    I’m waiting and hoping this entire episode will eventually make it to YouTube. This is a must see documentary.

    You can always check the Al Jazeera website for the next [[full) airing through its website and I’ll keep checking youtube. Al Jazeera will often upload their special programming after a certain period of time.

  6. #1856
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    I just finished watching the full episode of this and wrote a statement down that I wanted to share. When one of the reporters spoke to a legislator [[off camera) about the new voting laws in his state he said, we need to protect the "purity" of the ballot box. I can understand protecting the integrity of the ballot box, I can understand protecting the legality of the voting system but in the South, when you say you want to protect the "purity" of something...that's code, that's a dog whistle.....but before and after you get mad, before and after you vent, get even.... use that energy and do something positive and constructive to push back against the BS.

  7. #1857
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    Purity of the voting box... very interesting choice of words.

  8. #1858
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    JillFoster, once you see this in its entirety it will go from interesting to frightening. Voter registration is down, not because people are not enthusiastic but because of these laws. Many of these laws have a provision that has stopped groups from trying to sign people up. It use to be you had two weeks to check the info and names of all the people you would register, now you have 48 hours and one mistake....just one mistake can get you a 5 thousand dollar fine and jail time.

    I listen to people talk about voter fraud and I have yet to hear anyone point to a case a specific case of it happening. They will make up crap about 900 dead people voting in SC but you can't find anything....NOTHING that supports 900 dead people in SC voting....why....IT DIDN'T HAPPEN...yet people are reciting and believing this BS like its the gospel.

    Folks are saying voting is a "privilege"...thousands upon thousands of people didn't fight and die for a privilege, they died and fought for a right to vote and if we simply sit back and do and or say nothing to try and stop this madness....all the finger pointing in the world, all the name calling in the world will not cover the fact we have no one but ourselves to blame for getting royally screwed without the Vaseline!

  9. #1859
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    It's amazing to me Mittens thinks this ploy will work but what's even more amazing, for many it will because they will not even question it. They will simply believe it...no research, no critical thinking, no questions asked!

    Romney To Obama: I Know You Are, But What Am I?
    BENJY SARLIN APRIL 4, 2012, 2:15 PM 6553

    Call it the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” election.

    Running President Bush’s campaigns, Karl Rove became famous for taking his opponent’s single biggest strength and turning it into his biggest weakness. Mitt Romney is laying out another approach: taking his own top vulnerabilities and projecting them onto his opponent.

    As Romney begins to settle into the role of presumptive nominee, he is deploying the strategy more and more. On Wednesday, Romney addressed the Newspaper Association of America in Washington, D.C. only a day after President Obama spoke there, delivering his his toughest speech yet. Obama targeted Romney and the House GOP with a slew of attacks that will likely help define the general election.

    The contrast between the two speeches was striking. Name an accusation Obama and Democrats have used against Romney, and chances are you heard the same charge leveled against Obama in Romney’s speech.

  10. #1860
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    Disenfranchised in America

    I believe this is the full video but when I watched it initially I didn't pay attention to the time. I actually thought it was longer but later I'll look at this again to make sure this is actually the full episode and not just a part one or something along those lines.

  11. #1861
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    Romney, Who Has Two Harvard Degrees, Says Obama Spent ‘Too Much Time At Harvard’
    By Alex Seitz-Wald on Apr 5, 2012 at 11:20 am
    Alternative Title:

    Idiot makes idiotic comment…

    Speaking at his Pennsylvania campaign headquarters this morning, Mitt Romney attacked President Obama as out of touch for spending too much time at Harvard, where the president went to law school. “We have a president, who I think is is a nice guy, but he spent too much time at Harvard, perhaps,” Romney said.

    Speaking at his Pennsylvania campaign headquarters this morning, Mitt Romney attacked President Obama as out of touch for spending too much time at Harvard, where the president went to law school. “We have a president, who I think is is a nice guy, but he spent too much time at Harvard, perhaps,” Romney said.
    Watch it:
    Unfortunately for Romney, his attack is undermined by the fact that the GOP presidential hopeful has twice as many degrees from Harvard as Obama. Romney earned a combined JD/MBA from the elite Cambridge, Massachusetts university. That means Romney spent an extra year at Harvard, getting the combined degree in four years, compared to Obama’s three for the JD alone. Indeed, Romney thrived at Harvard by all accounts.
    Romney has previously attacked Obama for taking advice from the “Harvard faculty lounge,” even though one of Romney’s top economic advisers is Harvard professor Greg Mankiw.
    Romney has also taken at least $32,000 in contributions from Harvard faculty and administrators.

  12. #1862
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    Mitt Romney Versus Reality

    From time to time, all politicians stretch the truth, but Mitt Romney is in a league of his own. Whether he's talking about himself or his opponent, he's one of the most consistently dishonest politicians ever to seek the presidency. He spouts so much nonsense it's almost like he's delusional, but he's not. He knows he's lying. He's not the kind of guy who actually believes in conspiracy theories. He's the kind of guy who, when it serves his own interest, creates conspiracy theories for others to believe. And the great thing about this video is that it efficiently and persuasively exposes Romney for who he really is: an unscrupulous salesman.

    I watched a documentary on Mitt Romney and Mormonism.... in their world, the ends justifies the means. If that means lying, then lying is what they will do.

  13. #1863
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    Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up

  14. #1864
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    Every once and a while someone is compelled to to tell truth to power. Here is one of those times from the pages of The Washington Post:


  15. #1865
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    Yesterday over a very nice lunch a friend was telling me a study was done that showed right wingers have little if any empathy while left wingers have plenty. Not really surprising.

  16. #1866
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    Sometime all you need is a hug and a smile

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  17. #1867
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    This is what I like about President Obama he is there with the people and if some would just give him a chance we could get a lot done. I DO fear what the Koch brothers and others are doing with the Super Pac attacks though. He is a politician but I think he does have the best interest of the people in his heart. Obama 2012! Thanks for the pic Ms M

  18. #1868
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    You're welcome Stephanie and yes I believe he has the best interest of the people and this country in his heart as well but he needs help in working towards his goals and if people are as sick as I am, as Andrew Sullivan is and a lot of others that the media doesn't even bother to report on ...then we have to make sure he gets re-elected to continue the fight because whatever ill will ANYONE has towards this man for WHATEVER reason, I can guarantee...the alternative will be a disaster.....history has already shown us that....people need to wake up and smell the coffee, hold their nose, close their eyes or whatever but they need to get over themselves and FIGHT to keep him in office....and not simply talk about it but be about it!

    Andrew Sullivan: “I’m sick of the attempt to describe a pragmatic, sane and successful president as somehow unqualified”

    Obama did not have a serious choice; he had a fate. That fate was to pick up the pieces of the most catastrophic presidency in modern times. The final bouquet – after emptying the public coffers with no serious boost to employment, profits or growth – was the financial collapse, which both shrunk the economy, decimated revenues to 50 year lows, andautomatically increased spending for the unemployed and poor in desperate need of help. Once you account for that – and the Nutting graph indeed shows that this was baked in the cake by the time Obama was elected – Obama has been, like most modern Democrats, far more fiscally conservative than any modern Republican.

    Now you could argue that Obama should have let the auto industry go fully bankrupt, allow the economy to head into deflation and depression without any fiscal stimulus to counter, cut the unemployed off at the knees – and we would be Greece today, underwater in a deepening and self-reinforcing depression. Can you imagine what Romney would have said about Obama’s record then?

    And yes, as Suderman notes, the real criticism should be focused on the absence of any long-term deal on entitlements, defense, taxes and spending – a deal that would do a huge amount for business confidence. But seriously: if one side simply refuses to put any serious revenue increases on the table at all, who’s really preventing that effort?
    Full Article: http://blackwaterdog.wordpress.com/2...w-unqualified/


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