Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
I would love a candid book - not a trash book, no Mark Bego fluff nor even Randy style modestly provoking - just something setting out her honest views now that all is said and done. There’s no Mary or Flo or even Cindy to raise a stink over what she says and Berry and Smokey and Bob Ellis and Oprah and Beyoncé have always been on Diana’s side. No one expects Diana to do any muck raking at 80 but a frank life encompassing candid account would be welcomed. She’s an important musical figure and people want to hear her account.

I have no expectations of her getting out and promoting anything anymore
In the couple of “reunion” pictures that were taken with Quincy and Berry and Mary [[as close to a reunion as we got), Diana looked to me to be pretty uncomfortable; her face seemed to say “I’m trying my best to smile but get me out of here as fast as you can”.
Perhaps we read into certain photographs want we want to believe, but agree that such a legendary and at times controversial musical icon as Diana would benefit from giving us her take on such an amazing career.
If not, there will always be somebody else who will.