I know this will be a stretch posting it on this forum but yet the person in question did have somewhat of a musical background so I am posting it on here for that reason.

I am referring to Stephen Boss, also known as Twitch. The only place I knew him, and the place some of you may associate him with, was as the Guest DJ on Ellen Degeneres' game show, which I think was titled Ellen's Game of Games. For those of you who might not know the show, it was a summer replacement series and featured a bunch of contestants doing wacky, slapstick stunts for cash.

Twitch appeared on each episode as Ellen's sidekick and he always appeared to be having the time of his life, which makes his death at age 40, which was apparently by suicide, all the more shocking.

According to the release I have seen, he was married with three children and had extensive experience in the music/dance world. But I guess we sometimes just never know what is going on behind the scenes with some people.