Ok California, next Saturday Art Laboe will be presenting his concert at The San Manuel Ampitheatre & look at this lineup...

Zapp, The Manhattans, Peaches & Herb, The Orifinals, The Temprees, Lisa Lisa, Aalon, MC Magic, Sophia Maria & a group which is especially dear to my heart...THE FUZZ. That's right baby, The Fuzz are going to be back on-stage & that is great news.

I wish that I could be there to see The Fuzz, but, I'm New York tethered. Hopefully, Art will have this show taped & we'll be able to see footage of their performance. those of you whom have been following oldies shows know that Art goes WAYYYYYY back with bringing us not just some of the best oldies concerts, but also some mighty fine "Oldies But Goodies" LPs, LPs which I collected when I was a kid.

Here are the particulars:

SHOWTIME - 7 p.m.

San Manuel Ampitheatre [[Formerly the Glen Helen Pavilion)
2575 Glen Helen Parkway
Devore, Ca 92407

For more info:


and on Facebook:

For tickets:

I wish that I could be there to see my girls, The Fuzz & hopefully, some of you in California can be there to see what sounds like one excellent show!