Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
I could never be on the jury for this case or the last one because I have seen the first sex tape. I know I should not have watched it, but I had to see if it were true and it was....it was R. Kelly on that tape. This all reminds me of the Rodney King case. We all saw the beating video, yet the first jury in the first trial acquitted those police officers sparking the LA Riots of 1992. How can you tell people that watched video proof of a crime that they are not seeing what they are seeing? It's crazy.
Don't forget that the powder for the explosion in L.A. was spread out when that Korean store owner was convicted of murdering a black man she thought was stealing but given no jail time by the judge. So in the rare occasion that someone was convicted, they STILL weren't punished for it. Rodney King was the spark that lit that powder. I remember listening to old NWA and Fishbone songs that told about how bad things were in LA. As bad as things were in Columbus, I couldn't relate to their experiences. Now, not only is LA in bad shape, the whole country has taken a step back to join it.

Sorry to get sidetracked. But video only helps if people do the right thing when they see it. And for those idiot jurors to watch that video in the previous trial and buy into the "it was doctored" excuse bugs the heck out of me. You don't have to be technologically savvy to ask yourself why somebody would bother to do something like that.