Does anyone else love this song as much as I do? I think it's an amazing song, and a fantastic performance by Wanda in the lead. I love the sound of the "hunting horn" during the bridge. It's kind of a sequel to "The Hunter Gets Captured by the Game."

I love the darkness of it. Many of Ivy Jo Hunter's songs had kind of a dark theme, and were scored in a minor key. I'm not a music expert, but I think this is true of some other songs he wrote such as "You've Been in Love Too Long" and "Danger Heartbreak Dead Ahead."

What I also really love about this song is that it's about a one night stand. Hard to believe anyone would leave Wanda in the lurch! On the other hand, you just know Berry Gordy wouldn't have let Diane and the Supremes sing this song!

I think it deserves another listen. Too bad it was buried on Side 2 of an album. It should have had a better fate than that!