Quote Originally Posted by Nitro2015 View Post
We have to remember that Diana Ross is not interested in numbers at all.

She does NOT offer herself to do any kind of promotion for her shows in the media.

She is a 73 years old lady, extremely accomplished in her personal and professional life. She does not want the stress or the demand of a high-voltage show business career at this stage of her life. So, why Ross's detractors are acting as if she is interested in doing the same numbers she did in her 20's, 30's, 40's or 50's?

It's pretty clear she's not interested.

If she wanted to fill larger venues, she certainly could. She would hire a super touring agent with great strategies, do some promotion for her shows on TV, and certainly have even better numbers than she already has. In Europe, then, it would be an overwhelming success ...

Now, why this?

Why wear herself out, work hard this way?

Any minimally intelligent person realizes that Diana's values ​​have changed in the last decade and that she does not need the money or the stress. She is NOT at all interested in the media or selling millions and millions. This phase has passed.

She just wants to sing and to do low profile work. Still, she can do excellent numbers for an artist of her age. Her shows, selling out or not, are doing still quite good business.

She can afford to schedule a number of shows, sell them, make good money, and not give a single interview or wiggle a single finger to promote them. If this is not prestige and success, I do not know what you consider success.

I just want to see what the Ross-detractors will be doing at 73 years old. Certainly Diana has a more interesting and rich life and does not need to spend her days humiliating and offending people cowardly and anonymously over the internet.

The more these bastards keep insisting that Diana's career is a failure, the more it becomes apparent their level of instability and obsession with her.

And that intolerable member of this forum that I'd rather not mention the name keeps desperately wanting our attention and posting on Diana's threads. Get a life. Or, even better, go seek counseling.
Great post my friend, and you are much closer to the truth than you may possibly think on many of your observations. In fact you are spot on, and i should know. Much respect due.