
My main concern is the failure in communication, in giving correct information. That enables all those populist parties to spread disinformation and for some reason the press and media are not able - or in many cases - not even willing to correct it.

E.G. in legislation EU only has a limited authority. It can give directives in customs union matters, but as a rule not in such fields as national health care, industry, culture, tourism, education etc. And all those directives are not made up in Brussels. They're initiated in a correspondent ministry of a member country, statements are asked from every other member country and finally they hold a vote on that suggestion in each parliament. It's only a very limited part of legislation concerning members of the EU that is passed in Brussels.

Also, the amount of money and personnel [[so called bureaucrats) are vastly exaggerated. The EU budget is about 1 % of the total GNP of all EU countries.

During these past 20 years Finland has benefitted a lot from EU and Euro. As a country dependent to a degree on export free trade is important for us. True, we've have economic difficulties lately due to our internal problems but mostly to sanctions against Russia [[which is our neighboring country and a big partner in trade - this has affected us most) - but now there are positive signs and according to the latest information the rise could be anything from 1-2 %. Not much, but it's plus, not minus.

I also wonder where do all those "Fixit" rumors come from. According to the recent poll, only about 25 % of our population wants a Fixit referendum. The rest are satisfied with the EU at the moment.

As I said, I see that the main problem lies in disinformation and failure of all the EU offices in correcting all the untrue information, which feeds populists, who are in it only for personal power - not common well-being.

I'm sorry for all the mistakes and non-fluent language. I'm in a bit of a hurry at this precise moment, but I'm one happy EU citizen.

Best regards