Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
He doesn't need his own show to spew his filth, The simple act of legitimizing him gives him creditability and even more influence with his supporters.

Prior to joining Fox Palin was doing wonders making friends and influencing people on the far right. She didn't need Fox, they only grabbed her for ratings. Same thing with Erickson.

In today's culture politics is more about marketing and PR than governing and any news outlet that will give Erickson a platform doesn't give a dayum about the center or the left. Extremist views get ratings, plain and simple and Erickson is so far to the right he's falling over the cliff and dancing in sh%t. CNN throws in a few lefty's to make themselves look slightly better than Fox and viewers fall for it ...but, whatever.
Unless this guy gets his own regular feature on the network, his influence is greatly diminished.