I thought an interesting topic might be to determine, and discuss, the most "scandalous" Motown songs; according to subject matter.

In the early 60's, the biggest worries were if a letter would arrive from the Postman. Pretty tame in comparison to the late 60's; concerned if a child would be born out of wedlock.

Here's a few I can think of:

"Love Child", the obvious choice. A girl laments about getting pregnant before marriage; just as she bore the "name of shame".

"Papa Was a Rolling Stone". Song of an absent father, with "another wife" and "three outside children". Papa also "drank, stole and chased women".

"Super Freak. A "kinky" girl, that thinks "three's not a crowd".

These are just a few examples. Can you think of more? Clearly, these are much more "progressive" than "first love".....