People, it looks like Ralph zapped the Beverly Johnson thread because of the constant bickering and usual Marv-bashing, the second thread to go bye-bye in a week. Someone also got banned as a result of their actions.

Rant: Are any of you even able to have a conversation without getting confrontational, resorting to personal attacks, or making snarky comments? This is why we can't have anything nice around here. We can't even have a discussion about something as innocuous as sound without someone making it personal. What's wrong with you? Do you guys act like this in real life? Do you get an attitude with everyone you meet? How do you guys hold jobs or have family get-togethers? Do you go off on people because they aren't wearing the right shoes?

We enjoy an uncommon amount of free speech around here. We like it that way, but it won't last if some of you guys keep it up. Don't just blurt out any old thing. Think before you post. If you still screw up, the mods allow you plenty of time to correct yourself. Maybe if the mods cut down the editing time to, say, 15 minutes, people might think a little harder if they really want to make that personal attack. I am on a LOT of message boards, even moderated one or two. This place is VERY liberal and relaxed in comparison. You like it, yes? You can even use the occasional cuss word if you feel the need and you won't get punished. Don't screw it up! For those of you who only come here, trust me, Ralph is very generous and permissive compared to almost any other forum. But, he won't tolerate the personal attacks. He has a boiling point just like you do, except, he's the boss.

Keep personal attacks out of here, and this place will run smoother. Cut the drama.

Rant over.