Like all of you I am sure, I love to compare prices on websites and look for the best deals. So here a little while ago, I happened to be visiting an American website that I often use, Imagine my surprise when I saw that they were quoting $12.59 for the Deluxe version of the upcoming Shirley Bassey CD "Hello Like Before."

Not only that, but with this website, if you order a minimum of $25.00, you get free shipping. So I quickly found something else I wanted, and finalized my order.

I am sure this price is in error because I have not seen it any place else for less than about $20.00. Even Amazon had it yesterday for $20.99 and then today raised it to $33.99. And Deep Discount itself had the regular version for around $20.

It will be interesting to see if they try to pull something on me and say that the price was a mistake, and if so, we could have a fight about it. But I hope they will be reputable enough to honor it since it was their mistake.

Anyway, as I type this, it is about 12:15 AM Eastern time on Friday the 14th, in case anyone else wants to try their luck at getting this great price.