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  1. #2451
    House Republicans are back in session today, hopefully to stomp Jimmy Jordan's Mussolini dreams into the dirt. The last I'd heard was that between 40 and 50 Republican congressmen were going to vote against him becoming Speaker of the House. Can we talk about have ice water thrown on his little fascist boner? For him, this is not only about being a Mini-Me dictator, it also has a lot to do with keeping him from being incarcerated for insurrection. Jimmy knows that the only who has a "get out of Jail free" card is Trump. I don't doubt he has read ahead and hates what happens when the page gets turned.

  2. #2452
    Well, possibly later this afternoon, Jimmy Jordan my be elected Speaker of the House and Democrats are... well, the word I saw was salivating. No one is going to turn off Swing voters than a hard right shit head. So bent on retaliation, it's pretty much a given that if he's elected speaker he is going to push for an impeachment of Biden, which will please that Cracker Jack Crazies that make up the Republican base. Doing so will, however, isolate them farther from the majority of voters that make up America. These insurrectionists simply fail to grasp the fact that America is Centrist, and by attempting to force their hardline agenda down America's throat will lead to failure. I do believe that many Americans are surprised that the GOP could be this stupid, but isn't this always the case with authoritarian wannabes?

  3. #2453
    Trump Can’t Contain His Vile Eruptions

    OCTOBER 17, 2023
    From Politico, by Jack Shafer:
    Donald Trump has always perfumed his personal word cloud with sulfurous vitriol and dank insults. At an early point in the mid-1970s, as the on-the-make developer from Queens crashed the Manhattan scene, he learned that if he directed enough volume at his opponents, he could intimidate, embarrass and shock them into collapse.
    Trump’s fountain of bile — calling people “disgusting,” “moron,” “dummies,” “disgraceful,” “horseface,” “lowlife,” ‘dogs,” “low I.Q.,” or branding them with degrading nicknames — flowed then and flows now like an impure stream. In recent weeks, he’s topped even himself by calling obliquely for the execution of Gen. Mark A. Milley, urging shoplifters to be “shot,” accusing NBC News of “treason,” which is punishable with prison or death, and repeatedly calling the special counsel putting him on trial a “thug.”
    While some measure of calculation guides Trump’s language — he knows which words punish and stress his foes — evidence has mounted that he just can’t help himself from talking that way. Like a 3-year-old or a riled German Shepherd, he lacks impulse control. When feeling threatened, his first instinct is to aim low and hit hard with maximum cruelty. Paraphrasing beat poet Allen Ginsberg’s “first thought, best thought” maxim, Trump believes that the most vile utterance equals the best utterance. Like a drunk in his tanks, Trump is always looking for a fight and reliably finds one.
    How to deal with such an unstoppable force? Two judges have now wrapped gags around Trump’s big mouth in two of the many court cases he faces. In the New York state civil fraud case, Justice Arthur Engoron has barred Trump from making comments about his staff after Trump attacked one of the judge’s clerks in a Truth Social post. Engoron ordered the post taken down [[Trump complied) and he has promised sanctions for future offenses. “Consider this statement a gag order,” Engoron said.

    Meanwhile, this week in federal court, Judge Tanya Chutkan barred Trump from attacking, intimidating or threatening prospective witnesses [[like Milley), court officers and prosecutors. Trump remains free to attack his campaign opponent Joe Biden and the Department of Justice itself, and he has already vowed to appeal the gag order. Should he offend again, sanctions in the form of fines or jail time may ensue.
    What are the chances that Trump will chew the gag orders ragged and spit them out? Excellent, if you review his biography. This is, after all, the man who, when told not to look at the sun during an eclipse, looked into the sun. This is the man who, when told by his advisers not to congratulate the reelected Vladimir Putin, congratulated Putin. This is the man who, after a court found that he defamed writer E. Jean Carroll, turned around and defamed her again, requiring him to pay her another round of damages. After being chastised for the sharing of classified information with Russian officials, an Australian businessman and the president of the Philippines, after getting caught pirating classified documents from the White House, did Trump change his ways? No. Earlier this month at a West Palm Beach, Fla., rally, while talking about the U.S. assassination of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Trump volunteered: “They’ll say, ‘Oh, it’s classified information,’” and proceeded to spill what appear to be operational secrets about Israel’s cooperation, or lack thereof, in the killing.
    The damage and potential violence that Trump’s utterances can summon from his supporters are very real. In August, the day after Trump posted “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!” on his Truth Social account, a Texas woman left Chutkan a voicemail message in which she said, “If Trump doesn’t get elected in 2024, we are coming to kill you, so tread lightly, bitch.” While the Trump supporter, who was charged for making the threat, understood where Trump was coming from, the Trump camp played dumb and said his Truth Social post wasn’t about the case.

    Assuming that Trump’s lawyers have briefed him on the rickety legal foundations of gag orders — the New York Times informs us that the Supreme Court has never ruled definitively on the scope of gag orders on defendants — we can guess that he’ll probe the soft tissue of the court orders, either with his usual blasts of bombast or by snipping at witnesses with a series of escalating taunts. Either judge could fine Trump, but because he’s so wealthy such justice would have the effect of swatting at a swarm of mosquitos with an open hand. They could put Trump under house arrest or — as fantastic as it might seem — even jail him in the middle of a presidential campaign if he goes absolutely wild.
    Which he will. Orders not to attack judges, witnesses and prosecutors will have the same effect on Trump’s brain as telling him that it’s imperative that, for his own well-being, he not look into the fiery sun. The petulant child always disobeys. The petulant child always escalates. This petulant child will call the judges’ bluffs. Will they call his?

  4. #2454

  5. #2455

  6. #2456

  7. #2457
    The White House had zero fucks to give when GOP Pennsylvania Representative Mike Kelly objected to President Biden's efforts to provide relief for student loan debt.
    On Thursday, Kelly took to X, formerly Twitter, to rage about Biden's decision to cancel $9 billion in student loan debt for 125,000 borrowers who owed, on average, $72,000. And the White House responded by saying that Mike Kelly has had over $1 million in government loans forgiven himself.
    Hypocrisy, thy name is GOP.
    Democratic Florida Congressman Jared Moskowitz thinks that Palm Beach County ought to tax Thing 45’s Mar-Illegal property at the $1,500,000,000 value the Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl claims its worth.
    And with DeSantis running Florida into the ground, the state could use the money raised on Thing 45’s other BIG lie.
    Navy sailor Information Technician 2nd Class Thomas James, who intervened to stop the mass shooting at Club Q last year, has received the Navy and Marine Corps Medal, the highest noncombat award for heroism, awarded to those who put their own life in jeopardy.
    As the shooting went on James grabbed the barrel of the murderer’s weapon and restrained him until police arrived: James suffered a gunshot wound in his abdomen and burned his hands as a result of his actions.
    Thank you for your service to your country and to your community.
    Alice Cooper has come out as anti-trans, claiming that children identifying as trans is a "fad" and that adults are "confusing" children by "telling [them] 'Yeah, you're a boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be.'"
    Odd, coming from a man who, Rolling Stone noted, "built a career partly out of defying and toying with gender expectations," but who clearly is an ignorant bigot. And who is now out of a partnership with Vampyre Cosmetics, who ended their relationship with Cooper over his bigotry saying:

    "In light of recent statements by Alice Cooper we will no​​​​​​​​​ longer be doing a makeup collaboration. We stand with all members of the LGBTQIA+ community and believe everyone should have access to healthcare. All pre-order sales will be refunded."
    Sorry, not sorry, Alice. Alice? Wait, isn’t that a girl’s name? Odd, this hate coming from a man who was born Vincent Damon Furnier but now identifies as Alice.
    Read Me a Story, Stella is a children’s picture book about a pair of siblings reading books together and building a doghouse.
    Sounds cute, but apparently it’s on a banned books list because, well, gay. Oh, no, not because the siblings are gay, or are reading gay stories, or have gay parents but because the author’s name is Marie-Louise Gay.
    Yes, the book was added to a list of potentially “sexually explicit” books to be moved from the children’s section of Alabama’s Huntsville-Madison County Public Library system because, as HCPL executive director Cindy Hewitt noted there was the word “gay.”
    Remember when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. got into the presidential race and the GOP was thrilled because they thought he'd take votes away from Joe Biden and help Inmate # P01135809 win and perhaps govern, not from the Oval Office but from the prison laundry?
    Well, things have changed since RFK started spouting some of his wingnuttery, and changed even more when he announced he might run as an Independent. If that happens Biden goes from being ahead of the criminal by 3 points to being ahead by seven points.. Kennedy’s presence erodes Inmate # P01135809’s lead among independents and cuts into his support among Republicans.
    Go for RFK.

  8. #2458
    Two Time Loser

    I won't lie - I'm glad Gym Jordan is getting fewer votes for Speaker. A friend said they liked he'd been humiliated, but I think this guy is beyond the ability for that. Immune at this point, really.
    I got poo-poo'd by folks when I said he'd be Speaker some day. That days is coming.
    I still think it will happen. There's no one ele attempting, and at this point the House has been in crisis mode.
    In media - both legit and social - continues harp on that fact. Eventually, the GOP will look weaker and weaker and will elect him out of embarrassment of not being able to rule.
    Like Jordan, the rest of the GOP is shameless.
    Oddly, he has BLOTUS' endorsement. This I truly do not understand.
    Yeah, he's got that vote of confidence, but truly name me a single time when that endorsement went well for the candidate. Any of them.
    Soon enough BLOTUS turns on him,
    This is tried and true and yet everyone who gets one thinks they're the exception. This could work our way come November 2024 - mid-terms and all.
    Perhaps George Santos should run. He's been Speaker 8-9 times.

  9. #2459

  10. #2460
    Kandiss Taylor, conservative commentator, host of the "Jesus, Guns, and Babies" show, who still claims that she is the rightful winner of Georgia’s 2022 gubernatorial election, going after Taylor Swift:

    “Did you really just praise your fans for making videos with your music and ‘casting spells’ @taylorswift13? What is wrong with you? I was a fan from day one and loved how much you grew in your singing ability. I love that you write your own music. My daughter has grown up dancing with me to your songs, singing to the top of our lungs, and attending your concerts. I have heard from others that attended this last tour that you had some satanic nods in your show. I didn’t want to believe it. After all, I know you’ve claimed to love Jesus. I know you claimed to be a Christian. Now, you’ve not only drifted and backslid. You’re celebrating witchcraft. You’re influencing innocent minds to be enticed with the dark side of spirituality. The Word of God that you once confessed is clear. It is better to tie a milestone around your neck than to let one of the children fall. I am so beyond disappointed. I am literally SMH. I pray that you repent. I pray that something pricks your heart. You have been gifted a HUGE platform. It didn’t just happen. God breathed on this. He can remove His hand and leave you to the witchcraft and your own devices. Let’s see how much Lucifer cares about you or your career. I promise. He doesn’t.”
    Yes, Taylor Swift is a Lucifer-loving witch according to Georgia’s answer to QAnon Kari Lake.
    Steve Deace, The Blaze host, after reading a letter from a man claiming that his daughter was indoctrinated into the “lesbian cult” at college:

    “This is not as uncommon of a story as we would wish, unfortunately. I have nothing to add. A lot of our institutions have a lot of conviction to infest our children. And it’s going to take a lot of conviction to stop them from doing it. And if they have come to the point that they can penetrate the bubble of families, even like the one that David articulated here, understand that this thing has metastasized deeply into our culture, and the only way out is through. I’d urge everybody in our audience to pray for David and families like him, to maintain their conviction, and that the lord would reward that in this life or the next.”
    Lesbian Cults? Indoctrination? Nope, just rightwingnuttery at play. I mean, look at this guy; he probably still lives with Mom who taught him that girls who don’t want him are Lesbians.
    Charly Arnolt, television personality for the multimedia platform OutKick, which is owned by Fox Corp., saying tap water is birth control and women need to stop drinking it:

    “My biggest piece of advice, ladies for the love of God stop drinking tap water. Tap water is effectively birth control because it has birth control in it. Because, well, it’s just how it goes, women pee. And they are peeing out their medication. So yes, men also you need to definitely listen up. This is a big heads up to you because also this estrogen in the water that you are drinking, the tap water, is also going to mess with your hormones. So to all of the women out there, and also the men who care about the women in their lives, don’t put off having kids until it’s too late. Get off the birth control and please stop drinking tap water.”
    For the love of the Baby Cheeses, tap water? Tap water? Someone needs to lay hands on Charly, and then get the mental health experts involved.
    Stephanie Borowicz, Pennsylvania GOP state Representative, says climate change isn’t real because … the Bible:

    “When Democrats are pushing bills like banning gas-powered mowers and gas-powered stoves in New York City, all under the name of a climate control agenda, we can all see what is really going on here. The truth is, is in Genesis 8:22, it says, ‘as long as the Earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.’ I’ll say that again, ‘will never cease.’ Of course, we are to be good stewards of God’s creation, but not through a forceful climate control global agenda.”
    In 2019 faux Christian bigot Borowicz proposed a widely-criticized floor prayer for conversions to Jesus moments after a newly-elected Muslim state rep had been sworn-in. In 2020, she authored a failed resolution which would have declared COVID to be God’s punishment for sin.
    Greg Locke, cultist “pastor, thinks people in wheelchairs lack true faith because they could walk if their believed:

    “Churches in the American culture—you know one of the largest expenses we have in buildings? The amount of handicap parking and handicap accessibility that we have in our churches. Now I’m gonna make you mad for a minute and I don’t really care. Why is it you pull up to a church that says they operate in faith, and you have fifty handicapped parking spots? We just expect that people are going to leave church the same way they came to church. We ought to start having some signs out there, that don’t have, you know, like handicap accessibility, people in a wheelchair. We ought to start having signs of a wheelchair laying down and someone just walking up.”
    Locke, a regular speaker at QAnon conferences, earned national ridicule last year when he complained that he was getting dildos in the mail after “exposing” six witches among his congregation.
    Yes, and now he says disabled people have no faith in God.

  11. #2461
    To be honest, I am a little shocked that Sydney Powell pleaded guilty to.......well........anything.

    I just figured anyone aboard the USS BLOTUS would just go down with the ship, because, well....Jim Jones, but with less money and less taste. Kool-Aid was the only beverage on that cruise.

    She wanted a speedy trail and she got one. It was supposed to start today - and then.......well, it didn't happen due to pleading guilty to being a fraud on multiple levels.

    Not only that, Powell isn't even the first charged to plead guilty. Some other no-name already did that.

    On the surface, this cannot be good for the other defendants. And for that, I'm slightly optimistic. Yes....me!
    I think six years probation was a super duper light sentence for this twat.

    However, the there are few caveats to her sentence. Plea documents make it clear she is to testify about her involvement - and those who were literally in the room with her: Michael Flynn [[yes!), the Overstock.com douchebag and Guliani.

    Honestly when is that last dickweed going to turn on BLOTUS? No payments from his former client. Woefully in debt. Florida condo seized due to said debt. His ex-legal team suing him for payment. What the fuck else does BLOTUS have on this guy? It must be something super big.

    Powell's attorney claims she was not the architect of this scheme, as some are portraying her and the evidence she presented to the prosecutors will prove that. Here's hoping.

    This plea also put her and her co-defendants on the skids for some of the outstanding Dominion and other voting system law suits that are out there.

    Maybe six years probation isn't so bad if she doesn't have a dime to her name, but like Rudy.

    I only hope she's not falling on a sword for all the men in this trial. It wouldn't surprise me though.

    But here's hoping the rest start to fold like a house of cards.

  12. #2462

  13. #2463
    And yesterday this happened.

    That's right, another one of Trump's crooked lawyers bit the dust, pleading guilty to get a deal so his saggy butt wouldn't need to spend a single night in jail. From everything that I've read, Cheesy was one of the architects, and now he's going to talk... or already has provided seriously incriminating information. This also means that Trump's being rattled constantly, and when he gets rattled, so does his cult, especially those members of congress who believed he was going to give Republicans unlimited power. Ouch!

    I don't doubt for a second that those hard-liners who were pushing for Jimmy Jordan to be Speaker of the House are beginning to look back over their shoulders, because both Chesebro and Powell can name every single one of them who was involved in the insurrection. I mean, that's why Jimmy had himself put in charge of a committee whose main job was to squelch such inquiries. Personally, the more of them that go to jail, the happier I will be. This is how the Republican Party dies, by it's own hand.

  14. #2464

  15. #2465

  16. #2466
    And, of course, the Republican shit show in Congress continues. Now that the little fascist Jimmy Jordan got rejected it seems as though the floodgates of wannabe Speakers has opened up. The last time I checked I believe there were 10 Republicans vying for the position. Because there is no obvious choice, the chaos will continue. Three or four will probably get nominated, however the rules the Republicans themselves set up will require the victor will need to have some Democratic support, and the GOP has decided they don't want to work with Democrats. Having to compromise means they can't go around shouting "shut up, we're in charge," and that's a stake for every MAGA who bought into the cult.

  17. #2467

  18. #2468
    Since it's now Monday, the clown show in Congress is going to start up again. We've had enough of an intermission between acts. Nine names are in the ring and, as far as I know, only one of them is what you might consider a moderate. Whispers have it that Trump is still pulling the strings behind the scenes. That wouldn't surprise me. He represents the authoritarian dictatorship so many of them want. The fact that he's a lying sack of shit means nothing to them, it's the power they believe he promises.

    And, speak of the OA, I believe he's once again back in court today. Tomorrow, his former attorney Cohn is supposed to testify against him. I'm wondering if the two of them are going to come face to face in the courtroom. Trump doesn't need to be there, but if he believes he can use it to bolster his campaign he'll put in an appearance.

  19. #2469

  20. #2470

    Shapiro: GOP Keeps “Kicking Themselves In The Nuts”

    October 23, 2023 Infighting Is Funny, Republicans

    “The first rule of politics is this — never run directly into a tree while kicking yourself repeatedly in the nuts. Republicans in Congress seem to have forgotten this rule.
    “Two weeks ago, Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, along with limelight-seeking compatriots like Representative Nancy Mace, decided it was time to get rid of Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy.
    “Note that none of this has anything to do with principle. It has nothing to do with conservatism or victory. It has to do instead with applause and cash and fame. But for many people in the Republican Party, that’s apparently good enough.
    “It should not be. Republicans can still win. They can still push the ball forward for conservatism, but to do that, they need to think about how to win, not merely how to posture and yell and get on TV.
    “They’ll need to stop running directly into trees. If they do not, all they will end up with is a minority position in Congress, a Democrat in the White House, and a terrible, terrible ball ache.” – Ben Shapiro.

  21. #2471

  22. #2472

  23. #2473

  24. #2474
    And, of course, another Speaker candidate came and went yesterday. The Republicans inability to choose an individual is becoming tedious. One of the things I find truly amusing is that the Spawn of Satan, Donald J. Trump, is pulling their strings. The fact that they are giving him this power tells you all you need to know as to what their ambitions are: a socially conservative authoritarian government in which they constantly get to say "shut up, we're in charge." This doesn't mean that they're completely out of touch with a majority of Americans, they simply don't give a shit. In a country in which the majority is supposed to rule, they want a minority that can dictate. They are going to try and ignore everything that doesn't fit into the mold they're trying to fill. Get ready, when they fail their cult is going to go nuts.

  25. #2475
    Turning Tide

    So far, 4 of the 19 defendants in the Georgia election fraud trail have pleaded guilty with the contingency they testify at other trails. .....that's assuming anyone is still standing by the time there area actual trial dates.

    Oh, I mean, BLOTUS isn't gonna fold, because.....well.....BLOTUS.

    Rudy can't. As I said before, the current Felon-elect has some kind of shit on that guy, or he'd have turned long ago.

    For the life of me, I don't know [[or care?) if former Chief of Staff [[I think BLOTUS has like 7 of them) Mark Meadows is part of the Georgia klan [[yes, with a 'k'), but he's now doing tricks for the DOJ on a Federal level.

    Meadows has immunity.......contingent upon testifying at said Federal trial[[s) on January 6th activity.

    And fuck if Michael Cohen isn't making BLOTUS squirm at a NYC trial as we speak.

    Sure, Cohen is scum, and BLOTUS bad mouths him, but he's bad-mouthed anyone who's ever been fired or quit - though he hired them originally as the "best people". BLOTUS doesn't have a great track record and little to no intuition on staff he hires. The best people all turn out to be "losers".

    Neither he, nor the media, seem to pick up on this dichotomy. I saw one interviewer tee that question up not long ago, and BLOTUS answer was something else, diverting - successfully - the guy who never ever ever ever came back to the question.

    Fuck. BLOTUS may as well just said, "these are not the droids you're looking for".

    I don't know about the timing, or if it matters, but the walls are crumbling. Yet, I don't think BLOTUS or the RNC give a flying fuck. Ditto with the GOP voters.

  26. #2476

  27. #2477

  28. #2478

    The Republicans unanimously voted in Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House. Clean cut Johnson won the job, and not because he happens to be circumcised [[you all know what a Johnson is, don't you?) The anti-woman, anti-LGBQT, pro Trump election denier is about as hard line as the Republicans can get. It's like they took the ugliness of Jordan and hosed it down to try and make it look squeaky clean. However, nothing is going to change. Remember that for the GOP to change, they would need to admit that those beliefs they hold sacred could be improved upon, that perhaps a Centrist approach might be better. That will never happen. On the bright side, even though Republicans have a majority in the House, they will accomplish nothing in the next year and a half.

    On the bright side, this happened. The Scholastic Press has changed their mind on their book fairs. They were going to offer an optional package of books on race and gender, however the word optional is no longer applicable. There are 64 titles that are no longer optional, which is going to piss off those 5 or 6 people who want to censor the minds of young Americans.

  29. #2479
    This week, still unable to agree on a Speaker, House Republicans shouted down a reporter’s question about their newly chosen speaker-designate, Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson.
    He was asked about his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and ignored the question while That Bitch, North Carolina’s lunatic GOP Represenyative Virginia Foxx yelled:

    “Shut up! Shut up!”
    That’s the GOP; they do nothing, can’t agree on anything, and don’t answer questions.

  30. #2480
    Continuing her history of championing utterly pointless measures that literally no one asked for, Arkansas governor, and Mr-Former-Fake-One-Term-Twice-Impeached-Currently-Four-Time-Criminally-Indicted-Not-My-President-Gurl’s liar, Sarah Huckleberry Sanders has banned “woke” language from state documents.
    You cannot use gender neutral language—Aunt Lydia calls it “exclusionary and sexist”—like “pregnant people,” “chestfeeding,” and “womxn,” which the order says should be replaced with “pregnant women,” “breastfeeding,” and “women.” During the signing, Sanders was asked why this was so urgent and how many times the banned terms had been used in Arkansas legislation and she replied:

    “Does it matter if there’s one? Is that not enough? I’m not keeping a running tally, but I have seen one specific instance and we’ve had a number of other instances that have been reported to our office.”
    She’s seen one instance. It sounds to me like Governor Sister Wife is ignorant and butt-hurt.
    Maybe Tennessee is changing, or maybe the town of Franklin is just saying, “We’re not like the rest of the state.’
    Franklin, Tennessee voters have resoundingly rejected Gabrielle Hanson for mayor, after it became known that she openly embraced white supremacists and Christian nationalism.
    It feels strange to say that a racist and faux Christian bigot was kicked to the curb in 2023 … 1923, maybe, but 2023?

  31. #2481

  32. #2482
    Mike Johnson Is The Devil

    Mike Johnson, new Speaker of the House, in a 2004 op-ed.

    “Homosexual relationships are inherently unnatural and, the studies clearly show, are ultimately harmful and costly for everyone. Society cannot give its stamp of approval to such a dangerous lifestyle. If we change marriage for this tiny, modern minority, we will have to do it for every deviant group. Polygamists, polyamorists, pedophiles, and others will be next in line to claim equal protection. They already are. There will be no legal basis to deny a bisexual the right to marry a partner of each sex, or a person to marry his pet. The state and its citizens have a compelling interest in preserving the integrity of the marital union by making opposite-sex marriage the exclusive form of family relationship endorsed by the government. Loss of this status will de-emphasize the importance of traditional marriage to society, weaken it, and place our entire democratic system in jeopardy by eroding its foundation. Your race, creed, and sex are what you are, while homosexuality and cross-dressing are things you do. This is a free country, but we don’t give special protections for every person’s bizarre choices.”
    As with all homophobes, he uses fear to spin his so-called truth: let The Gays marry and the pedophiles will be able to marry children, or dogs, or toasters. In 2023 he still plays out that proven lie that being gay is a choice, when we know for ma fact it’s not,. But being a homophobic faux “Christian” bigot is a choice.
    This motherfucker—I’d say pardon my language, but the man is a motherfucker—equates being gay to pedophilia and cross-dressing though most everyone with brains that fire on all cylinders, unlike Mike Johnson, knows that most pedophiles are straight men like Mike Johnson and most cross-dressers are straight men like Mike Johnson.
    This cannot be allowed to stand.
    Vote Blue because the GOP has come for women, is now coming for people of differing faiths, and will soon be coming for the LGBTQ+ Americans, and once they’re done with that, they’ll come for all of you.
    Mike Johnson, newly elected House Speaker, in a 2016 interview:

    “You know, we don’t live in a democracy because a democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what’s for dinner. OK? It’s not just majority rule. It’s a constitutional republic. The founders set that up because they followed the biblical admonition of what a civil society is supposed to look like. What’s happened … over the last 60 or 70 years, is that our generation has been convinced that there is a separation of church and state. Most people think that that’s part of the Constitution, but it’s not. Remember, I’m a constitutional lawyer.”
    No, you’re a Christian Nationalist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic bigot trying to hide your hate behind a cross.
    Enjoy your time in office, asshat, 2024 is coming.
    Franklin Graham, on sin being the biggest threat to America … not war, climate change, or guns:

    “Last night CBS 60 Minutes had a fascinating segment about the Five Eyes, intelligence chiefs from the U.S., the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, who are warning this nation and the world about the dangers China poses. FBI Director Christopher Wray said, ‘There is no country that presents a broader, more comprehensive threat to our ideas, our innovation, our economic security, and ultimately our national security.’ But we must also remember that the greatest threat to the human race is our complacency toward and the acceptance of sin. Sin is rebellion against God—and unless we repent and turn from those sins and believe on the Name of God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, trusting Him as Savior—there is no hope.”
    Funny that the man who virulently supports a thrice-married adulterer, and a man who cheats and lies about everything in his life, is talking about sin.
    The sin of stupidity and lies lives in Franklin Graham.
    Mike Johnson, in his acceptance speech as House Speaker:

    “I want to tell all my colleagues here what I told the Republicans in that room last night. I don’t believe there are any coincidences in a matter like this. I believe that scripture, the Bible, is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you. All of us. And I believe that God has allowed and ordained each and every one of us to be here at this specific moment. This is my belief. I believe that each one of us has a huge responsibility today to use the gifts God has given us to serve the extraordinary people of this great nation, and they deserve it. There is a critical distinction that we used to have children memorize in school and they don’t do that so often anymore. But they should. All men are created equal. Not ‘born equal.’ Created equal. ”
    Hey Mike? Ask your “God” why he raised up a thrice-married adulterous con-artist to the presidency. Ask your “God” why he raised up a pedophile enabler like Gym Jordan; a sexual predator like Matt Gaetz, and adultery like Marge, the queen of the public hand-job like Lauren Boebert; the adulterous New Gingrich and so many more.
    Ask God why, if She wanted you in power it took her this long.
    God didn’t raise you to power; your use of God as a weapon of mass distraction and fear did that.

  33. #2483

  34. #2484

  35. #2485

    I think we can all agree, no one is calling me an 'optimist'.........ever .

    Yet, every now and then I continue to suprise myself, but not in a good way.

    You've seen it here over the Shrub and BLOTUS administrations. There are times I think that the GOP and their ilk can't get / be any worse than they have been.

    .....and I am continually proven wrong. I'm not sure if that makes me an optimist or just a moron.

    Case in point with the new Speaker.

    Let's start off admitting I was wrong that they'd give the job to Jordan. They still elected a election denying, January 6th affirming, anti LGBT and anti abortion guy. Put a singlet on him and let him condone rape and you basically have Jordan. Or any GOPer these days.

    Did the GOP even want this guy? When you're on your fourth candidate, to save any kind of face, you have to elect someone. ......so they did. Right or wrong.

    This above headline isn't even from the Onion. That satirical site isn't clever enough to come up with shit like this. Honestly.

    I dare any journalist to ask the new Douche du Jour to provide the data behind school shootings and abortion. Tie this together for me with facts. Show me anything in which to back up your proselytizing. But this isn't about facts. It never has been. It's about riling folks. It's all they got - like carnies on the midway.

    Let's forget the fact that the Maine mass shootings murder of yesterday were at a bowling alley, so........did abortion do that too? I haven't heard a beep from that c-u-n-t Susan Collins about the killings in her home state. She's gotta be torn on what to say and do. Either way she'll flip flop.

    In my head, these turds are actually disgusted that flags are at half-mast for shootings like this. I thinking they're thinking it shows us as being 'weak'. But much like this new guy, I have nothing to back up that statement.

    I'm not even addressing the procreation piece in that headline.

    I will say, if you women just did your part, there'd be fewer school shootings. This is kind of all on your watch.

    For shame!

  36. #2486

    Christian Site: “Demons Attach To Halloween Candy”

    October 28, 2023 Christianists, Idiocracy

    Jordan Campbell writes for Charisma News:
    We don’t celebrate Halloween is because satanic activity is real. As a second-generation deliverance minister, having worked with severe trauma survivors, it saddens me to see families opening doors to such darkness as they participate in Halloween.
    There is no light in it. The witchcraft, spells, incantations, curses, rituals, sacrifices—all of this is real, with real victims. If believers only knew what really took place on Halloween, they would instead enter a night of intercession on behalf of God’s kingdom and those actively being affected by the night’s scheduled events.
    My children are not afraid of this truth. They know God’s gift of discernment and use it to navigate through the Halloween season. In fact, if you were to join me for a round of errands, you would see and hear my 2-year-old point to demonic decor and say, “I seal you in the blood of Jesus.”

  37. #2487

  38. #2488

  39. #2489

  40. #2490
    Large Marge Gets Owned

    Becca Balint, Vermont Democrat Representative, took to the floor of Congress to share some of Large Marge’s batshit crazy ramblings in a House Resolution to censure her.
    And it goes like this:
    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly fanned the flames of racism, antisemitism, LGBTQ hate speech, Islamophobia, anti-Asian hate, xenophobia, and other forms of hatred;
    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly debased the memories of thousands of victims of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, by perpetuating conspiracy theories to shift blame and responsibility for the mass murder;
    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly assaulted the foundation of our democracy by perpetuating conspiracy theories related to the January 6 attack on the Capitol which sought to halt the peaceful transfer of power;
    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly called for violence against elected representatives and their families;
    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly espoused antisemitic rhetoric and conspiracy theories, including through inflammatory evocations of the Holocaust;
    Whereas, on May 20, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene said that the mask mandate in the House of Representatives was akin to Jews being ‘‘put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany’’;
    Whereas, on May 25, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted that, ‘‘Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazi’s forced Jewish people to wear a gold star’’;
    Whereas, on February 26, 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared at a white nationalist event that was condemned by the Republican Jewish Coalition as ‘‘appalling and outrageous that a Member of Congress would share a platform with an individual who has actively spread antisemitic bile, mocked the Holocaust and promoted dangerous anti-Israel conspiracy theories’’;
    Whereas, on February 26, 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared at a white nationalist event that was condemned by the Republican Jewish Coalition as ‘‘appalling and outrageous that a Member of Congress would share a platform with an individual who has actively spread antisemitic bile, mocked the Holocaust and promoted dangerous anti-Israel conspiracy theories’’;
    Whereas, on September 1, 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene posted a tweet comparing President Joe Biden to Adolf Hitler that said ‘‘Joe Biden is Hitler. #NaziJoe has to go’’;
    Whereas, on September 1, 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene posted another tweet of a doctored video showing President Biden speaking with audio of Hitler, swastikas in the background and a mustache akin to that of Hitler;
    Whereas, on July 21, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene said that if she was ‘‘in charge’’ she would ‘‘kick out every single Chinese in this country that is loyal to the CCP. They would be gone’’;
    Whereas, on December 19, 2021, while at a Turning Point USA conference, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene referred to Asian Americans as ‘‘yellow people’’, a slur that has been historically used to malign the Asian Amer ican community in the United States;
    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has a history of perpetuating LGBTQ hate speech, including through her use of offensive posters in the halls of congressional office buildings beginning on February 24, 2021;
    Whereas, on November 22, 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted that an LGBTQ California State Senator was a ‘‘communist groomer’’, an offensive slur that has been used to stoke fear and incite hatred of LGBTQ Americans;
    Whereas, on March 7, 2023, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene again referred to members of the LGBTQ community as ‘‘groomers’’ and spouted anti-trans rhetoric on the Floor of the House of Representatives;
    Whereas, on June 1, 2023, the first day of Pride Month, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted a photo showing an anti-trans poster that she had displayed in the hall outside of her congressional office;
    Whereas, on February 22, 2019, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene posted a video on Facebook claiming that Muslim American Members of Congress were not ‘‘really official’’ because they didn’t take the oath of office on the Bible;
    Whereas, on June 17, 2020, Politico reported that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene repeatedly engaged in Islamophobic rhetoric and suggested that Muslim Americans do not belong in the United States Government;
    Whereas, on May 10, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene referred to fellow Muslim American Members of Congress as the ‘‘Jihad Squad’’;
    Whereas, on November 30, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene yet again referred to fellow Muslim American Members of Congress as the ‘‘Jihad Squad’’;
    Whereas, on June 17, 2020, Politico reported that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene referred to Black Americans as ‘‘slaves to the Democratic Party’’ and said that they should be proud to see Confederate monuments;
    Whereas, on June 17, 2020, Politico further reported that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene stated in a video, ‘‘I know a ton of white people that are as lazy and sorry and probably worse than Black people’’;
    Whereas, on May 18, 2023, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene compared being called a white supremacist to a person of color being called the ‘‘N-word,’’ a vile racial slur;
    Whereas, on January 28, 2021, a video of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene resurfaced in which she used a harmful and offensive slur targeting Americans with disabilities which the National Down Syndrome Society called ‘‘heartbreaking and unacceptable’’;
    Whereas, on November 1, 2018, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene denied the attacks on September 11 saying there was a ‘‘so-called plane that crashed into the Pentagon’’ and that ‘‘It’s odd there’s never any evidence shown for a plane in the Pentagon’’;
    Whereas, on November 17, 2018, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene peddled a vile antisemitic trope when she claimed that wildfires in California were caused by space lasers operated by members of the Jewish community;
    Whereas, on August 17, 2020, a video of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene resurfaced in which she stated that the mass shooting at a country music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, where 60 people were murdered, was perpetuated in order to pass anti-gun legislation;
    Whereas, on January 19, 2021, Media Matters published a screenshot of a Facebook comment from Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene where she emphatically agreed that the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where 17 students and teachers were murdered, was a false flag event;
    Whereas, on January 21, 2021, Media Matters published ascreenshot of a Facebook comment liked by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene that claimed 9/11 was ‘‘done by our own Gov,’’ to which she responded ‘‘That is all true’’;
    Whereas that same comment liked and agreed to by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene further claimed that the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary where 26 people, including 20 precious children were murdered, was staged;
    Whereas, on September 3, 2020, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene posted an image of herself holding a gun next to images of three Members of Congress with a caption encouraging ‘‘going on offense’’ against them;

  41. #2491
    Whereas, on January 26, 2021, CNN reported on posts, comments and likes made by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from 2018 and 2019 in which Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene liked several posts and comments on Facebook demonstrating her support for the execution of several Members of the Democratic Party including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and President Barack Obama;
    Whereas, on January 26, 2021, CNN further reported that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene liked a Facebook comment in January 2019 that stated, ‘‘a bullet to the head would be quicker’’ in reference to the removal of Speaker Nancy Pelosi;
    Whereas, on January 26, 2021, CNN also reported that deleted videos showed Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene calling for the execution of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and stating that she was ‘‘a traitor to our country, she’s guilty of treason’’ and should ‘‘suffer death or she’ll be in prison’’;
    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has perpetuated the ‘‘big lie’’ related to the 2020 Presidential election by espousing conspiracy theories and by threatening and inciting violence;
    Whereas, on October 26, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene downplayed the actions of those who participated in the January 6 attack on the Capitol and said ‘‘if you think about what our Declaration of Independence says, it says to overthrow tyrants’’;
    Whereas, on November 4, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene went to visit those incarcerated related to the January 6 attack on the Capitol in what she referred to as ‘‘the patriot wing’’ of the D.C. Jail;
    Whereas, on November 10, 2021, Representative MarjorieTaylor Greene referred to those who participated in the January 6 attack on the Capitol as ‘‘political prisoner of war’’;
    Whereas, on December 10, 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene said that if she had organized the January 6 attack on the Capitol, ‘‘we would have won. Not to mention, it would’ve been armed’’;
    Whereas, on July 19, 2023, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene displayed graphic pornographic images during an official committee hearing that she claimed depicted a member of President Biden’s family;
    Whereas, on July 19, 2023, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene sent an official press release and posted to her official congressional website public hearing commentary featuring graphic pornographic images she claimed depicted a member of President Biden’s family; and
    Whereas Members of Congress have promised to always have the back of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene no matter the extent of her vile and hateful behavior:
    Now, therefore, be it Resolved, that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene be censured; Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene forthwith present herself in the well of the House of Representatives for the pronouncement of censure; and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene be censured with the public reading of this resolution by the Speaker.
    The resolution came hours after Large Marge’s own resolution to censure Representative Rashida Tlaib for “leading an anti-American and anti-Semitic insurrection.”
    Score one for Becca.

  42. #2492
    Yesterday, politically things were rather quiet. With Pence out of the GOP nominating race, things have quieted down somewhat.... sorry, I had to do that. I did see where the Orange Anus said something about Mikey needing to go the distance. Mikey was never one to put in the work, always being a step behind thinking that was enough.

    Ronnie DeSantis is running into serious shit issues. People are asking him the not too difficult questions and he's fumbling for the answers because he's always assumed everyone is a moron. There was an interesting exchange on one of the Sunday morning news shows where he was asked about increasing gun mortality rate in Florida. Of course, Ronnie D lied, saying it was decreasing. Pushback ensued, something Ronnie D abhors because that brings his lack of accountability into focus. Statistically, the number of people dying from gunshot wounds is increasing... a lot, like a percentage point a year, and last year it was up to 14 + %. And Ronnie D's blubbery lips blubbered. One of the consequences of loosening gun laws is that more people are going to die, but then when have Republicans ever thought of consequences

  43. #2493

  44. #2494

    Top Evangelical Steps Down Over “Sexual Immorality”

    October 31, 2023 Christianists, Scandal

    The Christian Post reports:
    International House of Prayer Kansas City founder Mike Bickle has agreed to step away from public ministry as he is investigated for “serious allegations including sexual immorality” that have been made against him by multiple women.
    Leaders of the charismatic Evangelical Christian movement and missions organization based in Kansas City, Missouri, made the revelations of the allegations Sunday at the 11 a.m. service of the ministry’s “local church expression,” Forerunner Church, where Isaac and Morgan Bennett serve as lead pastors.
    Bickle, IHOPKC leaders further noted, agreed that he would not preach or teach from the church’s platform, engage with the public on social media or participate in the church’s well-known 24-hour prayer room on Red Bridge Road in south Kansas City “while we work with others to assess this situation.”
    Read the full article. Bickle first appeared on JMG in 2011 when he declared that “demons have attacked me physically at least ten times.” He also appeared here in 2016 when Ted Cruz was roasted for “proudly” accepting his presidential endorsement despite Bickle’s claim that God sent Hitler to kill Jews for not accepting Jesus.

  45. #2495
    And here's my bit for Halloween.

    Right now, even though this is the time for trick or treaters, for dressing up in Halloween costumes, both amusing and scary, probably there is nothing more frightening that the Republican party. What makes them so frightening is that their base doesn't even know what they stand for because they've coddled to so many specialty groups there no clear platform on which they stand. The 2nd amendment people rarely look at anything else, and when their elected officials say "tax break," they believe it's for them... it isn't. Vast numbers of social conservatives haven't a clue as to what Christian Nationalism is, or how it's one step closer to taking America down the road to fascism. Fiscal Conservatives only thing about Wall Street. For them, lower tax brackets are just another source of revenue they can bleed until it's depleted. Really, all the GOP wants to do is say "shut up! We're in charge!" without even knowing what that means, or how they're going to govern. They don't really want a fair America. They just want to be in charge.

  46. #2496

    Mike Johnson Collaborated With Ex-Gay Torture Group

    CNN reports:
    Speaker of the House Mike Johnson closely collaborated with a group in the mid-to-late 2000s that promoted “conversion therapy,” a discredited practice that asserted it could change the sexual orientation of gay and lesbian individuals. Prior to launching his political career, Johnson, a lawyer, gave legal advice to an organization called Exodus International and partnered with the group to put on an annual anti-gay event aimed at teens.
    Founded in 1976, Exodus International was a leader in the so-called “ex-gay” movement, which aimed to make gay individuals straight through conversion therapy programs using religious and counseling methods. The group shut down in 2013, with its founder posting a public apology for the “pain and hurt” his organization caused. Johnson’s office did not respond to a CNN request for comment asking about his work with Exodus.
    As I previously reported, Johnson and Alliance Defending Freedom helped create the so-called Day Of Truth as an on-campus Christian counter protest to GLSEN’s annual anti-bullying Day Of Silence.
    Per CNN’s new reporting, Mike Johnson collaborated with Exodus for years on the Day Of Truth.
    When Exodus finally collapsed in 2013, founder Alan Chambers issued a lengthy apology and admitted on CNN that ex-gay torture had never turned any of his thousands of victims heterosexual. Not a single one.

  47. #2497
    And rat haired Marsha spit out another blatant lie on "X," the far right conspiracy based social media platform. This stupid woman claimed that Hamas was holding 500 Americans as hostages.

    There are approximately that many Americans in Gaza, but they're not being held hostage. Believe it or not, some of them actually work there, just as there are Chinese working and living there, and Frenchmen, as well others who simply just live there. I don't doubt for a second that those rats living in Marsha's hair have begun to nibble their way into her brain which means she's only going to get dumber by the day.

    And the spawn of the Spawn of Satan, Donald Trump, are going to begin testifying today in NYC. I think Eric goes first, and while many believe him to be the dumbest, it seems as though he might be the wiliest when it comes to spitting out his shapeshifting lies. I don't doubt that each of Trump's spawn have some inherent ability, and Eric's seems to be capable of regurgitating deceit in various forms and textures: lumpy lies and smoothie subterfuge are two of his favorites

  48. #2498

  49. #2499
    So, people have been mocking Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ cowboy boots, trying to see if he’s wearing height-boosting insoles lifts to look taller than the 6’3” primary frontrunner who has a penchant for nicknames and is reportedly considered calling DeSantis “Tiny D.”
    This is politics in America where it’s not what you promise but whether or not you’re a tiny little man trying to look bigger.
    Ps My favorite joke is that the guy who hates drag is walking around in three-inch heels.
    Well, unlike Beyoncé who never met a check she didn’t want to cash, Rod Stewart has snubbed a mega money offer to perform in Saudi Arabia because of the country’s oppression of “women, the LGBTQ community [and] the press” in the kingdom.
    Perhaps he should school Mrs. Carter.
    In more SCOTUS Scams featuring Clarence Thomas, it seems he borrowed $267,230 from a wealthy “friend” to buy a 40-foot luxury motor coach and was to make annual interest-only payments for five years after which the principal come due. But it seems Thomas has failed to repay any, or all, of the quarter-million-dollar principal.
    Someone needs to investigate the con-artists in black robes on the nation’s highest court, and then remove them from their positions.

  50. #2500
    Trump’s Next Term Will Be All About Avenging Himself Against His Foes

    NOVEMBER 2, 2023 |
    From Esquire, by Charles P. Pierce:
    We will have no excuse this time around. As if his entire first term weren’t proof enough, Fulton County [[Ga.) Inmate No. P01135809 and the people around him are leaving breadcrumbs the size of boulders to mark the path he plans to take after hijacking American democracy a year from now. Suffice it to say that the path will bring a second Trump Administration so fast in the direction of the end of the rule of law that Dr. Wilhelm Stuckert will feel a draft as the United States goes by.
    The allies have been drawing up lists of lawyers they view as ideologically and temperamentally suited to serve in a second Trump administration. Their aim is to reduce the chances that politically appointed lawyers would frustrate a more radical White House agenda — as they sometimes did when Mr. Trump was in office, by raising objections to his desires for certain harsher immigration policies or for greater personal control over the Justice Department, among others. Now, as Trump allies grow more confident in an election victory next fall, several outside groups, staffed by former Trump officials who are expected to serve in senior roles if he wins, have begun parallel personnel efforts. At the start of Mr. Trump’s term, his administration relied on the influential Federalist Society, the conservative legal network whose members filled key executive branch legal roles and whose leader helped select his judicial nominations. But in a striking shift, Trump allies are building new recruiting pipelines separate from the Federalist Society.
    What is plain from the NYT’s reporting is that the former president*’s entire focus now is on revenging himself on those people and institution that proved unwilling or unable to participate in his attempt to overturn the 2020 election and maintain himself in power. After all, people like William Barr, Pat Cipillone, Mark Milley, and Mike Pence were willing apparatchiks up until the post-election period in 2019-2020. That left the former president* about four lickspittles short of being able to pull off his greatest swindle of all. This story indicates that the central focus of staffing his next administration will be not to let that happen again.
    The interviews reveal a significant break within the conservative movement. Top Trump allies have come to view their party’s legal elites — even leaders with seemingly impeccable conservative credentials — as out of step with their movement. “The Federalist Society doesn’t know what time it is,” said Russell T. Vought, a former senior Trump administration official who runs a think tank with close ties to the former president. He argued that many elite conservative lawyers had proved to be too timid when, in his view, the survival of the nation is at stake. Such comments may surprise those who view the Federalist Society as hard-line conservatives. But the move away from the group reflects the continuing evolution of the Republican Party in the Trump era and an effort among those now in his inner circle to prepare to take control of the government in a way unseen in modern presidential history.
    Guess who?
    Two of the allies leading the push are Stephen Miller, Mr. Trump’s former senior adviser, and John McEntee, another trusted aide whom the then-president had empowered in 2020 to rid his administration of political appointees perceived as disloyal or obstructive. The nonprofit groups they are involved in are barred by law from supporting a candidate, and none of the work they are doing is explicitly tied to Mr. Trump. But Mr. Miller and Mr. McEntee remain close to the former president and are expected to have his ear in any second term.
    It will all be about vengeance and retribution from an aged and twisted mind.
    By the end of his term, lawyers he appointed early in his administration had angered the White House by raising legal concerns about various policy proposals. But Mr. Trump reserved his deepest rage for the White House and Justice Department legal officials who largely rejected his attempts to overturn the 2020 election, according to people who spoke with him. Casting about for alternative lawyers who would tell him what he wanted to hear, Mr. Trump turned for that effort to a group of outside lawyers, many of whom have since been indicted in Georgia.
    People close to the former president say they are seeking out a different type of lawyer committed to his “America First” ideology and willing to endure the personal and professional risks of association with Mr. Trump. They want lawyers in federal agencies and in the White House who are willing to use theories that more establishment lawyers would reject to advance his cause. This new mind-set matches Mr. Trump’s declaration that he is waging a “final battle” against demonic “enemies” populating a “deep state” within the government that is bent on destroying America.
    It’s like something out of literature now, the rumbling o the crashing, incipient end chapters of the American epic.
    To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there’s naught beyond. But ‘tis enough. He tasks me; he heaps me; I see in him outrageous strength, with an inscrutable malice sinewing it. That inscrutable thing is chiefly what I hate; and be the white whale agent, or be the white whale principal, I will wreak that hate upon him. Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I’d strike the sun if it insulted me.


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