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  1. #1001

  2. #1002
    Sick and Dying of Something

    Robert David Steele, a devout QAnon-nutbag and COVID denier, has apparently died from the virus. Steele refused to wear a mask and called COVID a hoax.
    Marc Bernier, an anti-vaxxer talk radio host, died after a three-week battle with COVID.
    Caleb Wallace, a leader in the anti-mask movement in central Texas, and labeled COVID a hoax, has come down with the virus, and has been in intensive care for the past three weeks clinging to life.
    Lisa Steadman, a Winter Haven woman, was recently hospitalized with COVID and is now grieving the loss of her husband who died from COVID-19 complications while she was hospitalized. Lisa says that neither of them had received a COVID-19 vaccine, not because they were against it, but because they wanted to wait.
    An anonymous unvaccinated elementary school teacher in California was diagnosed with COVID has infected half of the students in their classroom. The teacher showed up to work while symptomatic, and continued to teach for two days before receiving a test.
    Tim Parsons, a Kentucky pastor, has died from COVID-19 despite desperate prayers from his congregation asking the Lord to restore him “back to his normal self.”
    Joe Manning, a longtime member of the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office who pushed Ivermectin as a COVID drug has died after a shirt battle with the virus.
    Again, in these cases, ignorance was also a virus.

  3. #1003

  4. #1004
    Vehement anti-vax rocker Eric Clapton has just dropped a musical rant against pandemic restrictions and vaccines.
    Sorry, not buying the song or his ideas.

  5. #1005

  6. #1006

  7. #1007
    Dr. Anthony Fauci, on the idea of people refusing a vaccine in favor of a drug meant for animals to treat COVID-19 symptoms:
    “Ivermectin has not been proven an effective treatment for the coronavirus. It can be used to treat parasites in humans, but the ivermectin people have been taking is used to treat animals like horses. Don’t do it. There is no evidence whatsoever that [horse paste] works, and it could potentially have toxicity, as you just mentioned, with people who have gone to poison control centers because they’ve taken the drug at a ridiculous dose and wind up getting sick.”
    Seriously. Can you fathom the idea that a person will not take a vaccine created by medical professionals, but will suck up a drug meant to deworm farm animals?
    Effing stupid.
    Carrie Prejean Boller, Miss USA 2009 runner-up, going full anti-masker at a California school board:
    “I’m a mama bear and I know there’s a lot of mama bears here tonight, and no one’s gonna mess with our cubs. And tonight I’m simply here to tell you to unmask our children. We’re done begging. In fact, we’re done asking for permission. We are gonna be unmasking our children today. The pandemic is over, the parents are done. We’re done asking you, public servants, for permission. We are done. You can all wear your masks—in fact you can wear two masks and three masks. You can wear gloves, you can have Plexiglas. I don’t know who you think you are that you think you have more of a say than us the parents and our doctors. I don’t know who any of you think you are. I really don’t. It ends today. We are declaring our freedom. This is tyrannical leadership. I am paying for this microphone. See those chairs you’re sitting in? We own those chairs. See those lights? We pay for those lights, not you. I’m gonna promise you tonight that I will campaign against you, I will, I will fundraise against you, and I will make sure that none of you ever serve in a public space ever again.”
    Of note, Carrie Prejean Boller does not live in California, but is from North Carolina, where she is BFFs with the poster boy for Hitler youth, Madison Cawthorn.
    Also of note, this is the same Carrie Prejean who, at the 2007 Miss USA competition representing South Carolina was asked why she thinks a fifth of Americans cannot locate their country on a map, and said:

    "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and uh, I believe that our, I, education like such as, uh, South Africa, and uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, uh, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, should help South Africa, it should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us.”
    Looks like she was right about masks since she took her school board fight to a state in which she does not live. But still, forgive me if I take absolutely zero advice from this homophobic, Thing 45 supporting, illiterate fool on any topic, anywhere, anytime, ever.
    Kevin McCarthy, GOP House Minority Leader, vowing that Republicans “will not forget” if telecommunications companies turn phone and email records over to the House committee investigating the Capitol Insurrection:
    “If these companies comply with the Democrat order to turn over private information, they are in violation of federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the United States.”
    Sorry, Kev, but could you tell anyone exactly what law prohibits telecommunications companies from complying with the committee’s request.
    Or maybe you’re too busy pissing your pants over what could come out from that day, like you talking with the former president about the attack.
    Kid Rock, cancelling two shows in Fort Worth because his band caught “something”:
    “I am pissed. Over half the band has fucking COVID. And before u [sic] shit for brains bloggers and media trolls run your mouths, many of them, like me, have been vaccinated.”
    Um, shit for brains? May I call you shit for brains? No one said you couldn’t get COVISF after being vaccinated, but, luckily for you and band of travelling morons, you won’t get sick and die.
    Oh, and thanks for bragging about playing for a “packed house” at the Superspreader Sturgis motorcycle event.

  8. #1008

  9. #1009

  10. #1010
    Meanwhile, this happened {again}:

  11. #1011
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Meanwhile, this happened {again}:

    All that's missing is the dude's 'go fund me' page??

  12. #1012

    Aug 30 Robert David Steele, the conspiracy theorist who called COVID-19 a hoax, has reportedly died of the disease.

    Steele, a former CIA officer, was hospitalized with COVID-19 in early August, shortly after he spoke to a large crowd in florida.
    Known for anti-Semitic beliefs and falsely asserting that NASA operates a child slave colony on Mars, Steele was also a promoter of the sprawling QAnon conspiracy that centers on the baseless idea that former President Donald Trump will vanquish a shadowy cabal of Democratic pedophiles.
    Steele has also claimed that U.S. military bases are “lily pads” used for the smuggling of gold and children.
    “We are normalizing pedophilia and idiocy!” he said. “We are normalizing the destruction of the family.”
    May he rest in eternal stupidity, along with these guys:

    Aug 17 In February, DeYoung [[above) published an interview promoting the conspiracy theories that the Pfizer vaccine would make women sterile and that world governments were using the virus and vaccine to centralize power. DeYoung’s guest at the time, Sam Rohrer, said that very few people who were infected lost their lives, calling the vaccine only a “purported solution” and “not truly a vaccine.”
    Both host and guest encouraged listeners to read conspiracy-minded materials on the coronavirus vaccine, with DeYoung asking, “Could this vaccine be another form of government control of the people?”
    It’s the same story with these shitheads:

    Here’s the latest about that Texas father of three:

  13. #1013

  14. #1014

  15. #1015

  16. #1016

  17. #1017

  18. #1018
    Oh This Asshat Can ...

    On a recent episode of Prager University’s “The Candace Owens Show”—which is more than enough reason to not vote for this tool anyway—California GOP candidate for governor in the recall election, Larry Elder said an argument could be made that slave owners are owed reparations after the Civil War because slavery was legal and their “property” had been taken:

    “When people talk about reparations, do they really want to have that conversation? Like it or not, slavery was legal. Their legal property was taken away from them after the Civil War, so you could make an argument that the people that are owed reparations are not only just Black people but also the people whose ‘property’ was taken away after the end of the Civil War.”
    Their ‘legal’
    Property was human beings, stolen from their homelands and sailed across the seas to be separated and sold from their own families into a lifetime of forced labor, beatings, rape, murder, being treated, and called, less than human, and you think the men and women who owned other human beings deserve reparations?
    Larry Elder can fuck all the way off.

  19. #1019

  20. #1020

  21. #1021
    Daily coronavirus infections are more than four times what the U.S. was seeing on Labor Day last year … a 316% increase.
    You can blame the highly contagious delta variant while I lay the blame at idiot anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers.
    Oh, and COVID hospitalizations are up 158% from this time last year when we were in the midst of the pandemic.
    We will never learn.
    And in Florida, one of the states hardest hit by the Delta variant because they are idiots with a fool for governor, don’t even think to ask how many people are dying every day because the state of Florida won’t say.
    They will not release that information because as many more people die every single day it makes those in charge look bad.
    As murderers often do.
    Former Thing 45 lapdog and liar Kellyanne Conway is rejecting a request from the Biden administration that she resign from the United States Air Force Academy’s board or face termination. Conway said in a letter to Biden:

    “Your decision is disappointing but understandable given the need to distract from a news cycle that has you mired in multiple self-inflicted crises and plummeting poll numbers.”
    She ended the letter saying it was a “privilege” to serve under grifter, rapist, racist, adulterer and con artist Thing 45 “whose actions resulted in the deaths of terrorists” including Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps commander Qasem Soleimani.
    She forgot to mention the 600,000+ Americans her former boss murdered, and the 5,000 Taliban terrorists he let out of jail.
    Now Joe will simply fire her … You’re fired … which has an ironic ring to it ... and she will slither back to the crypt.

  22. #1022
    Just in time for the 9/11 anniversary, Thing 45 reminded Newsmax that on that date he was “down there” helping out after the attacks, a lie he’s been spewing for decades.
    True, he was “near” the site, but he’s never proven that he helped, and now he has a new piece of the story, one he’s never told and it’s a doozy:

    “We were hearing creaks—I’ve never forgotten it, it was I think the United States Steel Building it was called at the time; it was 50 stories tall, and we heard creaks. I said, ‘That building is going to come down,’ and two big firemen grabbed me, and grabbed other people, and they just moved out of that area. Never came down, but I never heard a noise like that. And it was a scary situation.”
    He heard a building “creak” and he had to be rescued.
    Fuck all the way off, grifter.
    PS He plans to spend the 20th anniversary of 9/11 by calling a boxing match because, well, he’s being paid

  23. #1023

  24. #1024

  25. #1025

  26. #1026
    I Didn't Say It

    Greg Abbott, Texas “governor”—in quotes because he doesn’t know how to govern—responding to the question of what a woman who has been raped and gets pregnant as a result, should do since abortion is outlawed:
    “Let’s be clear: rape is a crime. And Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them and getting them off the streets.”
    Um, Greg, you fucking tool? A rapist is born every minute … at least … and your state has the highest number of rapes per capita in the entire country, and rape is the most underreported crime of all. If it were that easy to end rape, why have you never done it?
    I mean, come on, the guy can’t even keep the heat on in the winter and he’s gonna catch all the rapists.
    Smacks of OJ’s Hunt For The Real Killers Tour.
    Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary, mocking Texas GOP Governor Greg Abbott‘s promise to “eliminate all rapists” in a defense of his unconstitutional abortion ban:
    “If Governor Abbott has a means of eliminating all rapists, or all rape, from the United States then there’ll be bipartisan support for that, but given there has never in the history of the country, in the world, been any leader who’s ever been able to eliminate rape, eliminate rapists from our streets, it’s even more imperative—it’s one of the many reasons I should say, not the only reason, why women in Texas should have access to health care.”
    That idiot governor can’t keep the heat on, how in the hell will he catch all the rapists?
    Typical GOP bull shit.
    Howard Stern, on anti-vaxxers:
    “When are we going to stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say it’s mandatory to get vaccinated? As I remember when I went to school, you had to get a measles vaccine. You had to get a mumps vaccine. Fuck them. Fuck their freedom. I want my freedom to live. I want to get out of the house. I want to go next door and play chess. I want to go take some pictures. This is bullshit. The other thing I hate is that all these people with COVID who won’t get vaccinated are in the hospitals clogging it up. So like if you have a heart attack or any kind of problem, you can’t even get into the E.R. And I’m really of mind to say, ‘Look, if you didn’t get vaccinated and you got COVID, you don’t get into a hospital. Go fuck yourself. You had the cure and you wouldn’t take it.”
    My sentiments exactly.
    Jim Justice, West Virginia’s GOP governor, growing frustrated with anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers:
    For God’s sakes a livin’, how difficult is this to understand? Why in the world do we have to come up with these crazy ideas—and they’re crazy ideas—that the vaccine’s got something in it and its tracing people wherever they go? And the same very people that are saying that are carrying their cellphones around. I mean, come on. Come on. We’ve got to someway realize that we’ve got to get vaccinated for all — not just for you, but for everybody — we’ve got to do this.”
    Nice to see a GOP governor pissed off at these anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers, but I’m pretty sure his annoyance will fall on deaf, ignorant ears.
    Carliss Chatman, law professor, on the new Texas anti-women, anti-choice law:
    “If a fetus is a person at six weeks pregnant, is that when child support starts? Is that also when you can’t deport the mother because she’s carrying a US citizen? Can I insure a six-week fetus and collect if I miscarry? Just figuring if we’re going there we should go all in.”
    All good questions that Texas did not think about because the answers affect and concern men and all Texas wants to do is punish and control women.
    Caitlyn Jenner, on that new Texas abortion law:
    “I am for a woman’s right to choose. I am also for a state having the ability to make their own laws. So I support Texas in that decision, that’s their decision. But as far as being a woman’s right to choose, I don’t see any changes in our laws in California in the future. I think that they have the right in their state to do what they want to do. Now do I agree with the decision or not? No. To be honest with you I actually probably do not agree with the decision. But I agree that they do have the right to make their own decision.”
    This bitch tosses a word salad that even Sarah Palin hears and whispers, ‘What the fuck?’
    She says a woman has the right to choose but Texas has the right to take her choice away.
    Seriously … STFU.

  27. #1027

  28. #1028
    Not political....but...what the hey.
    Look On The Street! It's A Hooker! It's Bag Lady! It's A ...

    I guess when your “reality” show ends, and your crazy ex-husband doesn’t need you any longer, you’ll do anything to get some attention … like rolling up on a crowded NYC street where, oddly enough, people have gathered because perhaps you called someone and said you were coming up there, and then you get out of the car dressed head-to-toe in leather, up to and including a leather bondage mask with zippers over your eye slots.
    Amirite Kim K? The Met Gala is coming up and Kimmy will be there and so maybe this leather hood is what Khloé uses to hide her newest face until she’s ready for the unveiling and Kimmy is following suit.
    Or she’s just desperately seeking attention because the thirst is real.

  29. #1029

  30. #1030

  31. #1031
    The right wing Twitterverse is calling for Gen. Milley to be court-martialed. Funny how they pick and choose what to be upset about, ain't it?

  32. #1032

    Tuxedo has zero fucks to give to this anti-women woman who does the bidding of old white men.

  33. #1033
    There are sure a lot of books coming out, and more to come, written by people who worked in the White House for Thing 45. And they want y’all to know that they were there, watching all this chaos and lunacy and criminal behavior unfold.
    I, however, would like y’all to remember that they were there and saw it all and did nothing about it except wait and author a book and make money off the story of this country teetering on the edge of anarchy.
    Fuck ‘em.

  34. #1034

  35. #1035

  36. #1036

  37. #1037
    I Didn't Say It

    Adam Kinzinger, GOP Congressperson with a brain—a rarity in the party that appears to have just one shared brain between them—on Biden’s vaccine mandate:
    “I think it’s going to save lives. And the failure here comes in leaders that have basically used vaccine status as some tattoo of what political tribe you belong to. I mean, we all hear stories of people that are in very red areas that are embarrassed to say they’re vaccinated. That is insane and silly. And that is a problem with leaders, particularly Republican leaders, that don’t stand up and give cover to people. There are some Republican members of Congress and stuff putting out fundraising after fundraising email about first, it’s going to be a vaccine mandate, next thing, the Gestapo’s going to show up at your door and take your bible away. Like, that’s not going to happen and that’s playing on people’s fears.”
    He’s asking people to do the right thing for health of others and yet we are such a selfish and self-involved society that we don’t care about others.
    And that’s the beginning of the end.
    Rudy Giuliani, who used to be known as America’s Mayor, realizing he’s now just a fool and a punchline:
    “I don’t care. I am aware of that. And what’s happened is, our country has gone off the rails…I’m exactly the same person. They changed! I don’t think I’ve ever done an interview drunk. I mean, I drink normally. I like Scotch, I drink Scotch. I’m not an alcoholic. I’m a functioning, I probably function more effectively than 90 percent of the population.”
    Little Freudian slip there, Rudy. You seldom ever pass a bar without going in.
    George W. Bush, speaking about terrorism at a 9/11 remembrance ceremony in Shanksville:
    “We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders but from violence that gathers within. There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home. But in their disdain for pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit, and it is our continuing duty to confront them.”
    Okay, I’m glad he compared terrorists flying planes into towers to domestica terrorists flying flagpoles thorough windows of the nation’s capital, but let’s be clear that a lot of the ills in this country can be traced back to W’s Big Lie about Saddam Hussein and 9/11 and getting us into Afghanistan..
    That’s all.
    Pat Toomey, GOP Senator from Pennsylvania, urging his party not to nominate Thing 45 in 2024:
    “I think that the future of our party is to be a party of ideas, and not to be a party about any one individual, and I think we will learn a lot from the next set of primaries. I think after what happened post-2020 election, I think the president’s behavior was completely unacceptable, so I don’t think he should be the nominee to lead the party in 2024.”
    Nice vanilla statement. Howsabout being a little more forceful if you believe Thing 45 is unfit to be president, huh?
    Chris Wallace, Fox News, on refusing to have Big Lie spreaders on his show:
    “There are plenty of people who were the leaders in the Congress of challenging [the election] that I just have not had on the show ever since then, and have purposefully not had on the show, because I don’t frankly wanna hear their crap.”
    A rare moment of sanity from a Fox News employee.
    Who knew?

  38. #1038

  39. #1039
    Found this on Twitter and had to rush over to share it:

  40. #1040

  41. #1041

  42. #1042

  43. #1043

  44. #1044

  45. #1045

  46. #1046

  47. #1047

  48. #1048

  49. #1049

  50. #1050

    Recently Grady Knox, a Tennessee high school student , was advocating for a mask mandate in schools during the public comment section at a Rutherford County Board of Education meeting and spoke about his grandmother who died of COVID-19 last year:
    “This time last year, my grandmother, who was a former teacher at the Rutherford County school system died of COVID because someone wasn’t wearing a mask.”
    And as he continued to speak, several adults …adults … behind him began to laugh and shake their heads; at one point, someone in the background can be heard screaming, “shut up!”
    The heckling continued until Coy Young, the school board chairman stepped in:

    “Hey guys, we’re here to act professional.”
    Adults, laughing at the story of a woman dying of COVID.

    Another ‘Karen’ bites the dust, y’all. In a recent viral video a woman dubbed “Coughing Karen” followed, and coughed, on a masked mother and daughter in a Lincoln, Nebraska Super Saver grocery store because … COVIDIOT.
    And then, within a matter of days, social media did its thing and the woman was identified as Janene Hoskovec, an employee of SAP, a software company based in Germany.
    And within hours, SAP posted a response on Twitter, writing that the company was “taking the matter of an SAP employee incident very seriously” and that an investigation was underway. That same day, SAP announced that Janene Hoskovec, AKA “Coughing Karen” was terminated from their employ.
    Bye Karen.


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