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  1. #51
    I do not think that a doc on alleged victims of Michael Jackson is the best place to crusade for the plight of sexual abuse victims.

    I am leaning toward the idea that MJ did something with an underage teen at some point. But, there is no hard evidence. Everything about the method of operation of a typical sexual predator fits MJ, but that still does not make MJ guilty.

  2. #52
    You know,the two greatest mysteries in american history are...who killed j.f.k.-did m.j.seduce those boys???-guess what folks-both of these men are-d-e-a-d and will be judged by god himself,so we can read and speculate all we want because that's what we as humans do..but as far as m.j. Goes-i just enjoy the art he brought to the world!!

  3. #53
    The best anyone can say is you can believe the victims and still enjoy his music. I personally can't but I understand. It is what is.

  4. #54
    I didn’t believe it before but I do now. I don’t care how many times they change their story, I went into watching this believing that they were just looking for money. I was never molested, and I don’t know what I believe About the harm that was done… If it were done. However, both men make compelling arguments that go way beyond “he touched my genitals “ i’m talking about the aftermath, I’m talking about the years later, I’m talking about their relationships with those that should’ve protected them, I believe their stories and I believe that MJ had 1 million good qualities…… And that he truly did love children….doc but I also believe that he stopped maturing sexually at a young age much like he did other emotional developments. No one will ever know unless of course they take a polygraph test. Jackson’s family could sue these boys in civil court and try to force a poly graph test which is admissible in California in civil cases. If the boys had nothing to hide, they would agree. Personally, I don’t think they care if people believe them or not…… I think it just trying to wake people up to say don’t let children sleep with strange men in their bed…… Because if you’re stupid enough to do that, you probably should not be having children to begin with! I don’t know of a parent Who would allow that.

    Of course, there are people who will defend anybody against anything if they have a motive…… Look at the people that that OJ was innocent, or Bill Cosby… Even after he admitted that he had a lot of people supporting him trying to poke holes and his accusers ridiculed or look at the people that stand behind Donald Trump against over whelming evidence that he lied about so many things and continues to do so….doc those people will never be objective about Michael, and I don’t think it matters…… What matters is that boys and girls stop being abused and that people open up their eyes and look around and make sure that if it walks like a duck and smells like a dark it might be a dark and even if it turns out not to be A duck, it’s better to be safe than ducked.
    Last edited by TheMotownManiac; 03-06-2019 at 11:16 PM.

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    I didn’t believe it before but I do now. I don’t care how many times they change their story, I went into watching this believing that they were just looking for money. I was never molested, and I don’t know what I believe About the harm that was done… If it were done. However, both men make compelling arguments that go way beyond “he touched my genitals “ i’m talking about the aftermath, I’m talking about the years later, I’m talking about their relationships with those that should’ve protected them, I believe their stories and I believe that MJ had 1 million good qualities…… And that he truly did love children….doc but I also believe that he stopped maturing sexually at a young age much like he did other emotional developments. No one will ever know unless of course they take a polygraph test. Jackson’s family could sue these boys in civil court and try to force a poly graph test which is admissible in California in civil cases. If the boys had nothing to hide, they would agree. Personally, I don’t think they care if people believe them or not…… I think it just trying to wake people up to say don’t let children sleep with strange men in their bed…… Because if you’re stupid enough to do that, you probably should not be having children to begin with! I don’t know of a parent Who would allow that.

    Of course, there are people who will defend anybody against anything if they have a motive…… Look at the people that that OJ was innocent, or Bill Cosby… Even after he admitted that he had a lot of people supporting him trying to poke holes and his accusers ridiculed or look at the people that stand behind Donald Trump against over whelming evidence that he lied about so many things and continues to do so….doc those people will never be objective about Michael, and I don’t think it matters…… What matters is that boys and girls stop being abused and that people open up their eyes and look around and make sure that if it walks like a duck and smells like a dark it might be a dark and even if it turns out not to be A duck, it’s better to be safe than ducked.
    Well stated, particularly with the djt tie-in. So true.

  6. #56
    I don't think things will ever be quite the same for MJ and his legacy. We are in a different era and also in an era of information overload and misinformation.

    Some people that were there certainly are not impressed by the complainants and the complainants seem to not be the most honourable people. And some of the MJ defenders are higher profile people that wouldn't gain anything much from defending him except they believe what they are saying.

    But I understand why victims do not speak out for years and years.

    For me, in the end, I think something more was going on that just some platonic, angelic, child like friendships.

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    I don't think things will ever be quite the same for MJ and his legacy. We are in a different era and also in an era of information overload and misinformation.

    Some people that were there certainly are not impressed by the complainants and the complainants seem to not be the most honourable people. And some of the MJ defenders are higher profile people that wouldn't gain anything much from defending him except they believe what they are saying.

    But I understand why victims do not speak out for years and years.

    For me, in the end, I think something more was going on that just some platonic, angelic, child like friendships.
    I watched all 4 hours of the HBO documentary and found the boys/men real believable. Michael made some terrible choices I mean what grown man sleep with young boys in the same bed and thought it was real normal. MJ had a huge issue with drugs and self estem and all that facial surgery was real scary. He was such a handsome young man and turn his face into a haggard middle aged womans. At the end of the day the only folks that know the real honest to God truth are God, the boys and Michael Jackson. The parents of those boys should be horsewwipped for putting there kids in danger and subjecting them to possible sexual abuse. The Jackson family and the media and none of us in this here forum were in the room when Michael was sleeping with boys so none of us know the real truth. IMO MJ may have interfered with the boys private areas but im not certain.

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    I didn’t believe it before but I do now. I don’t care how many times they change their story, I went into watching this believing that they were just looking for money. I was never molested, and I don’t know what I believe About the harm that was done… If it were done. However, both men make compelling arguments that go way beyond “he touched my genitals “ i’m talking about the aftermath, I’m talking about the years later, I’m talking about their relationships with those that should’ve protected them, I believe their stories and I believe that MJ had 1 million good qualities…… And that he truly did love children….doc but I also believe that he stopped maturing sexually at a young age much like he did other emotional developments. No one will ever know unless of course they take a polygraph test. Jackson’s family could sue these boys in civil court and try to force a poly graph test which is admissible in California in civil cases. If the boys had nothing to hide, they would agree. Personally, I don’t think they care if people believe them or not…… I think it just trying to wake people up to say don’t let children sleep with strange men in their bed…… Because if you’re stupid enough to do that, you probably should not be having children to begin with! I don’t know of a parent Who would allow that.

    Of course, there are people who will defend anybody against anything if they have a motive…… Look at the people that that OJ was innocent, or Bill Cosby… Even after he admitted that he had a lot of people supporting him trying to poke holes and his accusers ridiculed or look at the people that stand behind Donald Trump against over whelming evidence that he lied about so many things and continues to do so….doc those people will never be objective about Michael, and I don’t think it matters…… What matters is that boys and girls stop being abused and that people open up their eyes and look around and make sure that if it walks like a duck and smells like a dark it might be a dark and even if it turns out not to be A duck, it’s better to be safe than ducked.
    Exactly. When it comes to people like Michael, they wanna make him into a deity without realizing how flawed he was. And honestly, when you put two and two together, the man was being VERY inappropriate with these kids, regardless. You don't pay a child and their family and their lawyers $25 million if you're innocent. Paying them G's for hush money is gonna make you suspect.

    But like Chris Rock said, we loved MJ so much we let it slide. That documentary is too powerful for "the other side". We always talk about "believing victims" until the victims are male, then suddenly we ain't supposed to believe them. No, Michael is guilty. Guilty as sin. MJ's legacy as well as the Jackson family legacy will never be looked at the same again.

  9. #59
    The documentary is the third highest viewed documentary in HBO history for over a decade. Over 1.3 million. That's not a small number for a cable station. 1.9 million saw R. Kelly's on Lifetime and look what has happened to him.

    Everyone knew but some choose to put their head in the sand.
    Last edited by midnightman; 03-07-2019 at 05:37 PM.

  10. #60
    And people are forgetting that Michael was abused, perhaps not sexually, but clearly his early years had an impact on his later years in a very negative weird way. I’m not sticking up for anybody who’s ever molested anyone, but guilty or innocent, Michael was a victim long before He became suspicious of being a perpetrator…… It’s all so very sad and awful

  11. #61
    Michael just lived a sad, awful and tragic life. Period.

  12. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Michael just lived a sad, awful and tragic life. Period.
    Ironically, this was the main reason I looked up to him. [[Most of my favorite MJ songs at that time were from his Motown days) As I said earlier in the thread, Michael’s behavior was not unlike a child/teen with Aspergers. I would see how the media would dog him out over the way he lived and his eccentricities. And I could relate to it, because I was bullied and teased a lot. Around the same time he was on trail, I was in a similar situation with a classmate that I won’t get into further. In a sense, he was a socially awkward hero. In fact, whenever I felt like someone wasn’t treating me fairly, i’d say “you’re treating me like the media treats Michael Jackson”.

    I want to believe Michael was 100 innocent, but I doubt it. Even if he meant no ill intent, he still could have crossed the line.
    Last edited by jboy88; 03-08-2019 at 12:24 PM.

  13. #63

    Michael Jackson's former nanny defends him against new sex abuse allegations in HBO's 'Leaving Neverland'

    One of Michael Jackson’s longest-serving employees[[Grace Rwaramba)has come forward to defend the late pop star, saying that in all the years she worked for Jackson she never witnessed, suspected or learned of any sexual abuse of children by the pop star.

    In a lengthy statement released to ABC News, Grace Rwaramba – the former nanny to Jackson’s children, Prince Michael I, Paris and Prince Michael II [[known as ‘Blanket’), who worked for Jackson for 17 years – described her former boss as hopelessly naïve to manipulation and incapable of hurting children.
    “If Michael harmed Wade Robson and James Safechuck, they have my deepest sympathy and compassion,” Rwaramba said in the statement, referring to the two men featured in the documentary. “I don’t claim to know what happened between Michael and his accusers. I wasn’t there.”

    “However, because Michael is no longer here to defend himself, and because I have a unique view of him and the life he lived, I feel compelled to speak out against what I firmly believe to be false claims. The person that Wade and James describe is not the person that I knew.”

    “He was trusting to the point of extreme naivete; always assuming the best intentions in everyone,” Rwaramba said of Jackson in the statement. “While he was far from perfect, in my over twelve years of living with Michael, knowing him and his lifestyle intimately, I never saw or experienced anything that led me to suspect that he was capable of child sexual abuse.”

    Rwaramba contended in her statement that there was an "army" of people working at Jackson’s California ranch whenever the iconic artist was there, and that it would have been extremely difficult for the star to molest visiting children.

    “I was at Neverland when many of the family friends would come and go," Rwaramba said in the statement. "At any given time, anywhere between 60 to 100 employees worked in security, maintenance, housekeeping, grounds, the kitchen, and many other roles. Maintaining the ranch in such immaculate shape took an entire army of workers that were always around.”

    “I know Wade Robson and his family well,” Rwaramba said in the statement. “I first met Joy Robson back in the early 90s, when I was at MJJ Productions. In late 1994, I attended the release party of Wade’s first album in California. I distinctly recall Joy running that event as though her life depended on it. After that release party, I didn’t see the Robsons again until early 1997, when Wade joined several other families at Neverland after Prince was born.”

    “Over the years, I got to know the Robsons well as they visited the ranch on many different occasions,” Rwaramba continued in the statement. “Neverland was an enchanting place where the butlers, cooks, maids, zookeepers, gardeners and other staff made every guest feel like royalty, and everyone person who was fortunate to visit loved it!”
    “The one thing that was consistent about the Robsons over the years was Joy's steely resolve to turn Wade into a star,” Rwaramba said in the statement. “When all the other kids, often including Michael, were off having water balloon fights or watching a movie in the theater, Joy would be drilling Wade on a dance move and every so often wave Michael over for some tips.”

    “On one such occasion, Michael sat next to me as I was watching Prince and we watched Wade practice under Joy’s focused inspection. He said to me, “she reminds me of Joseph,” referring to his father’s obsession with perfection. Unbeknownst to Joy, that was her nickname. Michael had a nickname for everyone. This was the only time I ever heard him compare anyone to his father. Also, despite his complicated past with Joseph, he meant this observation as a compliment.”Rwaramba also claimed that Robson sought permission to hold his wedding at Neverland -– in the middle of Jackson’s 2005 criminal trial, for which he was acquitted of all charges.

    “The Robsons’ ambition and self-interest knew no bounds,” Rwaramba wrote in her statement. “Several months before Michael was acquitted on all charges on June 13, 2005, he came home from court and informed me that I should expect a call from Wade. When Wade called the ranch, security patched the call through to Paris’s room where Michael and I spent most of our time preparing for the next day.

    "I put him on speaker phone," Rwaramaba continued. "He informed me that Michael had advised him to contact me about whether he and his fiancee, Amanda, could have their wedding at Neverland in the fall. I was utterly shocked by how insensitive the request was; Michael was sitting next to me.

    "’You know Grace, Neverland is so special to my family and me,’ Wade continued,” according to Rwaramba’s statement. “’Michael has been like a father to me, and it would mean the world to us if Amanda and I could get married at Neverland.’ I told Wade, this is not a good time, reminding him that Michael was in the middle of the fight for his life.”

    “A few days later, I was in Santa Barbara running errands when Joy called with the same request. I had previously helped Wade gain permission to film a music video at Neverland, which was a big favor considering the strict no cameras policy. I remember responding with a stern ‘do you seriously expect me to ask Michael, right now -- during the trial -- if you can use the ranch for Wade’s wedding?’

    "After a moment of awkward tension, she conceded and dropped off the phone," Rwaramaba wrote in the statement. "Why would someone who alleges to have been assaulted for over seven years want to have one of the most sacred events in his life on the same property where the attacks allegedly took place?’”

    “What I can't understand is why Wade would continue to voluntarily and consistently return, and bring friends and loved ones, to a place that is the site of the alleged attacks well into his adult life?” Rwaramba said in the statement.
    Rwaramba, a Rwandan national, began working as a personnel director and assistant to Jackson in 1992, and became a nanny to his children beginning in 1997, when Jackson’s first child, Prince, was born.

    “For twelve years, from 1997 to 2009, I was part of Michael’s family … I spent more time with Michael in the last twelve years of his life than anyone except his children.”

  14. #64
    That nanny wasn't there when he abused the two boys in the docu or most of the boys before she became the nanny and she wasn't around after 2004, I don't think.

    The estate is running out of options. Their best bet is to hope this doesn't derail their plans for the Broadway play on MJ next year.

  15. #65
    Wasn't Rwaramba rumored to be Blanket's biological mother?

  16. #66
    What has the nanny got to do with anything? 99.99999999999% of molestations don’t happen in front of witnesses. Geeze

  17. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    That nanny wasn't there when he abused the two boys in the docu or most of the boys before she became the nanny and she wasn't around after 2004, I don't think.

    The estate is running out of options. Their best bet is to hope this doesn't derail their plans for the Broadway play on MJ next year.
    But you know what, no one other than Michael and the boys were there. Michael should have had witnesses around whenever he had children at his home. Still, as actor Mark Lester said, none of this hub bub will stick. It will fade out after about a month:

    Last edited by marv2; 03-09-2019 at 11:44 AM.

  18. #68
    Probably the fairest rebuttal I’ve seen so far.
    Last edited by jboy88; 03-08-2019 at 10:30 PM.

  19. #69
    I am able to separate the "artist" from the "art" [[Yay for cognitive dissonance, I guess.) I've also never seen the point of banning music, or any form of censorship for that matter. His musical legacy is undeniable, but obviously the allegations cast a very dark shadow over it.

    But, given MJ's been dead for almost a decade now and obviously can't speak for himself against the allegations, it feels a bit like locking the barn door after the horse has bolted. I feel absolutely awful for the victims if the allegations are indeed true, but what kind of recompense can be realistically expected?

    After all, one can blame the artist for their transgressions, however grievous they may be, but how does one blame the music, really? It's silly.

    Emile [[AKA DJ Moch)

  20. #70
    They should have told their parents back at the time it happened. They didn't because nothing ever happened. That's what they testified to under oath in 2005. Now, the "accusers" can go to Hell [[and take Oprah Winfrey with them....) as far as I am concerned. What some people will do for money is disgusting.

  21. #71
    I agree, Marv. Follow the money trail. It's not a coincidence that they timed the release of this doc with the appeal of their $75 Mil lawsuit against the estate. This is not about us believing female accusers over male accusers. It's taking a good hard look at the facts. Wade Robson is a proven opportunist and liar. He even referred to himself as a 'master of deception'. Look how far he and his mother went to attach themselves to MJ while he was alive...at all costs! They are leaches. Now that the gravy train has left the station without him, he's doing the only thing left that he can do, being the desperate and sociopathic person he is. The fact that he started a 'charitable organization' immediately after the airing of the documentary speaks volumes to me. It's more than possible to make oneself a salaried director of your own charity. You see this type of behaviour with churches all the time. They deliver those sermons that break you down to your core, in order to appeal to your emotions, and the next thing you know...you're up there at the altar, crying and giving your life over and giving them all of your money, not questioning for yourself, "Who is this pastor that I have decided to blindly follow?" I can say this because I have lived this. It's common sheep mentality. Same thing is happening with this documentary. Right now everyone is in a hate Michael Jackson frenzy. Once the storm passes, the truth will come out and be much more clear. I also believe that there are people behind this documentary who were hellbent on bringing down the Michael Jackson machine while he was alive. Now they are trying to do the same now that he is dead. Let's just say that there are major figures behind the scenes who have secret motives and vendettas. You can't tell me that there aren't more Harvey Weinstein types out there. This whole thing is absolutely and ridiculously orchestrated. Check out the Aphrodite Jones book and it details the insanity and conspiracy around the 2005 trial. She even made some outtakes available from Martin Bashir's documentary. He really buttered up MJ by following him and lying to him for over a year, with MJ getting no compensation. He told him we will change the world together, I will join you on your humanitarian activities, we will do this, and that. He really pretended to be a friend to Michael and then turned around and stabbed him in the back, in the name of making money and a career for himself. It was proven in court that Bashir was the one who suggested that they bring Michael's friend Gavin Arvizio [[2005 accuser) to the ranch for the filming and then he also suggested that they hold hands etc. The entire thing was orchestrated. This is the exact thing that is happening again. There are too many leaches in the world of celebrity.

  22. #72
    The Billion Dollar Lie!

  23. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    And people are forgetting that Michael was abused, perhaps not sexually, but clearly his early years had an impact on his later years in a very negative weird way. I’m not sticking up for anybody who’s ever molested anyone, but guilty or innocent, Michael was a victim long before He became suspected of being a perpetrator…… It’s all so very sad and awful
    Name:  av-5.jpg
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    This is very true. There is a reason for everything. His need for love and acceptance surely was made desperate by maltreatment. Whether he had any overtly sexual relations with those boys, or not, he was wrong to have that type of "special relationship" with them, even aside from "innocently" sleeping in the same bed with them. He drove a wedge between them and their parents, and interfered with the relationship they had with their parents. Their parents were also negligent in making sure their children were not only physically safe, but, emotionally safe".

    Michael's very attraction to these children regardless of being overtly sexual, or not, is not "normal", and is a sign of arrested emotional development, which could potentially be dangerous.

    If it were completely "innocent" [[e.g. a defect in the adult's emotional state), the adult would have been lacking the love and respect, and acceptance of his parents and others around him when he was young, and so he was uncomfortable with his peers, and so, would feel more comfortable around innocent, very young people, whose interests are very basic, lighthearted, and uncomplicated, and match those of his "escapes" during his young years. However, hanging around and playing with children [[ANY children), would satisfy that need. The emotionally disturbed adult, who needs to FOCUS on a relationship with ONE child, to achieve acceptance and "love" [[EVEN IF NOT fulfilled through physical sexual acts) is at least, a closet pedophile [[and, therefore, at least an emotional danger to the chosen child).

  24. #74
    Corey Feldman cant defend Michael jackson anymore after watching all of the HBO documentary and Oprahs interview.



  25. #75
    The Simpsons classic Michael jackson episode has been pulled and wont air again.


  26. #76
    Michael Jackson’s sales decline


  27. #77
    Michael Jackson’s music surges in charts after child sex abuse claims...


  28. #78
    Some artists - such as the Australian Rolf Harris - are in jail now because of these 'retro-claims'. Personally I hate them - 'why didn't they speak out before?' always comes to mind to me.

    But Leaving Neverland did a lot to explain to me why people may not have spoken out before and why parents were oblivious [[and even 'turned a blind eye').

  29. #79
    Saying Michael can't defend himself because he died long ago is kinda lame since when he WAS alive, he DIDN'T even attempt a defense. He either plead the fifth or he wouldn't take the stand [[which he didn't at his trial). Plus, another dead legend was exposed for being a serial child abuser [[among other things) in the UK [[Jimmy Savile).

    Also, what does that do to the two victims whose lives he harmed? I'm sorry, but I can't buy that these guys were "setting him up". That's a failed tactic used by the Jackson camp. Not to mention, the first time he was accused, he settled for $25 million [[$18 million to the child himself), he gave another family of a boy who accused sexual abuse $2 million and who slept multiple nights ALONE with boys, even with boys who defended his actions [[Macaulay Culkin, Brett Barnes, etc.).

    This is a guy who when prompted said sleeping in the bed with children was okay and thought it was nothing wrong sharing a bed with a child. How can ANYONE here or anywhere else defend that? Seriously, y'all are defending THIS?

    Again, I ask any of you defending this, would you let a person, no matter if they were a famous singer or not, sleep with a child unrelated to them and if you say yes, then you said more than I needed to know about you.

    Last edited by midnightman; 03-10-2019 at 07:42 AM.

  30. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Michael Jackson’s music surges in charts after child sex abuse claims...


    It's just the UK, that don't count. He's fallen everywhere else, Marvin.

    Seriously do any of y'all know how normal it is that abuse victims wait YEARS to tell their stories? It's not unusual because the guy accused was the biggest superstar on the planet at one point.

  31. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    It's just the UK, that don't count.

    Seriously do any of y'all know how normal it is that abuse victims wait YEARS to tell their stories?
    I think you will find UK sales do count!! many soul artists careers were made with UK sales! when the USA did not always support them.

    Also you will find many come forward after a person has passed because there is many times no evidence! but they trip themselves up when they make claims they do not realise it can be proved is not Truth! This happened in the UK to a passed PM. I wonder how much HBO paid those in this documentary?? If someone had a clear & cut case you would not go to the media!

  32. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Levi Stubbs Tears View Post
    Some artists - such as the Australian Rolf Harris - are in jail now because of these 'retro-claims'. Personally I hate them - 'why didn't they speak out before?' always comes to mind to me.

    But Leaving Neverland did a lot to explain to me why people may not have spoken out before and why parents were oblivious [[and even 'turned a blind eye').
    Well they have had 10 years to come up with the right story, to cover all the bases. I do not believe their story.

  33. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    It's just the UK, that don't count. He's fallen everywhere else, Marvin.

    Seriously do any of y'all know how normal it is that abuse victims wait YEARS to tell their stories? It's not unusual because the guy accused was the biggest superstar on the planet at one point.

    Look, I haven't bought Michael Jackson's music in probably 20 years and I like his music a lot. It is because I have all of his songs, albums that I like. Do you really think it is hurting Michael Jackson that some of his old music is not selling like it did years ago? According to the media, only a little more than 1.2 million people even watched that documentary, so I hardly would give it credit for a temporary dip in sales. There is nothing that they can do now to truly destroy Michael Jackson's legacy in the hearts and minds of people all around the World which includes here in America. Those guys, Wade Robson and the other one are not getting a dime from Michael's estate. They lied once, they are lying again now.

  34. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Saying Michael can't defend himself because he died long ago is kinda lame since when he WAS alive, he DIDN'T even attempt a defense. He either plead the fifth or he wouldn't take the stand [[which he didn't at his trial).
    He didn't need to take the stand at his trial because the overwhelming amount of evidence against the Arvizio family spoke for itself. I tend to wonder if you are familiar with those details?

    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Not to mention, the first time he was accused, he settled for $25 million [[$18 million to the child himself), he gave another family of a boy who accused sexual abuse $2 million and who slept multiple nights ALONE with boys, even with boys who defended his actions [[Macaulay Culkin, Brett Barnes, etc.).
    He was ill advised by his team to pay off the Chandlers. He was advised that it would be a drop in his financial bucket and he could move on with his life much quicker, which was a huge mistake because it made him appear guilty and set a precedent to allow all of these other leachers to try and create the same lies so they can get a payout. I have never heard of this additional $2 million payout. Source/link please? In the meantime, I recommend reading about Evan Chandler, the father of Jordan, who received the settlement in 1993. It's quite interesting...


    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    This is a guy who when prompted said sleeping in the bed with children was okay and thought it was nothing wrong sharing a bed with a child. How can ANYONE here or anywhere else defend that? Seriously, y'all are defending THIS?
    It's not a matter of defending whether MJ sharing his bed with a child was right or wrong, as we already know that his behaviour and line of thinking was not "normal". He was anything but, and a psychological evaluation stated he was basically a 10 year old. We aren't defending whether sharing his bed with a child was right or wrong. It's whether this very act can definitely prove without a shadow of a doubt that he abused them. This is the thing that cannot be proven. Him sharing his bed was nothing for him because it was just part of his life, growing up on the road as a kid. But yes, sharing it with a child that is not legally his is indeed weird. He was a weird guy. I would not allow my child to sleep in another man's bed but I also would not move across the world to attach myself to a superstar in order to make a career for my child and abandon my children on a daily basis, as well as my spouse with failing mental health, which is what happened in the case of Wade Robson and his family. These are all around not normal people.

    Piers Morgan said it best during his interview with the director of this documentary. The issue in this current age of confessions is when MY truth becomes THE truth, without due investigation. We saw this with the recent Jussie Smollett case.

    You don't need to keep trying to sway us. We believe what we believe. I am simply defending my own stance on this matter.

  35. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Look, I haven't bought Michael Jackson's music in probably 20 years and I like his music a lot. It is because I have all of his songs, albums that I like. Do you really think it is hurting Michael Jackson that some of his old music is not selling like it did years ago? According to the media, only a little more than 1.2 million people even watched that documentary, so I hardly would give it credit for a temporary dip in sales. There is nothing that they can do now to truly destroy Michael Jackson's legacy in the hearts and minds of people all around the World which includes here in America. Those guys, Wade Robson and the other one are not getting a dime from Michael's estate. They lied once, they are lying again now.
    1.2 million watched it in the states but this documentary has been shown all over the world. You are doing the same thing you did with Cosby your believing the molester/rapist just like you defend wife beaters like Ike Turner and Pedro Ferrer,

  36. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Saying Michael can't defend himself because he died long ago is kinda lame since when he WAS alive, he DIDN'T even attempt a defense. He either plead the fifth or he wouldn't take the stand [[which he didn't at his trial). Plus, another dead legend was exposed for being a serial child abuser [[among other things) in the UK [[Jimmy Savile).

    Also, what does that do to the two victims whose lives he harmed? I'm sorry, but I can't buy that these guys were "setting him up". That's a failed tactic used by the Jackson camp. Not to mention, the first time he was accused, he settled for $25 million [[$18 million to the child himself), he gave another family of a boy who accused sexual abuse $2 million and who slept multiple nights ALONE with boys, even with boys who defended his actions [[Macaulay Culkin, Brett Barnes, etc.).

    This is a guy who when prompted said sleeping in the bed with children was okay and thought it was nothing wrong sharing a bed with a child. How can ANYONE here or anywhere else defend that? Seriously, y'all are defending THIS?

    Again, I ask any of you defending this, would you let a person, no matter if they were a famous singer or not, sleep with a child unrelated to them and if you say yes, then you said more than I needed to know about you.

    The voice of reason. Thank you midnightman. La Toya knew there was her brother was molesting underage boys and the Jacksons may have put the pressure on her to retract it but shes telling the truth. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9_1tGqn4jXc

  37. #87
    Some of y'all really didn't see any wrong in Michael having a bunch of kids and screwing them over.

    Again, if I was an INNOCENT man, the VERY LAST THING I would do is pay a kid millions to shut up. A settlement means GUILT, PERIOD.


  38. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    The voice of reason. Thank you midnightman. La Toya knew there was her brother was molesting underage boys and the Jacksons may have put the pressure on her to retract it but shes telling the truth. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9_1tGqn4jXc
    Exactly but await Marvin and a few others claim LaToya was coached anyway...

  39. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    The voice of reason. Thank you midnightman. La Toya knew there was her brother was molesting underage boys and the Jacksons may have put the pressure on her to retract it but shes telling the truth. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9_1tGqn4jXc
    She wrote about this in her most recent book, "Starting Over". She says her abusive ex-husband and manager, Jack Gordon, put her up to making these confessions.

  40. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by cornybside View Post
    She wrote about this in her most recent book, "Starting Over". She says her abusive ex-husband and manager, Jack Gordon, put her up to making these confessions.
    I dont believe that. Sorry.

  41. #91
    People think pedophilia means a violent sexual abuser. I advise you who don't believe the young brave men who spoke out about MJ to look up "acquaintance pedophile" or "acquaintance molestor". You would be surprised how Michael fits the definition. Clearly a guy who bribed a kid's parents to let him have alone time with their son should be at least suspect.

  42. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    People think pedophilia means a violent sexual abuser. I advise you who don't believe the young brave men who spoke out about MJ to look up "acquaintance pedophile" or "acquaintance molestor". You would be surprised how Michael fits the definition. Clearly a guy who bribed a kid's parents to let him have alone time with their son should be at least suspect.
    Most pedofiles trap the kids with kindness and gifts and "love" and make the kid feel safe before they abuse them and then they confuse the kid by saying its a loving thing they are doing and its a secret they need to keep together.

  43. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by midnightman View Post
    Some of y'all really didn't see any wrong in Michael having a bunch of kids and screwing them over.

    Again, if I was an INNOCENT man, the VERY LAST THING I would do is pay a kid millions to shut up. A settlement means GUILT, PERIOD.

    First of all, he, Michael didn't pay them. His insurance company paid out the $20 million. They did it because to let the situation continue would damage Michael's brand and causing his net worth to decline. Michael was advised to settle to make the story go away. There was no proof of any sexual abuse. The father of the alleged victim, Chandler was caught on tape explaining how he had a plan to destroy Michael if he did not invest in Chandler's film venture. Chandler, the father later committed suicide after which his son admitted that his father forced him to lie on Michael to get the money!

    Michael said sharing your bed with a child was [[I am paraphrasing) a great gesture of love. He went on to say that he slept on the floor and not in the bed with the children. No one has come up with ANY conclusive proof of Michael sexually abusing young boys. The FBI had him under survaillance for over 10 years and they still could not come up with anything on him. A settlement does not necessarily mean guilt. It could also mean that the person or company just wants to get rid of a nuisance.
    Last edited by marv2; 03-10-2019 at 09:23 PM.

  44. #94
    If the music of an alleged abuser continues to produce income for the corporations who originally funded the abuser, the message sent to those corporations is that they have no reason or incentive to cease monetary support for current or future abusers.

  45. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Most pedofiles trap the kids with kindness and gifts and "love" and make the kid feel safe before they abuse them and then they confuse the kid by saying its a loving thing they are doing and its a secret they need to keep together.
    Very true. Any one second-guessing would be well advised to watch 'Abducted in Plain Sight' currently on Netflix.

  46. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    1.2 million watched it in the states but this documentary has been shown all over the world. You are doing the same thing you did with Cosby your believing the molester/rapist just like you defend wife beaters like Ike Turner and Pedro Ferrer,
    Viewership numbers are being trounced by media outlets taking MJ off their playlists.

  47. #97
    Isn’t it racist to defend a man that is of the same ethnicity as you just because he is of the same ethnicity?

    I’m quite sure that in Canada today, the answer is yes

  48. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Isn’t it racist to defend a man that is of the same ethnicity as you just because he is of the same ethnicity?

    I’m quite sure that in Canada today, the answer is yes
    NOW 'ya done and did it ... However, here in the USA, vernacular - anecdotal opinion would say 'yes'. As I've said previously, would these same defenders be defending, oh ... let's say ... Alan Thicke? Or Woody Allen? Howzabout Ryan Adams?
    Last edited by PeaceNHarmony; 03-10-2019 at 06:55 PM.

  49. #99
    Or worst of all Donald Trump?

    I haven’t seen Leaving Neverland, and only saw 10 minutes of Oprah n YouTube, and criminal proceedings have to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt, but I think I need to disagree with Evan Ross and some of the Gordy’s and fall in with those saying I think Mr Jackson behaved inappropriately with these people when they were boys

  50. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Isn’t it racist to defend a man that is of the same ethnicity as you just because he is of the same ethnicity?

    I’m quite sure that in Canada today, the answer is yes
    Sorry but did I miss something? Who are you referring to? Are you assuming someone here is simply defending MJ because they belong to the same race? If so, isn't making that kind of assumption without any fact to back it up, also considered racist? How is this even relevant to this discussion?


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