Hello Everyone,

I just had a lot of fun on Facebook with this question and the opposite one, which I will post a thread on next. I received hundreds of responses. I thought it would be fun to post the two questions here in separate threads.

What do you think is the worst song ever written??

For me it's "MacArthur Park", especially the more than 7 minute Richard Harris version. I know Donna Summer, Gloria Gaynor & The Four Tops did versions, too, and I can honestly say I hate all of them. It has to be one of the dumbest, non-sensical songs of all time. Ironically it's written by Jimmy Webb, a good songwriter, who wrote some great songs like "By The Time I Get To Phoenix". He gets a kick out of people trying to ascribe meaning to the lyrics of MP, because he says there is no meaning to the lyrics. lol

I look forward to your choices.
