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  1. #1
    smark21 Guest

    Republicans on a post election cruise trying to sort it all out

    Excellent article. It could also be called Ship of Fools:


  2. #2
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    It's amazing that these incredibly self-important people feel they should be running the world. In their minds, they should be ruling by righteous decree and anyone who opposes them is evil.

    From the article:

    Then Hassett pivoted to the liberal media. “I actually think that Goebbels was more critical of Hitler than the New York
    Times is of Obama,” said Hassett, tucking into a piece of strudel. “I was in the middle of the fight against the propaganda, and I have stories like you wouldn’t believe. These people are so evil. They’re basically Fascists. It’s unbelievable.”

  3. #3
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    I like this section of the article:

    Then, at 3 p.m., the group gathered into the Showroom at Sea, a three-tiered amphitheater decorated in a bright-red Art Deco style, for the first of several sessions deconstructing the loss. Onstage were Reed, now in lime-green pants embroidered with pink swordfish and navy polo shirt with white piping on the collar; and Scott Rasmussen, the pollster who consistently overrated Romney’s chances of winning the election. Rasmussen blasted the assembled Republicans with one crushing statistic after another. The exit poll data, he said, “create a negative brand image of the Republican Party as a party that only cares about white people.”
    The audience murmured unhappily.
    “And that image is hurting among the youth,” he continued. “It is hurting across the culture. It is something that has to be addressed across the party. It has to be addressed. You can’t just wish it away.”
    Reed expanded on the theme. “You can’t run and win a national election in an electorate that is becoming decreasingly white and increasingly minority and lose 80 percent of the minority vote,” he said. “That math just doesn’t add up.”
    Rasmussen offered some friendly advice about approaching minorities. “You show them that you really care, you talk to them as grown-ups on a range of issues, you get them involved,” he suggested, “and you accept the fact that it’s a long-term investment. And you accept that you can learn as much from them as you can teach them.”
    This was harsh medicine to reluctant patients, and afterward some of them made their discomfort known. “That depressed me!” one woman said. To my right, a man snapped, “That’s bullshit!”
    The man was Bing West, former assistant secretary of Defense under Ronald Reagan, a former Marine and a National Review contributor.
    West, mocking Rasmussen, said: “If you stupid Republicans weren’t so goddamn bigoted you would have won the election!”
    And, here's the funniest part, if not just plain sad:

    He recommended investing in real estate in another country, maybe in Central America somewhere. A woman to Kay’s right wrinkled her nose: How about a Western country?
    Last edited by soulster; 12-26-2012 at 11:02 PM.

  4. #4
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    I normally dont read things like this but something told me to do it. Laughing my butt of this is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. At first I thought it was a parody like the Onion or something along those lines. Rich white people [[no offense white people) worrying about where are they going to put their money, saying that is the way it is supposed to be that blacks serve us, complaining about Jamaica and the places they go to vacation and its only worthwhile if its a resort...LOL I guess I am not in that world I didnt know these types of conversations take place I even took the time to read the comments and those were even funnier. People are a product of their environment and I DO feel sorry for some of these vacationing elderly and middle aged because that is all that they know. Attacks on the character of President Obama were to be expected from them but this melancholy attitude of the loss of Mitt Romney baffles me. Ann Romney and her patrons are still wallowing in sorrow and I think its a sickness. A sickness called entitlement and its a shame that although we know of it this article really hits home From the quotes that I have read in this piece it shows me one thing I kept denying which I cant deny anymore. Racism still exists. I have many many friends who are black, and white and while I have never been a racist or even remotely hateful towards any race it saddens me that there are many out there who are because they grew up in that setting and dont know any better so in a sense I cant blame them because its sheer ignorance. What is scary is I can remember what Hitlers men said "We were only following orders" now THAT is scary.

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    I thank God that Romney did not win. There's no way he was going to make progress toward balancing the budget over the next four years, so his military spending increases would have come to good use when he started the next conflict to take American lives. There's no better excuse for blowing the budget than war, after all.

    People need to wake up. The GOP is decreasing in its ability to win enough votes to be significant, so they're obfuscating in Washington on everything. If we slip into a recession for President Obama's next four years, it'll give them a better chance to win in 2016, America be damned.

  6. #6
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    Stephanie, you are much kinder, forgiving, and diplomatic than I am.

    I know these kind of people and they disgust me. They may just be a product of their environment and it's all they know, but they are adults. They travel. They look around and see things in the world. Most of them should know better. It's a bunch of Ayn Rand clones.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I thank God that Romney did not win. There's no way he was going to make progress toward balancing the budget over the next four years, so his military spending increases would have come to good use when he started the next conflict to take American lives. There's no better excuse for blowing the budget than war, after all.

    People need to wake up. The GOP is decreasing in its ability to win enough votes to be significant, so they're obfuscating in Washington on everything. If we slip into a recession for President Obama's next four years, it'll give them a better chance to win in 2016, America be damned.
    The republicans/tea-baggers do not care about the budget and never have! They are just puppets of the wealthy and big business. That's who funds them, fills their off-shore bank accounts, and who buys their nephew's vacation house. If they cared so much about the budget, they would have spoken up during the Bushie years. They would slash military spending and advocate the repeal of those Bush tax cuts too. All they care about is getting the white back in the white house. They want the 2% to control the country again.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    The republicans/tea-baggers do not care about the budget and never have! They are just puppets of the wealthy and big business. That's who funds them, fills their off-shore bank accounts, and who buys their nephew's vacation house. If they cared so much about the budget, they would have spoken up during the Bushie years. They would slash military spending and advocate the repeal of those Bush tax cuts too. All they care about is getting the white back in the white house. They want the 2% to control the country again.
    To say the least about social issues and religion. They are the moralist party that didn't do squat about abortion or try to put God back into the public forum even though they run against the godless people who took prayer out of school and advocate elective abortions. It's all talking points.

    Don't get me wrong: most politicians are in it for the graft of the whole thing. It just amazes me that the right side of the spectrum has somehow convinced millions of people who take advantage of Democratic initiatives to vote against their benefactors.

    I'm convinced that it's not because of socialism. It's not because of redistribution of wealth. It's not because we're taxed enough already. I'm absolutely, 100% convinced that it's because the president is...

    Ahh, never mind. Doesn't even matter, does it?

  9. #9
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    [QUOTE=Jerry Oz;137902]
    To say the least about social issues and religion. They are the moralist party that didn't do squat about abortion or try to put God back into the public forum even though they run against the godless people who took prayer out of school and advocate elective abortions. It's all talking points.
    Thank God they didn't succeed because there is something called the separation of church and state.

    Abortion. You may not like it, but it's the law of the land.

    Funny you mention prayer in school, too. No one...I repeat: no one, says students cannot pray in public school or prohibit it. Students must pray amongst themselves, and it must not be led, sponsored, encouraged, or ordered by anyone who works for the school. No one has ever "taken God out of school". Ever. It was never there to begin with.

    Christmas. No one is trying to take Christ out of Christmas, either, but it plays real well to the nut jobs who religiously watch Fox news.

    Don't get me wrong: most politicians are in it for the graft of the whole thing. It just amazes me that the right side of the spectrum has somehow convinced millions of people who take advantage of Democratic initiatives to vote against their benefactors.
    The fearful and ignorant are the favorite audience for those who do evil.

    I'm convinced that it's not because of socialism. It's not because of redistribution of wealth. It's not because we're taxed enough already. I'm absolutely, 100% convinced that it's because the president is...
    Oooooh! Don't say it! They will accuse you of being a racist.

    Ahh, never mind. Doesn't even matter, does it?
    Those idiots want to leave the country, let 'em! I won't miss 'em!

  10. #10
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    You're on point with all of that, bruh man. I was just bringing up those as talking points they they use to rally the base without planning on doing anything about. My personal beliefs will never interfere with my politics because I don't want someone to get in office and let his pastor, priest, rabbi, imam, or witch doctor affect the way that I want to live. It's amazing that many [[yes, many) believe that the president's agenda is to implement sharia law [[!) in the US, but they have no problem with making the US a Catholic, fundamentalist Baptist, or Mormon state. That ought to make you shake your head.

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    Everybody get your parachutes ready. I think we're going down! Damn tea-baggers!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    You're on point with all of that, bruh man. I was just bringing up those as talking points they they use to rally the base without planning on doing anything about.
    That's where I think you're wrong. We have repeatedly seen them do all they can to ban abortion, bust unions, force [[their) religion into the schools and other parts of the government, destroy government, and these days, force guns into the schools.

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    Soulster dont you wish that Michael Steele would just come from the dark side...LOL I have always liked him as a person and I cant understand why he wouldnt even think that his peers the GOP wouldnt throw him under the bus which they did. Cheney had no kind words for Condeleeza Rice or Colin Powell. I have no problem with Republicans before the Reagan era it seems like they have gone so far right they have NO sympathy for the poor, minorities or anyone who doesnt fit into their economic status.

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    Michael Steele isn't a stupid man, but he is the republican's apologist. He has issues. I will never understand how a Black man can support a party that doesn't respect him or his people.

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    Michael Steele and Clarence Thomas are examples of folks who believe that if you have to demand or ask for respect, then you don't have it anyway so why bother? And that being said, they'd rather get crumbs from the masters' table than work together so that everybody can enjoy the meal.

    If they were told to come into the building via the back door, they'd be chapped about it, but they'd do it because at least they'd still be in the building.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Michael Steele and Clarence Thomas are examples of folks who believe that if you have to demand or ask for respect, then you don't have it anyway so why bother? And that being said, they'd rather get crumbs from the masters' table than work together so that everybody can enjoy the meal.

    If they were told to come into the building via the back door, they'd be chapped about it, but they'd do it because at least they'd still be in the building.
    In other words, an Uncle Tom...yeah, I said it!

  17. #17
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    You can say it, my friend, but I can't go there, though... That phrase, along with the N-bomb, fell from my vocabulary a few years ago. I prefer to think of them as gentlemen who hate each themselves and fear the blackness that they see looking back at them in their mirrors. I have no use for people who feel compelled to kiss the ass of wealth to escape their self-image, which tells me exactly what they feel about me and mine.

    I love the film, "A Soldier's Story". Adolph Caesar's monologue about "Moonshine, King of the Monkeys" screwed me up because although I can't condone what he did, I can't honestly say that I wouldn't do the same thing. Powerful scene [[he should have won the Oscar for that monologue alone). How sad and ironic that people like Steele and Thomas benefited from the very opportunities they seek to deny others.

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    To call either an uncle tom is to give them far more glory than they deserve. Josiah Henson the man originally labelled as "Uncle Tom" was truly the polar opposite of what the term has come to mean.

    Josiah was a former slave who became an abolitionist, a minister & in 1849 wrote an autobiography "The Life of Josiah Henson, Formerly a Slave, Now an Inhabitant of Canada, as Narrated by Himself" & updated it 9 years later.

    I can't say exactly when the phrase "Uncle Tom" took on a negative connotation, but in the days of slavery, when fellow slaves called a man "Uncle Tom", it was a term of endearment & was by no means derisive, nor a put-down. A man called "Uncle" by his fellow slaves was regarded as a leader, pretty wise & usually was able to traverse the line between the immoral & indecent in a positive manner.

    I hereby submit that from now on, we should call folks like Thomas or Steele "Uncle Clarence".

    That would be far more suitable, as men such as Clarence Thomas & that ilk have about as much in common with Josiah Henson than most of us do with Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh or that crazy broad whose name isn't worth repeating on a decent forum.

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    Great post, juicefree20. However, by your teaching, it'd be inappropriate to refer to either gentleman as "uncle" since there is little reverence for either. I'll personally refer to them as Sammys, in honor of my guy Sammy Sosa who put on his best face after he quit baseball.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Michael Steele and Clarence Thomas are examples of folks who believe that if you have to demand or ask for respect, then you don't have it anyway so why bother? And that being said, they'd rather get crumbs from the masters' table than work together so that everybody can enjoy the meal.

    If they were told to come into the building via the back door, they'd be chapped about it, but they'd do it because at least they'd still be in the building.
    From my observation of at least Michael Steele and others like him, I think you are right.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Great post, juicefree20. However, by your teaching, it'd be inappropriate to refer to either gentleman as "uncle" since there is little reverence for either. I'll personally refer to them as Sammys, in honor of my guy Sammy Sosa who put on his best face after he quit baseball.
    What's this about Sammy Sosa? I missed it. Help!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post

    To call either an uncle tom is to give them far more glory than they deserve. Josiah Henson the man originally labelled as "Uncle Tom" was truly the polar opposite of what the term has come to mean.

    Josiah was a former slave who became an abolitionist, a minister & in 1849 wrote an autobiography "The Life of Josiah Henson, Formerly a Slave, Now an Inhabitant of Canada, as Narrated by Himself" & updated it 9 years later.

    I can't say exactly when the phrase "Uncle Tom" took on a negative connotation, but in the days of slavery, when fellow slaves called a man "Uncle Tom", it was a term of endearment & was by no means derisive, nor a put-down. A man called "Uncle" by his fellow slaves was regarded as a leader, pretty wise & usually was able to traverse the line between the immoral & indecent in a positive manner.

    I hereby submit that from now on, we should call folks like Thomas or Steele "Uncle Clarence".

    That would be far more suitable, as men such as Clarence Thomas & that ilk have about as much in common with Josiah Henson than most of us do with Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh or that crazy broad whose name isn't worth repeating on a decent forum.
    Sarah Pallin or Michelle Bauchmann? Or that witch, Ann Coulter?

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    Ok I'm a quick study. I get the deal now about Sammy Sosa:

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    What's this about Sammy Sosa? I missed it. Help!
    Famous Dominican baseball player.

    Google is your friend: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sammy_Sosa

  25. #25
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    Well, it looks like the cruise helped. The Republicans are planning to go from "winner take all" electoral college vote apportionment to one that divides states' votes up by how well candidates did in particular districts. Keep in mind they went crazy over gerrymandering legislative districts last year, so that means that Obama's landslide victory in November would be a landslide defeat if they get their way. So much for adapting to the changing demographic, as Colin Powell suggested. They are literally going to thwart the will of the majority and steal the 2016 presidential election.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Well, it looks like the cruise helped. The Republicans are planning to go from "winner take all" electoral college vote apportionment to one that divides states' votes up by how well candidates did in particular districts. Keep in mind they went crazy over gerrymandering legislative districts last year, so that means that Obama's landslide victory in November would be a landslide defeat if they get their way. So much for adapting to the changing demographic, as Colin Powell suggested. They are literally going to thwart the will of the majority and steal the 2016 presidential election.
    The Grumpy Old Party has no intention of changing. They plan to keep on with their divisive, oppressive ignorant agendas. All they have to do is get back in power. Look for a lot of deception this time around.

    They know they don't have the numbers like they used to, so, instead of actually courting new voters, they plan to lie, cheat, and steal the election.


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