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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post

    CNN says if the bleed continues at the same rate, Romney will win on election day.
    But, when you talk about these statements, you have to know who is saying these things. Is it a republican/Romney operative, a conservative, or is it some official announcement. I say that because that announcement sounds very wrong.

    Obama needs to have the black, Latino, female vote come out like it did in 2008 and it seems there is some lack of enthusiasm there. There also may be some regret there in a couple weeks if they don't get the spirit again.
    Again, where are you getting this mess from? There is string evidence that he does indeed have that support, and from women who are worried about the republicans trying to dismantle Roe-vs. Wade.
    I hope the last debate turns the tide a little bit but am not holding my breath for it to happen.
    The final debate happened last Monday. What the hell are you talking about???
    Last edited by soulster; 10-25-2012 at 05:03 PM. Reason: had to fix a significant bit of formatting for clarity

  2. #52
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    John King was the guy quoting the slippage in the electoral college numbers.

    Sadly, while President Obama is still leading [[of course) in the votes from blacks, latinos and women...............those numbers have slipped significantly from the last election.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    ohn King was the guy quoting the slippage in the electoral college numbers.
    What or who was he quoting? Obama still is way ahead in the electoral college.

    Sadly, while President Obama is still leading [[of course) in the votes from blacks, latinos and women...............those numbers have slipped significantly from the last election.
    Significantly??? May I ask if you are a Romney supporter?

  4. #54
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    God no, re Romney. I cringe every day at the prospect even though I am a Canadian.

    But said, Obama is not ahead hardly at all.

    Take a look here: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/

    He is ahead 10 in the Electoral College; and yesterday, before they moved NC back to a tossup, he was behind 5.

    With no tossup states, he is ahead 24. And things better stay as they are in Ohio.

    This all being said, I think that today's polls showed a little bit of recovery due to the Monday debate performance.

    John King was making his own observation I believe.

    If John King and Real Clear Politics were Fox News, I wouldn't be nervous.

  5. #55
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    OK, since I don't think you dig real hard, I will lay it out for you. I went to the "About Us" part of the site. This is what the last paragraph says:

    RealClearPolitics is the essential site for those at the intersection of politics and business. RealClearPolitics influential and important audience, which has come to trust and depend on the site's agenda-setting, extensive and balanced coverage, is what sets RealClearPolitics apart from its competitors.
    Now, first, most business have an agenda in this country, and that is to get a republican back into office. Two, What agenda could they be talking about? Hmmmm.

    Now, I took a look around the site ang found very right-wing, conservative commentary and reporting. hardly "balanced".

    No, you are not getting balanced reporting. You are getting very partisan reporting being passed off as balanced, and it's for businesses.

    Next, I don't know just how much U.S. news you read that is actually IN the U.S., but what you found isn't correct. I live down here, so I can tell you that the information on that site is wrong, wrong, wrong! Jerry Oz is telling you the same thing.

    He is ahead 10 in the Electoral College; and yesterday, before they moved NC back to a tossup, he was behind 5.
    NC isn't really an issue as of now. It's all about Ohio. If Obama wins Ohio, it's all over.

    The news tonight is that a tea-bagger group from Texas is planting a reported one million election poll "overseers" in the attempt to discourage and intimidate" Black and Latino voters. They are telling people the wrong voting day, and discouraging early voting.

    Meanwhile, an Indiana republican Richard Murdoch, has said something very stupid. He said last night that if a woman gets impregnated by a rapist, it is God's will.

    Now, They are keeping Romney and Ryan away from states where they will have to answer questions. They are rallying with Glen Beck and Dick Cheany.

    If you thought the race-baiting was bad enough, now they are playing on christians' fears of the end of the world and the antichrist. Dispicable!

    This all being said, I think that today's polls showed a little bit of recovery due to the Monday debate performance.
    Obama's recovered quite a bit, and Romney's numbers are staring to subside a bit, but it's still too close to call. Obama's approval rating, as of tonight, is back to 53% . meanwhile, Fox and Romney are trying to say that he is ahead and will win.

    John King was making his own observation I believe.
    Honestly, I don't watch enough John King to know where he sits on the spectrum.

    If John King and Real Clear Politics were Fox News, I wouldn't be nervous.
    RealClear Politics is the same as Fox news.

  6. #56
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    Obama has a 30 point lead in Ohio.

    Obama now has a 70% chance of winning the election. Most polls show Obama healthily ahead of Romney. Romney is lying about the polls tonight.

    Even your RealClear Politics site gives Obama a 47% to Romney's 45% in Ohio. The only place the two are tied is in Colorado.

    Colin Powell endorsed Obama this morning, saying that he is more comfortable with him as President. Not in those words, exactly.
    Last edited by soulster; 10-25-2012 at 11:22 PM.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Obama has a 30 point lead in Ohio.

    Obama now has a 70% chance of winning the election. Most polls show Obama healthily ahead of Romney. Romney is lying about the polls tonight.

    Colin Powell endorsed Obama this morning, saying that he is more comfortable with him as President. Not in those words, exactly.
    The President has a 5 point lead in Ohio not a 30 point lead. It's lies like this that keep Democrats away from the polls on election day cause they feel they don't have to vote. This is a real close election and we need everyone to vote so please stop inflating figures and distorting truth.

    The good book of Exodus clearly states:

    “You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness."

    Last edited by Roberta75; 10-25-2012 at 11:36 PM.

  8. #58
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    Still watching with baited breath.

    I think President Obama has a slight edge right now; I don't normally pray but I will that this is maintained.

    He might get a little traction from Governor Christie and sadly from the hurricane disaster.

  9. #59
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    People are seeing how well Pres. Obama stays on top of a national emergency, and works with those who oppose him. There was no politics in this.

    Romney, OTOH, staged a Red Cross donation at Wall-mart by his people buying 5G worth of food for a photo op, all the while still lying his ass off about Obama, and his surrogates bashing Obama. And, Romney's not looking good right now, and being clobbered in Wisconsin and Ohio.

    If the election were held tomorrow, Obama would win.

  10. #60
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    I'm still betting on a landslide victory for President Obama.

  11. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I'm still betting on a landslide victory for President Obama.

  12. #62
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    Nice historical piece, but I fail to see any relevance to today and the current election. Obama is going to win a second term!

  13. #63
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    I'm well aware that racism is still an issue in America. It became crystal clear after the inauguration of the President. So sad and hard to believe that there are still those that will not accept someone no matter how well the guy is doing.

  14. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I'm still betting on a landslide victory for President Obama.
    And I'm hoping to be the first one to say "Sir Ralph, you had it right all along!"

  15. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I'm still betting on a landslide victory for President Obama.
    From your lips to Gods ears dear Ralph.



  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I'm well aware that racism is still an issue in America. It became crystal clear after the inauguration of the President. So sad and hard to believe that there are still those that will not accept someone no matter how well the guy is doing.
    I am absolutely amazed that there are so many who want to vote for Romney based on things like birtherism, alleged socialism, gun rights, and the president's allegedly being a muslim. Some bring up the economy, but any reasonable person will look at where we were four years ago vs. where we are now and realize the turnaround is amazing, even though it's not yet robust.

    I honestly believe a lot of people want so badly to not like him that they chase ghosts to justify their vote. When they catch them, there's nothing there but a fading glimmer, so they try find something else. They could do themselves a favor by just admitting it. The Georgia woman who printed up the "Don't Re-Nig in 2012" bumper stickers did so because she and her neighbors felt emboldened by the overt racism displayed by many Tea Party figures. Sarah Palin just accused the president of "shucking and jiving" and according to Faux News guests, he was said to have "thrown spears" at Romney in the debates. Seriously, America? Really?!

  17. #67
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    I see statistics and polls indicating 90% of the population in other countries would vote for President Obama and yet, in the USA, for the first time in a month, he is ahead of Romney by 1/10th of 1%. Astounding.

    I do hope all of the SD people are voting because remember, George Bush won an election by 539 votes in Florida!

    Very interesting how Governor Christie is now in love with President Obama. I'm wondering if Christie might hope to run for President in 2016 or if he's hoping this love in gets him relected in 2014. In any case, that was very nice to see - two politicians from opposing parties working together. It seems very rare in the USA.

    Good luck with it all on Tuesday you guys.

  18. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Sarah Palin just accused the president of "shucking and jiving" and according to Faux News guests, he was said to have "thrown spears" at Romney in the debates. Seriously, America? Really?!
    And those people are damn proud of it, too.

  19. #69
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    Kudos to Chris Christie and President Obama for stepping up to the plate. Vote on Tuesday and may the best man win. New Jersey and New York you have my prayers.

  20. #70
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    Everyone needs to not be complacent, and get out and vote. It's no surprise that EVERY face at Romney rallies are "White and Delightsome" as his church puts it:

  21. #71
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    Jill, I'm amazed that people who call the president a Muslim [[like that's some sort of crime) suddenly have a newfound appreciation for Mormonism. Until a few weeks ago, Billy Graham called it a cult, but now it's hunky-dory [[no pun intended). All things being equal, keep your religion [[whatever it may be) out of my government.

  22. #72
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    Do you guys see what mess is going on in Florida and Ohio? People have been literally standing in line to vote because those states severely cut back on early voting. It turned out such a strong showing of angry people that now the state is saying they don't have enough people to man the polls, ans even closed the place early. Most of the people in those lines are Black people. This is voter suppression at it's worst, people!

    I don't understand how anyone..ANYONE...could defend and vote for any republiKKKan, a party that actively attempts to suppress the votes on American citizens just so they can get back into power.

    I just hope enough people around this country see this and are angry enough to vote for Obama/Democrats to help make up for this. I hope there is a landslide for Obama and Democrats to prove a point. Everyone please make DAMN sure you VOTE!

    WE are no better than any second or third-world country at this point. Right now, the U.S. is NOT the greatest country on the planet. It is shameful, and if Romney wins, I will be ashamed to call myself an American.

  23. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Jill, I'm amazed that people who call the president a Muslim [[like that's some sort of crime) suddenly have a newfound appreciation for Mormonism. Until a few weeks ago, Billy Graham called it a cult, but now it's hunky-dory [[no pun intended). All things being equal, keep your religion [[whatever it may be) out of my government.
    Also, just so we are all clear: Obama is NOT a muslim! He has repeatedly said he is a christian. To even entertain the idea is to give legitimacy to the birthers' racist claims that Obama is not a valid president, and is a liar. Is that clear, y'all?

  24. #74
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    I think these long lines waiting to vote in Ohio and Florida tell the story in spite of the shameful shenanigans of the Repubs. Obabma by a LANDSLIDE. Wait and see.

  25. #75
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    By CBC News, cbc.ca, Updated: November-05-12 9:30 AM
    Can black America withstand an Obama loss?
    Share 23

    David Robertson carried his own Bible to the Sunday morning service at Trinity United Church of Christ, tucked under the arm of his White Sox warmup jacket that is emblazoned with the black and white lettering of Chicago's South Side team.

    Robertson, a 45-year-old police officer, is voting for Barack Obama again tomorrow. And for him, it's clear why the president has faced such fervent hostility from opponents and detractors during his four years in office.

    "To be honest, it's racism; it's the colour of his skin," Robertson told CBCNews.ca as he walked to Trinity UCC, a landmark of African-American faith and culture in Chicago, and where the Obamas were married 20 years ago by the sometimes controversial, now-retired Rev. Jeremiah Wright. "If he wasn’t black, Obama wouldn't be going through all of this."

    That's one view, of course, and not something you hear from the top of either of the main campaigns. But as an undercurrent in an unexpectedly tight election – one fuelled by growing concerns about voter suppression tactics aimed at obvious minorities – it may yet be something to be reckoned with.

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    Four years ago, Chicago soared, and so did most of the world along with it. More than 200,000 people swarmed Grant Park to watch Obama make history with his election night victory speech.

    "Between [NBA star] Derrick Rose and Barack Obama, we felt like Chicago's been put on the map," said South Side resident and first-time voter John Moran, who was 14 when Obama won in 2008. "As a city, we’re back and we're not just overlooked any more."

    Four years later, with the economy still struggling and Obama locked in a tight and often bitter race for re-election, polls show an overwhelming majority of African-Americans still stand behind the president. But some are clearly wondering where the rest of the crowd went after that night at Grant Park.

    Heading into the final day of campaigning, the president is leading in polls in several key swing states, and there are many pundits and pollsters who say he has more paths to an Electoral College win than Republican Mitt Romney does. It has probably also helped that the president won widespread praise for leading the federal response to Hurricane Sandy, including from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a key Romney supporter.

    Race played no part in that, and Obama’s opponents have bristled at any suggestion that his colour is a factor in the tight contest. They insist Americans have proven that they are above such prejudice by electing him in the first place, and shouldn’t feel bad about voting him out for not doing a good enough job of fixing the economy.

    Still, Obama supporters point to examples of what they view as racially-tinged hostility toward the president from prominent Republican voices – from Sarah Palin’s “shucking and jiving” jab a few weeks ago to Rush Limbaugh's almost daily diatribes and most recently, a suggestion by John Sununu, one of Romney’s top supporters, that former Republican secretary of state Colin Powell only endorsed Obama, again, because the two men are black.

    In the heat of the campaign, some conservatives have said they suspect liberals would blame an Obama defeat on racism no matter what happens. But how deep that blame might go is still an open question.

    "Race is something that is uncomfortably and inaccurately dealt with in America," says Clarence B. Jones, a lawyer, professor and former adviser to the slain Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the 1960s.

    In an interview with CBCNews.ca, Jones said African-Americans will accept a Romney win – provided it is seen as being on the level.

    "They’ll say, 'OK, we lost and I'm disappointed, but we'll try again next time,'" says Jones, who is currently teaching a course at the University of San Francisco on the history of race relations from slavery to Obama's election.

    However, Jones added that he and other in the black community are concerned about the voter identification laws that were brought in by Republican-dominated state legislatures over the past two years, as well as by "rumblings" of attempts to spread confusion about polling hours and poll locations in districts with significant African-American or Latino populations.

    "You don’t want 12 per cent of the population believing that the principal reason Obama lost is that he was black," he said. "That would be extremely damaging to the country and will feed a sense of cynicism that will be very hard to overcome."

    Critics have condemned the voter ID laws as voter-suppression tactics targeting mostly poor or minority voters who are more likely to vote Democrat. In several states these laws have been held up in the courts after challenges from the Justice Department and voters' groups, and won't be in place for election day.

    If Obama were to lose on Tuesday, anger within the black community could potentially boil over into a greater crisis than the intense Bush-Gore election result battle in Florida in 2000 – but only if "clear, convincing, perceptible evidence" emerges that the vote was somehow influenced by racially-motivated or underhanded conspiracies, Jones said.

    Moran, now 18 and a freshman at Calumet College of St. Joseph in Indiana, says he expects some bitterness in Chicago if Obama loses, but he doesn't expect any huge protests if Romney wins.

    "Some of the views he has, I just don't agree with as a middle-class African-American," he said as he and friend Juwan Johnson, 15, walk to a nearby McDonald's.

    "It will be hard for us. But in terms of riots and that stuff, I don't think it's going to be that crazy."

    As David Robertson neared his South Side church, he paused when asked about the possibility of a Romney presidency. "We’re the 47 per cent he was talking about," Robertson said, referring to Romney's now-infamous recorded comments at a private fundraiser that dominated the campaign ahead of the debates.

    "I think we'll be in trouble, but black people have always got through trials and tribulations," he said. "We’ll just have to keep going."

  26. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I think these long lines waiting to vote in Ohio and Florida tell the story in spite of the shameful shenanigans of the Repubs. Obabma by a LANDSLIDE. Wait and see.
    I am confidant that President Obama will win as well Ralph but everyone need to get out and vote vote vote. tell all your family members, neighbor and friends to get out and vote.



  27. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I am confidant that President Obama will win as well Ralph but everyone need to get out and vote vote vote. tell all your family members, neighbor and friends to get out and vote.


    It took a few hundred people who didn't feel like going to the polling stations in Florida in 2000 to provide the opportunity to rape the process that makes our nation great. The fallout from those who were not interested: The hard-gained surplus was thrown away; the powers-that-be ignored warning signs for 9-11; two unfunded wars; millions of foreclosures; millions of lost pensions due to Wall Street tanking; and a global recession.

    I firmly believe that if they can steal a state again, they will pull out all stops. Every vote counts and must be cast.

  28. #78
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    I agree, Roberta. This is not the time to be over-confident. VOTE!

  29. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    It took a few hundred people who didn't feel like going to the polling stations in Florida in 2000 to provide the opportunity to rape the process that makes our nation great. The fallout from those who were not interested: The hard-gained surplus was thrown away; the powers-that-be ignored warning signs for 9-11; two unfunded wars; millions of foreclosures; millions of lost pensions due to Wall Street tanking; and a global recession.

    I firmly believe that if they can steal a state again, they will pull out all stops. Every vote counts and must be cast.
    Well stated Jerry Oz.

    Tell everyone to get out and vote. And to us gals, tell every woman you know to vote as the Supreme Court is at stake. Do we really want a bunch of old white men telling us what to do with our body?


  30. #80
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    I'm amazed nobody called out Willard for his stance on abortion. I find someone who thinks that abortions should be allowed in the case of rape, incest, or health of the mother is the most hypocritical person in the debate. If "every life is precious", why are you making distinctions? Nobody has called Romney/Ryan to task in this regard. Even the religious nuts don't like it, but they're willing to let it go. Ask yourself this question: Why would the right wing ever eliminate abortion in any regard? It's the gift that keeps on giving! They energize their base quicker on abortion than anything else and they've been doing it for 40 years, now. With that being said, one day they will do something about it. And if some allegedly evangelical Christian can make legal determinations about your rights based on his religious beliefs, where's it going to end?

  31. #81
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    I hope all of you in every state will vote.

    The races are very very tight in 9 states and every vote is going to count.

    Most of the rest of the world cannot believe this is even a contest; but the polls indicate this is another Kennedy/Nixon or Bush/Gore year. And remember what happened when Gore lost by 539 votes in Florida.

  32. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    I hope all of you in every state will vote.

    The races are very very tight in 9 states and every vote is going to count.

    Most of the rest of the world cannot believe this is even a contest; but the polls indicate this is another Kennedy/Nixon or Bush/Gore year. And remember what happened when Gore lost by 539 votes in Florida.
    And a few thousand hanging chads. That's when the wheels popped off of America and she went off the side of the road.

  33. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I think these long lines waiting to vote in Ohio and Florida tell the story in spite of the shameful shenanigans of the Repubs. Obabma by a LANDSLIDE. Wait and see.
    I see a slim Obama victory, and an awful lot of yelling and court challenges by the republicans. After all, "How could Barrack Hussein Obama win after all we tried to do to make sure he didn't win?".
    Last edited by soulster; 11-06-2012 at 05:11 AM.

  34. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    I agree, Roberta. This is not the time to be over-confident. VOTE!
    Yeah, but you're the one who keeps saying he will win by a landslide! LOL!

  35. #85
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    I'm still betting on it Soulster.

  36. #86
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    I've been watching a lot of election coverage here in the UK.via Fox News. It seems to me to be a virtual department of the Republican Party. It's so biased.
    Is that normal?

  37. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by snakepit View Post
    I've been watching a lot of election coverage here in the UK.via Fox News. It seems to me to be a virtual department of the Republican Party. It's so biased.
    Is that normal?
    For Fox? Yes. Rupert Murdoch is a far-right conservative republican. he uses all of hie news media companies to spread his political philosophy. That is why rational thinkers keep telling people not to watch Fox news if they want fair reporting.

    Stop watching Fox. CNN would be better. Even NBC is more balanced than Fox, and it leans left.

  38. #88
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    I watch MSNBC, CNN sometimes and Fox.......NEVER!

  39. #89
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    Confirms what I thought........they don't seem balanced at all.
    We do get CNN ....might try them

  40. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by snakepit View Post
    Confirms what I thought........they don't seem balanced at all.
    We do get CNN ....might try them
    Fox is so far to the right it's disgusting!

  41. #91
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    Avoid Fox like the plague.

    At times, I think it shares a good deal of the responsibility for why the USA is so out of step and out of touch with the world. It also shares the responsibility for dividing the USA so sharply and pitting half the country against the other half.

  42. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Avoid Fox like the plague.

    At times, I think it shares a good deal of the responsibility for why the USA is so out of step and out of touch with the world. It also shares the responsibility for dividing the USA so sharply and pitting half the country against the other half.
    100% true. It's no wonder that Fox news is the #1 cable news network here in the U.S., and probably other countries as well. It's example one of why this country is do partisan. Rarely will you see anything unbiased on Fox. The other day, I was flipping channels and caught someone saying that 78% of republicans are racist, and the rest deny it. I laughed in agreement, and kept going. I imagine the fox spin machine had some choice words for that person!

    What I think is funny on fox is whenever someone on their channel says something that goes against the grain, one of the talking heads desperately tries to change the subject or swing it back to one of the republican talking points. Bill O'Reilly is so obvious about it.

    Unfortunately, many look at that channel and think it is some kind of accurate example of where all of the U.S. is. Some people here don't even realize just how politically biased they are. Everyone on the right thinks their ideology is the norm and that anyone else left of where they are, are just an aberration.
    Last edited by soulster; 11-06-2012 at 05:05 PM. Reason: edited for clarity

  43. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by snakepit View Post
    I've been watching a lot of election coverage here in the UK.via Fox News. It seems to me to be a virtual department of the Republican Party. It's so biased.
    Is that normal?
    Fox News peddles fear and veiled racism to older white people. Their main demographic is 55-75 year old white conservatives. They take real liberties with the truth and are quick to add [[D) Democrat to a name after any Republican get caught in a scandal. They correct it later on that day but they do it every time a Republican get caught with their pants down. If you want a real look into the world of Fox News I suggest you watch a DVD called OutFoxed. It's real scary the way Murdoch and his Network skews the news to tarnish Democrats.


    I can't watch Fox News. I get most of my news from the radio. NPR is best IMO.

    Yours, with every good wish.


  44. #94
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    I intend to have a late night watching the results....
    From what you all say , then I will be guarded about Fox.
    Also, the entire crowd supporting Romney seem to be white, middle class......no Black, Hispanic at all. Is the USA so divisive?

  45. #95
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    New York

    BTW I'm visiting New York [[Manhattan) next 4th July.
    Looking forward to it.....shame about the trouble re Sandy. Statten Island, New Jersey, Queens, Brooklyn had it bad.I will only see Manhattan [[perhaps cross into Brooklyn......only time to do the tourist bits ) Hope these areas recover soon

  46. #96
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    Many of us are surprised as to how divisive the country is, snakepit. I personally had hoped we turned the corner on it in 2008, but it suddenly became okay to admit what I've been suspecting all along as to how many problems there are in this country. The Palins, Geraldo Riveras, Sean Hannitys, Bill O'Reillys, Rush Limbaughs, and Glenn Becks began saying overtly racist things and the media barely checked them. Four years later, what may have been innuendo before has turned into outright and open hate. What's sad is that it's fomented within the lower and middle-class much more than I would have thought. Nobody is going to call me a name to my face, but they can carry home-made signs at Tea Bag rallies that contain the most hateful words imaginable.

  47. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by snakepit View Post
    Also, the entire crowd supporting Romney seem to be white, middle class......no Black, Hispanic at all. Is the USA so divisive?
    Yes it is. It is incredibly stupid and racist. And, as of now, it looks like we are screwed.

  48. #98
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    What also bothers me is that voter machines have been allegedly rigged. they had one shown earlier on MSNBC where the voter tried to vote for Obama, but the machine kept ticking Romney. He called the officials and they removed the machine.

    Thing is, how many other places, and and machines have similar problems that people didn't catch?

    Where I live, we fill in the little oval with a pen, then slip the ballot into the counter machine.

  49. #99
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    Aug 2010
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    To me, I think I'm seeing a ray of hope! Keep praying!

  50. #100
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    Aug 2010
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    What's interesting is that the election, so far, has turned out almost exactly as predicted by the experts, the Obama team, and pundits on MSNBC and CNN. Looks like the polls were pretty accurate, too.

    The space cadets on Fox...well...

    All Obama needs to do is win Florida, and hopefully Ohio, and it's all over. he is leading in both states, but they are too close to call. Florida is a crazy! Razor thin margin. he's gotta get that! Colorado is in Obama's side too.

    MSNBC has just reported that the Romney people are sequestered away from the media and having a long discussion. They are not responding to anyone right now.
    Last edited by soulster; 11-06-2012 at 11:38 PM.


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