Usher calls 911 on crazed fan, hear the callElizabeth B. Jul 4, 2012 0 Comments Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on stumbleuponShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing Services1

Woman showed up at Usher's house claiming to be his wife [[Credit: Getty)Usher Raymond had a bit on an incident at his house on June 24.

It seems a woman who thinks she's married to the R&B star showed up banging on his door and he called 911. TMZ has the tape of the call. It's very whispery, probably so the trespasser can't hear him.

Usher tells the operator, "I don't know this woman ... she rang my doorbell." Then the doorbell rings. Creepy.

TMZ reports that when police arrived, the woman, 26-year-old Darshelle Jones-Rakestraw, told officers she was married to Usher. She's not.

It wasn't the first time she's dropped by apparently.

See? This is why I'm not famous. Who needs the hassle?