Cal Street sent me this link s here is a little explanation from her

FYI - Bertha and I participated with the 4-6 grade choir at Spring Valley Elementary in Kalamazoo a few weeks ago. This is a K-6 school, and the choirs for each grade sang a variety of Motown songs to a LIVE BAND! The kindergartners sang My Girl and Baby Love, the 5-6 graders did Dancing In The Street and Thriller! They sang I'll Be There, Ain't No Mountain High Enough, and they did Needle In A Haystack with me and Bertha, routines and all. I can't remember every song they did because we did not know it would be an all out school concert! We thought they just had us as special guest for a school program. We didn't realize that it was a Motown theme concert until we got there! Get this, they did the routines on every song, and big black records with colorful centers that had the names of Motown groups, including the Velvelettes, were on the wall behind the stage. I tell you, it was a two-hour concert and there was never a dull moment, with a SRO audience of families, friends and teachers, etc.