In the booklet that goes with the Supremes Singles Collection, it says there are no Supremes on

1. Stop in the Name of Love - that the Andantes have the released version

2. In and Out of Love - the Supremes vocals were replaced with the Andantes for the released version

3. No Supremes on any of the cuts on Merry Christmas - it's all the Andantes and children.

As time goes on, it is starting to appear that the group really was Diana Ross and some backup singers that we formed a connection to but weren't really on a lot of the records - nothing after the Reflections time period and questions raised about a number of songs prior to that period - You Can't Hurry Love, Reflections.

Kind of big surprise to me; I listen to the songs on the singles collection which has excellent sound and for all those years, I was convinced I was hearing Mary, Florence and Cindy.