The book is excellent; all glossy finish and that is a rarity for Motown books these days. Articles and pictures you've never seen before.

For the anti Ross crowd, numbering 2 won't like this. There is an article saying Diana was leaving the Supremes in early 1966, that she has a style, a look and a way that Mary and Florence don't and she is passing them by. They say the group has something the Marvelettes, Toys, Shangrilas don't......and yes, you guessed it........." a super cute pixie named Diana". So, at least that article won't be your favorite.

As Andy said, no one calls her Diane, except Mary, Berry and Smokey; not even Andy and Harry. And certainly, not Internet hogs. Apparently, some internet sites are now eliminating comments because you get little intelligent discussion and a lot of smart asses living vicariously and contributing little of value. A little ring of familiarity to some?? Provoking a quick response?? Repeated several times??