Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
see i don't think she sounds bad at all on Enjoy Yourself. frankly i think she's stronger and far more engaging than on songs like Davey Crocket or the Hollywood Palace Can't Take My Eyes. at least on EY she's engaged and dynamic. often times mary's leads came across a little lifeless.

i think the problem is, being a live performance, we're missing the visual component. mary was sexy as all hell and you KNOW she leveraged her beauty and stunning figure to emphasize her vocals. and i'd imagine her facial expressions during the lines were great too

look at GIT. now no one is probably gonna say they love that tv special. but if you just listen to some of the songs or the skits, it's really lacking. when watching the show though, while it's not the best thing the groups ever did, it's much more enjoyable.

or another example. mary's Can't Take My Eyes on HP. lord! i don't know if i've ever seen such a dead look in mary's eyes. she couldn't be further removed from that stage - might as well have been 1,000 miles away. and it comes through in her singing. it's fine but it's absolutely nothing special. little to no energy or excitement. nothing engaging. the lp version was better, mercifully. but neither compare to her duet version. i love that one.
Mary's Hollywood Palace "Eyes" wasn't as bad as "Enjoy Yourself", it wasn't bad at all, but it was a horrible way to introduce the world to a lead singing Mary Wilson on national television. She was definitely better than this performance.

I love her vocal on "Davey Crockett". She handles it pretty well, for it to be an uptempo tune.