Well...Where do we begin!

I have been in love with the art of music since I was a pre-teen growing up in Jersey City, New Jersey.

There is something special about the power of good music!

Songs that get my immediate attention are those with great lead vocalist.

I can listen all day to vocal purist like Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Levi Stubbs, Russell Thompkins Jr, Karen Carpenter and Little Jimmy Scott.

When you listen to the best of the best you hear not only with your ears but with your heart!

"RAINBOW EYES" was the 1st new composition on the collection of 13 songs and it was definitely inspired by vocal purist!

Once I figure out how to add music to Soulful Detroit, I would appreciate your opinions.

Lyric sample :Rainbow Eyes...Rainbow Eyes...
There's no air when you're not there
Nights are darker too
Rainy days misty blue
Oh... How I need you
Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall
You are more beautiful than them all
Seasons change... Love remains the same
I'll love you always

Musicians: Kyle Kovalik... Lead Guitar
William Spencer...Keyboards
Jesse De Carlo...Bass Guitar
Gary Machado... Drums
Abraham... Lead vocal and background vocal
Richard Bryant... Background vocal

These seasoned musicians were perfect for this POP/Soul composition!

I selected many different musicians throughout the concept because each had an area of specialization in which they excelled.

Next: The title track... "MUSIC IS THE KEY"... Note the Musicians on this track are FUNKY AS 3 DAY OLD collard greens!