We're all familiar with the story of Cindy's kidnapping. I'm curious on your thoughts of the following, but first, a timeline of events:

December 2, 1969 - Cindy's kidnapping
December 21, 1969 - final Sullivan performance
December 23, 1969 - January 14, 1970: Frontier

Cindy jumps from moving vehicle onto California highway to escape kidnapper. She's got bumps and bruises, but nothing life threatening, and the show goes on. But.....what if?

What if Cindy had broken her arms, or legs? Or WORSE? Are the shows and performances cancelled? Do Diana and Mary go on as a duo? Does Diana postpone leaving the group? Is Jean Terrell brought in early? Does Marlene stand in? Is Flo brought back on a trial basis? Is Syreeta tested?

This "event" could have really thrown a wrench into the machine. Thankfully Cindy was unharmed, and we'll never know, but.....