yeah i didn't mean it really was a failure. just relative to the chart rankings of the previous albums. my point was to show how drastically their album chart performances changed.

LC did a bit better but only marginally. it went to 14 and was on the charts for 21 weeks.
Join was a huge hit - #2 and on for 32 weeks.

And yes they flooded the market but this was hardly the first time

Between Aug 64 and Aug 65 you had - WDOLG, reissue of Meet, Liverpool, CWP, Sam Cooke and More Hits

Between Jan 68 and Dec 68 you had - Reflections, TOTT, FG, Love Child, Join, TCB

So 6 and 6. of course in 68 you still had older albums selling like Greatest Hits, A Go Go, etc.