Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post

stay tuned for the grand finale of this expose!.
Hey Tom wouldn't it be great if Billy Griffin chose to show up and spill the beans about this song ! Why not?? What's he got to lose at this point in his life ? It's actually significant Gay history, if we've got it right. And the renewed interest in it by talking about it could garner $$ for him. He's a credited author.

shall we break it down?
the line:

When I look in your eyes
My meter starts to rise, I become so confused

Keep in mind this is coming from someone boasting to be "a love machine".

A straight guy about to be "a love machine" is not confused when looking into a woman's eyes his meter rises, in fact everything is going as needed.
Now a guy [new to LA in this story line] finds looking into a guy's eyes makes his meter go twang , he might find himself 'becoming confused' by this !!

Some more to ponder:

on this clip we can see the label for the disco promo only that came out for the clubs:


Most Disco 12" used words like 'Long Version' or 'Disco Version'. This one could just read "THE FULL VERSION OF" but the word unedited has been included. For starters the 45 version isn't edited in that its been sliced and diced... it just fades out at a certain point within the full version. By doing so it does seem to be editing out a certain aspect of the recording. 'Unedited' is almost another word for 'uncensored'.
Strikes me they are trying to call attention to the long version's special content for the gay clubs* especially that might then want to play it ,
OK, now you really are reading more into this than there actually is. All that means is that it's the long version and not the edited single version. Geez!