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  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by thanxal View Post
    Dearest MM,
    I ask you to take a big breath and join me to genuflect to Saint Diana of Ross. We shall ne'er criticize and shall always adore.
    I just returned from a retreat where there is no sound except the RCA years played in an endless loop for 72 hours. I’m fine now.

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    I just returned from a retreat where there is no sound except the RCA years played in an endless loop for 72 hours. I’m fine now.
    ^^^Bravo !!!! ^^^

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    ^^^Bravo !!!! ^^^
    this weekend we’re going to learn why, as the supreme being, diana ross does not end Covid. It’s hurting her career because people are holding it against her.

    but I do have a serious question. I honestly do not understand what the big deal about wearing a mask is. I understand that there are folks who feel very strongly one way or the other, and I understand why people think everyone should wear masks, but I don’t understand why are people being arrested and kicked off of planes and shooting Walmart employees over mask requests? I don’t understand why parents are forming vigilante groups to fight mask mandates in grammar schools. I would much prefer not to wear one, but it’s become second nature when I’m out but I’m one of those people who feels safer with it on. If you don’t mind, please take a minute and break it down for me, I would really love to understand. Thanks.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    this weekend we’re going to learn why, as the supreme being, diana ross does not end Covid. It’s hurting her career because people are holding it against her.

    but I do have a serious question. I honestly do not understand what the big deal about wearing a mask is. I understand that there are folks who feel very strongly one way or the other, and I understand why people think everyone should wear masks, but I don’t understand why are people being arrested and kicked off of planes and shooting Walmart employees over mask requests? I don’t understand why parents are forming vigilante groups to fight mask mandates in grammar schools. I would much prefer not to wear one, but it’s become second nature when I’m out but I’m one of those people who feels safer with it on. If you don’t mind, please take a minute and break it down for me, I would really love to understand. Thanks.
    A-to-the-men, MM. We'll wait patiently for responses, but my instinct is that the anti-maskers are djt supporters who realized that their gwl [[great white leader) f-ed up on Covid big time and are over-compensating to compensate for their rationale.

  5. #105
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    ... sad, but interesting, too, is that the thread about Florence Ballard's passing anniversary got 1 [that's ... one ...) reply from the Florence 'fans', BUT!!! A negative thread about Diana gets 103 replies. Yup. That's soul/r&b 'fans' for 'ya!

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceNHarmony View Post
    ... sad, but interesting, too, is that the thread about Florence Ballard's passing anniversary got 1 [that's ... one ...) reply from the Florence 'fans', BUT!!! A negative thread about Diana gets 103 replies. Yup. That's soul/r&b 'fans' for 'ya!
    Do you think they might possibly be, what’s your usual expression Diana Ross haters and trolls?. Oops, sorry toads. I hope not as she seems really nice.

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeaceNHarmony View Post
    ... sad, but interesting, too, is that the thread about Florence Ballard's passing anniversary got 1 [that's ... one ...) reply from the Florence 'fans', BUT!!! A negative thread about Diana gets 103 replies. Yup. That's soul/r&b 'fans' for 'ya!
    Hmmm. In reading this thread, while, it's a long one, most of the posts are not about how awful and hateful Diana Ross supposedly is, but about COVID vaccines and masking protocols. Unless all that discussion is code language to unfairly bash Diana Ross?

    In a way, it's refreshing that this year's anniversary of Flo's death didn't get many responses. Perhaps she's being forgotten? Or in a more positive spin, maybe some fans are moving beyond seeing her as the ultimate and quintessential victim of Diana Ross, Berry Gordy and Motown and would rather celebrate her life and work come her birthday time? I hope that's the case.

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    this weekend we’re going to learn why, as the supreme being, diana ross does not end Covid. It’s hurting her career because people are holding it against her.

    but I do have a serious question. I honestly do not understand what the big deal about wearing a mask is. I understand that there are folks who feel very strongly one way or the other, and I understand why people think everyone should wear masks, but I don’t understand why are people being arrested and kicked off of planes and shooting Walmart employees over mask requests? I don’t understand why parents are forming vigilante groups to fight mask mandates in grammar schools. I would much prefer not to wear one, but it’s become second nature when I’m out but I’m one of those people who feels safer with it on. If you don’t mind, please take a minute and break it down for me, I would really love to understand. Thanks.
    Masks were politicized. First by Trump and his supporters and allies, who used the issue to rally against taking away "freedoms". But those who making opposing Trump a core part of their life's identities play a role as well in their reaction by making mask wearing part of their public resistance to all things Trump by making a big show on social media that they always wear masks wherever they go, even when outside alone in the woods, to demonstrate their superior virtues and morality. And by doing so, they make the MAGA brigade even more stubborn and ridiculous in their anti mask zealotry.

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spreadinglove21 View Post
    Hmmm. In reading this thread, while, it's a long one, most of the posts are not about how awful and hateful Diana Ross supposedly is, but about COVID vaccines and masking protocols. Unless all that discussion is code language to unfairly bash Diana Ross?

    In a way, it's refreshing that this year's anniversary of Flo's death didn't get many responses. Perhaps she's being forgotten? Or in a more positive spin, maybe some fans are moving beyond seeing her as the ultimate and quintessential victim of Diana Ross, Berry Gordy and Motown and would rather celebrate her life and work come her birthday time? I hope that's the case.
    Nice post. I think your spot on about Flo.

  10. #110
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    Motown Maniac, you’ve politely inquired and I think you are aiming your question at me .
    If so I really can’t explain the actions you wonder about by others .Individual incidences have their own stories.
    I can only speak for myself and opposition to wearing a mask had nothing to do with Trump. I could care less his position. I know Biden when first elected promised no
    Mask mandates . Smoke and mirrors.
    I’m living my life as normally as possible. We do have yard signs around here that read, “choose freedom, not fear “
    Ironically What used to be the case of maybe 25%~30% of those not wearing masks to 75% wearing them. Our local mandate now is lifted and overnight it’s 80%-90% not wearing masks if not more. Poof !
    the power of those That have the power……
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 02-26-2022 at 02:38 PM.

  11. #111
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    Trumps handling of COVID was deplorable but not surprising. This is a man who incited a violent insurrection against a free and fair election and still spews lies and bs ever darned day. Hes triple vaccinated as are all of those vile hosts at FAUX News but they spread lies and real dangerous information every darrned day. That lying bitch Marjorie Taylor Greene defended speaking at a white supremacist event saying she didnt know what it was and had never met or know Nick Fuentes a nazi supporter who she stood on stage with. This is what the GOP has become. LIARS AND PIGS. The party of Trump and marjorie Taylor Greene and pedofile Matt Gaetz and the disgusting Kevin McCarthy. Trump will go down in history as the most dangerous and racist and sexist and vulgar President in our countrys history. He should be rotting in a jail cell. Sorry folks rant over. I will pray for less anger about Trump tomorrow during mass but hes a dangerous man who should never ever ever ever hold public office agian.

    Last edited by Roberta75; 02-27-2022 at 12:06 AM.

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Trumps handling of COVID was deplorable but not surprising. This is a man who incited a violent insurrection against a free and fair election and still spews lies and bs ever darned day. Hes triple vaccinated as are all of those vile hosts at FAUX News but they spread lies and real dangerous information every darrned day. That lying bitch Marjorie Taylor Greene defended speaking at a white supremacist event saying she didnt know what it was and had never met or know Nick Fuentes a nazi supporter who she stood on stage with. This is what the GOP has become. LIARS AND PIGS. The party of Trump and marjorie Taylor Greene and pedofile Matt Gaetz and the disgusting Kevin McCarthy. Trump will go down in history as the most dangerous and racist and sexist and vulgar President in our countrys history. He should be rotting in a jail cell. Sorry folks rant over. I will pray for less anger about Trump tomorrow during mass but hes a dangerous man who should never ever ever ever hold public office agian.

    AMEN to that, my friend Ms. Roberta. Since Nixon's 'southern strategy' [[ I was just entering political-awareness age) it seemed to me that the republican party was a thinly-veiled white supremacy clan. I regret that's basically what the gop at large has become. djt's complicity in calling covid 'a hoax' for over the first 2 crucial months, then claiming it would 'just go away' by Easter and moo-ing that 'it's a beautiful test - anyone who wants a test gets a test' while in fact tests were not available [[probably because he did not want the public aware of how widespread the virus had become) are all [[except the last statement) verifiable facts. The gop party has, in my life, now been complicit in the spread of 2 major public health crises: AIDS and Covid. Have a great day & mass and be well!

  13. #113
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    For historical accuracy and as an educational aid to those too young or out of the country I add: Ronald Reagan's "welfare queens", Bush 1's Willie Horton campaign ad, Bush 2's fly-over mishandling of Katrina, Barbara Bush's statement that the refugees in the Superdome were happier there than in their homes, McConnell's recent statement that 'Black Americans vote at the same rate as Americans", djt's "Where's my African American!!?". I'll leave it there and circle back to looking forward to seeing Diana Ross in person A. S. A. P. !!!

  14. #114
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    Gawd this thread has gotten

    Hee haw !

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Trump will go down in history as the most dangerous and racist and sexist and vulgar President in our countrys history.

    As disgusting as Trump is, let's not go overboard Ms. Roberta. There are presidents whose actions went much further than Trump's in target of POC. To your point, however, it has to be pointed out that his rhetoric before, during, and after his presidency has been the most in your face racist of any president of most of our lifetimes. And the question should be pondered that if not for the laws of the land, as they currently stand, how far would his racist attitude have gone? With any increase in voting power that the GQP has, this country runs the risk of falling so far back in time that it'll make our heads spin. 2024 election will be very interesting to watch.

    And as scary as Trump can be, truth be told, he's a bumbling idiot. Not that he's stupid, just idiotic, in a childlike way. Desantis, on the other hand, isn't a bumbling idiot. He isn't stupid and there's nothing childish about him. My gut tells me he'll beat Trump in a nomination bid. I do not trust the Dems to do what is necessary to win. If Trump hadn't been the disaster he was with Covid, Biden would still be in the basement. He became president mostly on an anti Trump wave. That's luck. We can't afford to just be anti-GQP the next go round. Too much of a crap shoot when we know without a doubt that our country has a "healthy" amount of people who are willing to vote in the most vile and despicable human beings because of racism. Trump tripped all over himself as president and as much as he would have liked to have made a more pointed effort in upholding white supremacy, he was too much of an idiot to do as much as he could. Desantis on the other hand, is smart enough and capable enough of some serious damage. Mark my words.

  16. #116
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    Oh gawd

    the trifecta of BORING has now arrived.

    I think I’ll start a new thread more to their suitability
    How about
    …..“which Supreme wore their mascara the best ?”

    Hee haw!
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 02-27-2022 at 11:24 AM.

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    Gawd this thread has gotten

    Hee haw !
    Are we having trouble handling words outside our narrow ideology? I think we should next turn to Brexit and the catastrophe for the British economy that has been.

  18. #118
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    Go for it thanx, if you’re going to go BORING , go all the way !

    hmmm I think Cindy wore her mascara the best , then Diana but only in 1968 on the Sid Caesar show, then Jean, followed by the Andantes.

  19. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    Go for it thanx, if you’re going to go BORING , go all the way !

    hmmm I think Cindy wore her mascara the best , then Diana but only in 1968 on the Sid Caesar show, then Jean, followed by the Andantes.

  20. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    As disgusting as Trump is, let's not go overboard Ms. Roberta. There are presidents whose actions went much further than Trump's in target of POC. To your point, however, it has to be pointed out that his rhetoric before, during, and after his presidency has been the most in your face racist of any president of most of our lifetimes. And the question should be pondered that if not for the laws of the land, as they currently stand, how far would his racist attitude have gone? With any increase in voting power that the GQP has, this country runs the risk of falling so far back in time that it'll make our heads spin. 2024 election will be very interesting to watch.

    And as scary as Trump can be, truth be told, he's a bumbling idiot. Not that he's stupid, just idiotic, in a childlike way. Desantis, on the other hand, isn't a bumbling idiot. He isn't stupid and there's nothing childish about him. My gut tells me he'll beat Trump in a nomination bid. I do not trust the Dems to do what is necessary to win. If Trump hadn't been the disaster he was with Covid, Biden would still be in the basement. He became president mostly on an anti Trump wave. That's luck. We can't afford to just be anti-GQP the next go round. Too much of a crap shoot when we know without a doubt that our country has a "healthy" amount of people who are willing to vote in the most vile and despicable human beings because of racism. Trump tripped all over himself as president and as much as he would have liked to have made a more pointed effort in upholding white supremacy, he was too much of an idiot to do as much as he could. Desantis on the other hand, is smart enough and capable enough of some serious damage. Mark my words.
    Desantis is a vile as and dangerous as Trump. Desantis is another POS up to his neck in homophobia and racism and sexism. Trump praised Marjorie Taylor Greene, who just spoke at a White Nationalist conference in his CPAC speech today. The FORMER insurrectionist inciting President called Putin “smart” again and repeated FAKE delusional claims about the 2020 election being "rigged."

  21. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Desantis is a vile as and dangerous as Trump. Desantis is another POS up to his neck in homophobia and racism and sexism. Trump praised Marjorie Taylor Greene, who just spoke at a White Nationalist conference in his CPAC speech today. The FORMER insurrectionist inciting President called Putin “smart” again and repeated FAKE delusional claims about the 2020 election being "rigged."
    During the time when he was denying the effects of Covid and battling any common sense mask laws, at a time when Florida statistics were amongst the worst in the nation, I thought the best nickname for him was
    ”Ron Death Sentence.”
    Last edited by kenneth; 02-28-2022 at 11:04 AM.

  22. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenneth View Post
    During the time when he was denying the effects of Covid and battling any common sense mask laws, at a time when Florida statistics were amongst the worst in the nation, I thought the best nickname for him was
    ”Ron Death Sentence.”
    Sadly that name sums him up perfectly dear Kenneth. Hes got blood all over his hands and now he doesnt want Black or any LGBTQIA discussions in school. May God forgive him.

  23. #123
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    And now don’t you pray too hard for peace of mind and calm. I like the fired up Roberta!


  24. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenneth View Post

    And now don’t you pray too hard for peace of mind and calm. I like the fired up Roberta!

    LOL. God forgive Kenneth me but I pray for that Trump never ever ever holds public office again and that Ted Cruz gets stuck in a tropical rainstorm for 30 days and 30 nights without shelter or heat or AC. Deathsantis, [[love that name) you dont wanna know.


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