Nope, not the beginning of "Remember Me". This "Bye Baby" is a Supremes song, recorded in September 1963. I first heard it on a bootleg many years ago. Didn't particularly care for it. Since it's official release on the WDOLG expanded, I've come to dig it a little more on account of the harmonies alone. The song is nothing special. The lyrics are "meh", and so is the track. Diana's lead is also rather "meh". Flo and Mary are really the only thing for me to like on this song, and even them I'm not wild about. As the song closes, they each break out into their own thing, which is the best part of the song, but unfortunately that's where it ends, so...

Anyway, not one of my favs but I'm interested to learn of your thoughts on this one. Interesting to note that the song has 51 likes and 37 dislikes. I don't think I've ever noticed a Supremes song with that close of a ratio of likes to dislikes. Yeah, I'm really curious what you all think about "Bye Baby".