This is an interview backstage at the Grammy's in 1988. Miss Ross talks about where the music business was headed. Let's look at what she said and dissect it.

"I'm not crazy about it, myself. I just feel like there's a lot of artists getting lost because of the big machinery that's happening. The family organizations are kinda disappeared like an independent company like Motown. To me, now, they're distributing somewhere else and I feel like a lot of artists don't get to be played on MTV and I, you know, I feel like a lot of things have been lost because of the bigness of it all. Um, I miss, I don't, uh.....I don't think the family kind of relationship is there now to me with RCA now that uh Bertelman's has bought it. I mean, I never know who to talk to there...I mean.....I can say that here. But I mean, you know, and CBS, I heard that SONY has bought that. I mean, you know, it's just, it's so big. I mean, I know that if artists feel like I feel, it's kind of hard to find where your direction are. Who are the people there in management these days? You really don't know."

She starts this at 5:43

Try not to get lost in this woman's beauty. She is just stunningly beautiful and radiant. I just KNOW she smelled so good here.

Now, going by what she said, do you all agree? I think I can see where she is coming from. I think this is so funny that she said this before 1990. She said this in 1988, right after my beloved "Shock Waves", and one year before the Workin' Overtime album. I think she foresaw the end of actually grooming an artist. Working with them not just on music, but what to say in an interview, how to sit, how to speak, how to conduct yourself, etc. We do not have any artists development anymore. Not saying that is bad or good, but nobody really pushes and believes in an artist or a group anymore. The general public want new music so much and so quickly, record labels do not really have the time to invest in an artist anymore. In 1988, Miss Ross saw a storm on the horizon.

What was happening with Diana and RCA at this time? This was the end of their road together. How could someone as big as Diana Ross feel like she did not know who to talk to at a record label? Did she feel as if there was no support there for her? Were her calls unanswered? Was she being played on MTV. What was happening during this time?