Motown has announced a relaunch of their groundbreaking label Black Forum, originally founded in 1971 by Berry Gordy.
The label’s revival will kick off with a release of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Why I Oppose The War In Vietnam on February 26 as the first of six historic spoken word albums to be reissued.

“As we navigate our way through unprecedented times, racial and social tensions are at a high. We felt an urgent need to reactivate Black Forum in order to provide information alongside inspiration,” says Motown Records President Ethiopia Habtemariam. “The label provided a clear-cut reflection of who America was at the time of civil unrest in the 60s and 70s. Now, we look to extend and expound on the original principles and purpose of Black Forum.”

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Motown To Relaunch Black Forum And Reissue Spoken Word Albums [[