I agree, Jean has an amazing voice that is distinct. I heard Gordy saw her perform in Miami and decided on her. All of those ideas are good ones but didn't Gordy want Syreeta? I have heard her on music but not visual performances. I think Mary admits gordy saw something in Jean and realized it would not really work as he had thought. I loved Scherrie Payne as she has sparkle, glamour and a big voice-I wonder if it would have been too different from Diana in 1970. Jean always struck me as vocally a cross between Diana Ross and Dionne Warwick. Some folks that are friends have heard me play her and felt she was too nasal and shrill at times. I just wonder if Gordy was so wrapped up in Diana that his carelessness caused him to replace her without putting in as much thought as he used to with the group as he did when Diana was with them. Surely, he should have looked at stage and television presence since that was a big part of their success. Diana,Mary,Florence and Cindy all projected great presence-not saying Jean is not an amazing singer but that part of her personae alone should have not put her in a group, let alone Motown's #1 group.