Hey guys--huge Labelle fan here. I was good friends with a guy who was friends with several Supremes back in the early 2000s. One day I was talking on the phone with him and somehow or another I brought up Labelle, and this friend instantly said "Oh I always hated them." I was taken aback--this opinion sort of came out of nowhere. Did a lot of Supremes fans hate Labelle? If so, why? I know all about the Cindy drama so we don't have to rehash that--but my friend just seemed to feel like Labelle and Supremes were rivals. Did the fans feel that way? These groups were insanely different so I don't really understand the rivalry if one existed. I get the Bluebelles rivalry with the Supremes but I am talking about the 70's group Labelle. They never seemed to me to be driving in the same lane as the Supremes. Your thoughts?