Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
I hear ya AB. It just sucks to feel so powerless. Somebody is dictating to us instead of the other way around. But as much as I hate the idea of Biden in office, I have to remind myself that point for point Biden would make the better president. The one we have now is devoid of love and care for anyone and anything except power. And that's frightening.
It's sad. With two parties and 400+ congressional seats, there is no representative government on the federal level anymore. It used to be that a socially liberal/economically moderate Dem could craft a bill with a economically moderate/socially conservative Republican. They found the areas that they agreed on and worked for the good of the country. Now, if you work across the aisle, you get primaried. So voting for the Democrats is analogous to voting for Pelosi/Schumer and voting for the Republicans is de facto voting for McConnell/McCarthy. Without at least a heavily represented third party, which would force government by coalition, this republic is dead. No hyperbole intended.

Also, the Dems' shenanigans in their primaries have me jaded. I'll hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils but I hate my choices.