I'll have to have my advisors look into that. If the Baron is on the up and up [[besides that tax thing) then maybe I can work it out for a small financial consideration to my political action committee. But if he's got things in his background that might get the attention of my parole offic... my chief advisor then Imma have to find some other terms to accept his cash. I mean work with him. And correct me if I heard wrong but I thought that the Baron's snapping turtles was what he called his babies' mamas, not what he used to keep them away. Or maybe he called them pit bulls. Something, I dunno. Anyway, I'm leery of any "fish" found down in that part of the hood because I know there was a huge hole in the sewer line out of the hood and a lot of those fish don't swim [[although a bunch of them float). I might be able to have the EPA consider his property a toxic site and funnel a few million dollars in his direction if he can make sure a couple of them make their way back. After all, I'm planning on ordering a pair of gators for my inauguration and they don't buy themselves so I need these people to start pulling my weight. But once again, I lvoe my voters. Let them know that I'm recording a YouTube video just for them to express my appreciation and I'm going to post it as soon as I figure out how to make them pay to watch it. This thing is going to happen. When I called to find my poll results this morning, instead of asking who I am, they told me that their lawyers would contact me if I continued to call them. So that means the polling companies know about me and that's a huge step to legitimacy. I can feel the love! Anyway, Vote For Jerry. Let This One Crab Get Out The Barrel, Y'all!!!