Quote Originally Posted by WaitingWatchingLookingForAChance View Post
Thanks! Now I feel like I wasn't too "way out" with that line of thought.

And yep, same for me when it came to how I reacted with Whitney and Michael. Whitney's death just hurt me to the heart.

I remember the day Whitney died, on one of our talk radio stations in Chicago, they were talking about Whitney and when too many callers started getting ugly about Whitney's personal life, there is this weatherman, Tom Skilling,
and he came on. Mr. Skilling has the personality of Mr. Rogers, just one of the sweetest, nicest guys in the universe. Tom d
idn't fire back, he didn't yell or downgrade the negative callers. He just simply spoke from his heart, said that he felt Whitney was a beautiful person and it was a great tragedy to lose her. All of his comments showed such compassion and pure class that it completely stopped the negative callers- COLD. After he made his comments, NOBODY said anything but kind things about the woman. Tom Skilling isn't the kind of guy I would have figured for a Whitney Houston fan, but I guess he was and he defended her BEAUTIFULLY with kindness. That day, my respect and esteem shot up to one million for this man.
This is what people dislike about Marv - constant negativity