How far into the video did you watch? He mentioned Betty as part of the original group, the Primettes, and mentioned that Barbara was in the original quartet of Supremes but left before the hits started. So he actually mentioned ten women with legitimate roots to the Official Motown Supremes.

He does mention eight Supremes when he mentioned the cover of the Superstar Series of Supremes which has the iconic cover of the eight Supremes who contributed to the TRIO's success. He did no disservice to Betty or Barbara.

Perhaps he is a little behind the times though. The clip that he just found was a group of girls and the lead singer [[Kaaaaaaaren Ragland) says that she joined the Supremes way back in 1976. He shows the clip in this video and then edits in Donald saying "Fake News".

Well it is fake news. The Supremes still existed in 1976 and she was not part of the group. She did appear with Mary after Mary went solo but was still billing herself as The Supremes. So Kaaaaaren took it upon herself to continue calling herself a former Supreme. She never was a Supreme and never will be a Supreme.

I found nothing wrong with this video. It was mostly accurate but quite boring.