SIR,DUUFUSS WILL HELP YOU BUT THERE IS ONE TEENY TINY LITTLE THING HE WANTS...TO BE VICE PRESIDENT..[sir when he sits his tiny mind to something he won't let go]I'VE TRIED TO EXPLAIN IT TO HIM BUT HE WON'T BUDGE,HE SAYS THAT IF YOU DON'T LET HIM BE VICE PRESIDENT HE'S GONNA WRITE A TELL ALL BOOK ABOUT YOUR ADMINISTRATION...[there may be certain things that you don't want in print sir]I'M TRYING TO GET HIM TO TAKE AN AMBASSADORSHIP TO AFRICA..[you can ship him to some small country and by the time he figures it out your term will be up]BUT HE'S PUTTING UP POSTERS THAT READ..VIZE PREESEDINT OFF DA UNIGHTID STAKES OFF AMURICKA..[now this may seem harmless but if any of the local papers get a hold of this,after a couple drinks duufuss tends to talk and he loves to drink]NOW SIR ALL THE PAPERS IN DA HOOD I CAN CONTROL,BUT IF HE GOES TWO BLOCKS OVER I HAVE NO CLOUT OVER THERE...[maybe sir you could pass an emergency bill annulling the freedom of the press]JUST IN CASE SIR,YOU'RE CLOSE TO BEING ELECTED!!