You're a swell fella to be sure. I ran across a family of actual bunnies yesterday. I would have felt bad but they were in the middle of the road do it's not like I have something against bunnies. Well, except for the one my wife caught me with a couple of weeks ago. It was a huge misunderstanding. I was only asking her for directions to the ATM [[I funny know why she was drunk, naked and in my bedroom) but since she was there already, I was gonna pump her for information. Seriously, I had to make my wife feel guilty for doubting me before she took my word that I did not have sexual relations with that woman. If the bunny turns up pregnant, I might have some splainin' to do but I bought myself a couple of missed periods before I have to worry about it. I'm halfway convinced that I shouldn't play with bunnies anymore but they're sooo cute when they're drunk.