Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
oh completely agree with you. broadway is most definitely NOT for the weak or faint hearted. in reality, Flo probably would never have made it and probably would never have tried. My post was more about fantasy - assuming she DID have the training or work ethic.

the Good Times idea sort of popped into my head. kind of like a guest star spot or something like that. even that wasn't being done all that much until you got the likes of Love Boat and all. I do think had MSS been around they could have gotten booked onto that boat! hehehe that would have been fun!
If they had been popular at the time, I could see MSS doing the episode that the Pointer Sisters did. They played ship maids who Isaac asked to sing backup for a big show. Only problem was when the show occured, Isaac got stage fright, couldn't sing, and June and the girls had to take over.