Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
It was a Fox news talking head that started this shit. But, with that and the criminal-in-chief going nuts over Obamacare and shutting down trade with Mexico, they are all trying to cover the blow over the coming Muller report, which we have just learned will be heavily redacted by Trump's henchman William Barr. I only hope that the rats in the white house leak the unredacted report first.
FOX News is Trump's version of State TV. The former President and First lady had NOTHING to do with the Jussie Smollett case being dropped. Its pure propeganda and Hannity and that old washed up crooked Judge Pirro and those fools on Fox and Friends are so far up his butt im surprised they can breath. I REFUSE to watch a frame of that network. If you want to see the BS they spread there this is a real good website. http://www.newshounds.us/