Thanks BayouMotownMan. I agree that there was a lot of "smoke" around MJ.

Earlier in this thread, jbpintus pointed out the book called "The Michael Jackson Conspiracy" by Aphrodite Jones. I used to own this book and read it possibly 10 years ago. I remember it was a well-written pro-Michael Jackson argument, presenting the holes in the court case from 2005. At the time I had read it, I was on the fence regarding his innocence and I remember this book swayed me to his side. I may need to re-visit it again and see if this book still holds up for me, in light of the new information being presented. I am big on getting the real facts, as there is a lot of misinformed journalists out there at the moment, writing articles and incorporating a lot of untrue hearsay and gossip in order to build an argument for "cancelling Michael Jackson" from our culture.

I tend to wonder how things will be going foward? There are already dozens of radio stations pledging to ban Michael from their playlists. I feel that it will be difficult to 100% 'cancel' Michael Jackson, as his music heavily influenced so many artists. Every time we see and hear Bruno Mars, we get the MJ comparisons. I wonder if Diana will continue to perform "Ease on Down the Road" in her shows? I hope she will.