Steve Schmidt, public affairs strategist, letting the MAGAts and Proud Boys and Oathkeepers and the other crazies know where we stand:
“I am not afraid of any of these people. I will not be afraid of these people. The whole fetid lot of liars, weirdoes, loons, militias, religious nuts, fascists and conspiracy theorists, all of them need to understand something. The rest of us are holding the line and we aren’t taking one more fucking step backwards to accommodate their insanity. Not one. The exhausted majority is what I’m a part of. It’s got Republicans, Democrats, independents, new voters and new citizens. It’s made up of people of all faiths, creeds, religions and no religion at all. It is common sense based and we are sick of the bull shit and will not allow a belligerent minority to hijack our country, our families, our kids, our faiths, our communities, our unity, our liberty, our bodies and our future. Never.”
Always keep in mind that no matter how loud the MAGAts are, there are fewer of them than there are Democrats and Independents and Republicans who were never for Thing 45 or have since become anti-Thing.
They’re loud, they’re obnoxious, they’re racist, dumb, and slightly insane, but they aren’t the majority.
Eric _____, on Fox News, lying:
“Last night, I had an argument between two people in a restaurant who were trying to buy Lara and I dinner to apologize for what the United States government has done to our family. I mean, you wouldn’t believe the energy out there. I’ve been through all of these firestorms over the year. I’ve never seen America more mad than it is right now. People get this for what it is, Sean. You know, they’ve removed the wool from people’s eyes and people know exactly what’s going on. They’re targeting [Thing 45], they’re targeting his family, they’re targeting everybody around him.”
Yeah, that totally happened.
Let’s be clear, Eric is the one who stole money from a children’s charities.
Let’s be clear, if someone offered to buy Eric and Lara, his keeper, a dinner, they would take a photo together and display it all over social media, but, like his father, he thinks we’re dumb enough to believe anything he says because, in fact, he is that stupid.