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  1. #251
    miss_lish Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    For Smark 21

    After reading your post this morning, I take my responsibility and admit I did let the situation get way out of hand - therefore, - I would like to send my sorrowful regrets to you.

    How nice! Maybe you have some redeeming qualities after all!!

  2. #252
    miss_lish Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    True, very odd in did - and the winner was chosen very quickly.

    Did Tony Turner meet the winner at the taping?

  3. #253
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    Not yet..........................

  4. #254
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Not yet..........................

    Is this a coded message - also - you have a mole in your click.

  5. #255
    miss_lish Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Ahummmmmm.......... Now it's gettin' hawt in hurr. I think y'all need to cool it a bit. whew! LOL!

    It is interesting, Marv2, that you have no input about Tony Turner being caught in a bold-faced lie; but are all over rumor and innuendo that Miss Ross's boys, [[or is it only one of the boys), is her grandchild. Interesting, but completely within the parameters you have established for your on-line character.
    Last edited by miss_lish; 02-19-2011 at 10:22 PM.

  6. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss_lish View Post
    It is interesting, Marv2, that you have no input about Tony Turner being caught in a bold-faced lie; but are all over rumor in innuendo that Miss Ross's boys, [[or is it only one of the boys), is her grandchild. Interesting, but completely within the parameters you have established for your on-line character.
    Careful you are closing in on some real truth here. hahahahaheehee hee

  7. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss_lish View Post
    It is interesting, Marv2, that you have no input about Tony Turner being caught in a bold-faced lie; but are all over rumor in innuendo that Miss Ross's boys, [[or is it only one of the boys), is her grandchild. Interesting, but completely within the parameters you have established for your on-line character.

    It is interesting that you feel you have the right to insult me.

  8. #258
    miss_lish Guest
    Where's the insult?

  9. #259
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    it's a spin tactic...don't even bother. Some of uS see what you're getting at miss lish.

  10. #260
    miss_lish Guest
    LOL! I know, but I am interested to hear how Marv2 can derive that he was insulted from observations based on facts. Moving on..

  11. #261
    Join Date
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    Many of us have had our eyes opened around here!

  12. #262
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    Tony............because the taping has not yet occurred, you can't have met the "winner".............hence, the "not yet" from me! At least it's logical right? And the mole in my click is because the message was too short.

    This thread now has taken a more logical turn; 90% of it is rubbish but some of it is very good.

    I dont see Miss Lish as insulting you Marv; she is stating something that appears to be logical; it's a little bit of a question. What she is saying is that Tony very clearly did not attend a taping of the Oprah show because it hasn't been held; you haven't commented on that; but other matters of innuendo and gossip involved Diana Ross or the remote possibility a gossip movie might involve her somehow, and you are quick to leap to all kinds of conclusions. As we see now about the movie, your nemisis, Rick, is going to be involved which must sting. And see, most of the forum doesn't care about any of this and won't read this or any of this thread.

    Another time you thought I insulted you on here was where I referred to pedophile preachers as "Jesus guys"; I was being sarcastic; the LAST thing they are is "Jesus guys"; at the pearly gates, the "Jesus guys" will be very uncomfortable; but I certainly wasn't referring to you or any other Christian, Muslim, Fundamentalist or any other religious person; and you were far to quick to assume I referred to you.

    I think we need to throw up a new Diana on Oprah thread that really deals with the show.

  13. #263
    topdiva1 Guest
    ^^^I see you have thrown it up.

    The information I posted about The Oprah / Diana Ross interview - on this thread - concerning Tony Turner - was a tool / a guise so to speak, only used to flush out the Tony Turner and Topdiva haters - so I could be clear who you all really are, once and for all. It was not meant to be taken as real - only a trick to find out who's who. And it worked BIG TIME - now I know for sure who to avoid - in the know it all ROSS world.

    It was like taken pigs to market!!!!

    SURPRISE - All of you initially took the bait and revealed yourselves as the nasty Ross Fans you are - I guess an apple does not fall far from the tree.

    Now here's some REAL TRUTH - DIANA ROSS has never been FAN FRIENDLY only FAN PHONY.

    You should not be SURPRISED by that statement - your golden book JRT told you all that in his researched books.

    It is'nt really odd to me, jobeterob that you have not addressed the mole in your group, I never expected you to publicly - although you are bound to shall we say SPIN it now - as nothing, - or perhaps you did that in a private message, which I am lead to understand is your way, as stated here by yourself. This is not a personal attack on you - just a statement of what I have read here and was told by your friend. Didn't Diana Ross once sing a song - two versions I believe, called - KEEP AN EYE. Remeber..".. a friend is an enemy you can't see - keep an eye".

    At any rate I DO NOT REGRET what I did - while it may not have been helpful to you all - it was to me. So I offer no regrets to any of you.

  14. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    ^^^I see you have thrown it up.

    The information I posted about The Oprah / Diana Ross interview - on this thread - concerning Tony Turner ... was not meant to be taken as real - only a trick to find out who's who....

    At any rate I DO NOT REGRET what I did - while it may not have been helpful to you all - it was to me. So I offer no regrets to any of you.
    Top Diva, what you have done with that statement is to put us all on notice not to believe anything that you post on this board. Your posts start with, "it has been said" " I have been told" "it has been reported" "reliable sources have told me". Well, now with your admission above, it can be said and it can be told and you have reported that you post lies on this board.

    So be it. You have never had any power to have your posts believed on this board. But if it possible, your admission above has given you negative power.

    You were pushed into a corner to admit a lie that you posted, and your only way out of that corner was to say that you tricked us.

    As for the Tony Turner/Top Diva crap, I'll leave that to others to discuss. You may just be a Tony Turner fanatic. As I said earlier, I neither hate nor love Turner. I do dislike that you turn every thread into a Turner thread.

    You did not play any of us. You lied to us. I will refrain from attacking you personally, but I can't help but wonder if you lead a sad life in the real world and that is why you spend much of your time creating drama on this board.

  15. #265
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by miss_lish View Post
    It is interesting, Marv2, that you have no input about Tony Turner being caught in a bold-faced lie; but are all over rumor and innuendo that Miss Ross's boys, [[or is it only one of the boys), is her grandchild. Interesting, but completely within the parameters you have established for your on-line character.

    What is interesting is how the stirfrysupremes crew banned together to cover up iconicpuffies bol bare faced lie - and by the way where is the iconic one???????????????

  16. #266
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
    Top Diva, what you have done with that statement is to put us all on notice not to believe anything that you post on this board. Your posts start with, "it has been said" " I have been told" "it has been reported" "reliable sources have told me". Well, now with your admission above, it can be said and it can be told and you have reported that you post lies on this board.

    So be it. You have never had any power to have your posts believed on this board. But if it possible, your admission above has given you negative power.

    You were pushed into a corner to admit a lie that you posted, and your only way out of that corner was to say that you tricked us.

    As for the Tony Turner/Top Diva crap, I'll leave that to others to discuss. You may just be a Tony Turner fanatic. As I said earlier, I neither hate nor love Turner. I do dislike that you turn every thread into a Turner thread.

    You did not play any of us. You lied to us. I will refrain from attacking you personally, but I can't help but wonder if you lead a sad life in the real world and that is why you spend much of your time creating drama on this board.
    ! - I do not turn every thing into a Tony Turner thread - please read the threads carefully and you can see where the turn comes from and begins. There are already threads on here today that mention by Misslish and others negative things about Tony Turner - not me. I have not even posted in that thread. [[I am sure lish will now mount yet another one of his attacks) with that said - I move on

    2 - I am not looking for power on this broad or any other - that would be stirfrysupremes crew, and others who have nothing more in life to do. Power over idols fools is not my food of choice.

    3 - My style of - I have been told - It has been written - the article says - Ross told the iinterviewer, sources have reported, all comes from j randy T - his very researched books are nothing more than "cut and paste" bios.

    4 - As once again I seek no power here - may admission was based in truth just to show you and others interested how silly some of the haters here are, how they twist and turn every thread off topic. I am guilty of responding to there garbage and playing with them in the pig pen.

    5 - I just may be a Tony Turner fanatic - now that you mention it - but - not on the level of of the Diana Ross fanatics that post here.

    6 - If people paid real attention to the threads you would have seen that I reported Tony Turner had returned to Europe in January after working with The Three Degrees in San Francisco - where some fans saw him at work - so The Oprah thing should have been seen through right away and I should have been questioned when did Tony Turner return to the USA. But as expected the usual suspects jumped on clearly bogus information like gossip hungry pigs. And that is what it was meant for.

    7 - And as to the crap that I was pushed into a corner - that is the biggest joke to come of any of this - IT WAS A TRICK - A ROUSE to force the others out of the corner and into the center ring.

    8 - No need to wonder about my life - I am doing just fine. But thanks. You should wonder why someone post the negative nasty comments they do about the dead mother - but let us no return to that lie, as it has NOTHING to do with Motown. - instead let us RTL.

    9 - As I have already said about this situation - I REGRET NOTHING.

    10 - Like you - I will TRY and refrain from attacking the usual suspects - so be it.

  17. #267
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by iconicpuff View Post
    She's burnt to a crisp and scattered who knows where. The house has been ransacked of all the possessions
    and the memory of her is barely a presence now.

    I see your spelling is still.......lamentable, to say the least.

    You should inform the moderator about your 'IGNORE' function, Tony. It doesn't seem to be working.

    'How gauche'???? That's a bit French, isn't it? Shouldn't your el conde de Barcelona teach you how to say in Spanish or Catalan?

    Also, you still haven't answered the enquiring folk here who are champing at the bit for your explanation of how you were at the Oprah taping, dear, Missie Turner!
    You must be cringing with embarrassment, hoping folk will soon forget all about it or, at the very least, be praying that this thread gets deleted!

    Sweetie - where are you - have you gone - one thing I will say you girls sure stick to a lie and cover for each other.

  18. #268
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Motown_M_1056 View Post
    In this instance, some peoples' reactions were justified. I am tired of the BS we have been fed .
    Relax - as explained it was designed - perhaps in bad taste - as a rouse.

  19. #269
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by selbmarsh2000 View Post
    You do that the woman you are referring to is NOT the mother of Iconicpuff but another poster here and at SFF? Or did you just bring that up again to get the thread deleted so you don't have to defend your lie about the Ross/Oprah taping?
    You all banned together to cover the iconic lie and you all got PUNKED - so chill.

  20. #270
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    As usual, I haven't a clue why any of this would be brought up.

    But Tony, don't you feel at all bad bringing up these personal things about people that passed away? It reflects so badly.

    It reflects badly on those that brought it here in the first place - for - it surley has nothing to do with Motown.

    So, hell no, I Topdiva at all do not feel bad, those involved just got punk'd - even though they did try to band together and cover the lie I exposed. Good Try Girls!!!!!!!!!

    And yes - I am not sorry for none of it - no regrets at all.

  21. #271
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    topdiva told a deceitful lie to garner attention for herself. Had she not got caught she would have continued the lie that she was at the Diana Ross on Oprah taping. It was all for self gratification and attention. Now that she has been caught, topdiva, who we all know is Tony Turner is backtracking to save face. She also had the appalling lack of taste to bring up someone's late mother. topdiva is in desperate need of help and prayer. I'm glad we all know that a compulsive liar and attention seeker is in our midst. Shame on you topdiva Turner. Seek repentance this sabbath Sunday.

    The book of Acts says. "And Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit"

    The good book of Ephesians says the following. "Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another"

    Proverbs boldly states. "A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish"

    And the good book of John says. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"

    Admit you were caught in a lie ma'am and ask the good and merciful Lord to forgive your attention seeking, immoral ways. Only then shall you be set free from your life of deceit, vicious name calling and falsehoods.
    Last edited by Roberta75; 02-20-2011 at 12:45 PM.

  22. #272
    topdiva1 Guest

    Oh mournful messenger and prophet of the word - the great spirits have called on me to place you and your kindly words of redemption on - IGNORE - as they have nothing to do with my soul or the immoral ways of motown.

    Whatever habit you are hiding behind - that of Jonc or Penny or some other assumed name - try a heavier veil. LOL

  23. #273
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    Milven has always had a reputation for being fair. His post below seems to be totally accurate:

    Top Diva, what you have done with that statement is to put us all on notice not to believe anything that you post on this board. Your posts start with, "it has been said" " I have been told" "it has been reported" "reliable sources have told me". Well, now with your admission above, it can be said and it can be told and you have reported that you post lies on this board.

    So be it. You have never had any power to have your posts believed on this board. But if it possible, your admission above has given you negative power.

    You were pushed into a corner to admit a lie that you posted, and your only way out of that corner was to say that you tricked us.

    As for the Tony Turner/Top Diva crap, I'll leave that to others to discuss. You may just be a Tony Turner fanatic. As I said earlier, I neither hate nor love Turner. I do dislike that you turn every thread into a Turner thread.

    You did not play any of us. You lied to us. I will refrain from attacking you personally, but I can't help but wonder if you lead a sad life in the real world and that is why you spend much of your time creating drama on this board.

  24. #274
    topdiva1 Guest
    Seems accurate to ignore you all.

  25. #275
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    Seems accurate to ignore you all.

    OK. Like you did all the other times?

  26. #276
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by selbmarsh2000 View Post
    OK. Like you did all the other times?

  27. #277
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    Ta-Ta. See ya. Bye-bye now.

  28. #278
    miss_lish Guest
    I am gonna say this and then I am done with the Tony Turner/Top Diva cancer that has permeated the forum for far too long. I am hopeful that others will follow suit and let this go. Jon C and Iconicpuff memberships were deleted for questioning someone's credibility, that for me, was obvious almost from jump-street, was fraudulent. I don't know why Ralph felt compelled to delete their membership, and yet was unable or didn't choose to also delete Top Diva's membership. That remains a mystery. Top Diva's antics and falsehoods have caused much more dissension among the ranks than those who felt compelled to expose Top Diva as a fraud, and yet they got the kabosh?! Interesting.

    I'd also like to point out that it was a good thing this thread wasn't deleted. Eventually, all the drama was drawn to its own conclusion, and it is plain for all to see who is the culprit. Deleting threads only postpone the inevitable and compel unresolved dissension to arise in future threads. Because this thread was allowed to continue, a resolution of sorts has been reached. I strongly suspect that most of the SDF membership has moved on. And if the truth be told, the only members who have actively engaged with Top Diva of late have been Marv2, Stephanie, and detmotownguy. [[I think that's his screen name, or something similar.) Now that TopDiva has unquestionably been exposed as a fraud, I highly doubt he will be given much attention, and certainly no credibility will be extended his way. At least for me, this will be the case.

  29. #279
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    And Penny gives Miss Lish a great big AMEN to that!

  30. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss_lish View Post
    I am gonna say this and then I am done with the Tony Turner/Top Diva cancer that has permeated the forum for far too long. I am hopeful that others will follow suit and let this go. Jon C and Iconicpuff memberships were deleted for questioning someone's credibility, that for me, was obvious almost from jump-street, was fraudulent. I don't know why Ralph felt compelled to delete their membership, and yet was unable or didn't choose to also delete Top Diva's membership. That remains a mystery. Top Diva's antics and falsehoods have caused much more dissension among the ranks than those who felt compelled to expose Top Diva as a fraud, and yet they got the kabosh?! Interesting.

    I'd also like to point out that it was a good thing this thread wasn't deleted. Eventually, all the drama was drawn to its own conclusion, and it is plain for all to see who is the culprit. Deleting threads only postpone the inevitable and compel unresolved dissension to arise in future threads. Because this thread was allowed to continue, a resolution of sorts has been reached. I strongly suspect that most of the SDF membership has moved on. And if the truth be told, the only members who have actively engaged with Top Diva of late have been Marv2, Stephanie, and detmotownguy. [[I think that's his screen name, or something similar.) Now that TopDiva has unquestionably been exposed as a fraud, I highly doubt he will be given much attention, and certainly no credibility will be extended his way. At least for me, this will be the case.
    I couldn't have said it better myself miss_lish. Tony Turner - topdiva got caught in a web of lies and deceit and now she's trying to back peddle by posting that her DianaRoss on Oprah lie was all a ruse to mislead and trick which is just another lie. She posted about Tony Turner being in the audience [[and backstage) with Diana Ross on Oprah to gain attention and popularity and it all backfired. She's a liar and a fraud but we must all keep her in our prayers because she is a very disturbed woman. top diva Turner leads a very sad life and she thinks lying and deceiving people will make her loved and popular. How wrong she is.

    As the good book pf Proverbs rightly states "Whoever hates disguises himself with his lips and harbors deceit in his heart; when he speaks graciously, believe him not, for there are seven abominations in his heart; though his hatred be covered with deception, his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly"

    topdiva-turner should study the book of Proverbs and pray to the almighty for forgiveness. To thine own self be true topdiva Turner. Only the Lord can help you now. My work with you is done ma'am.

  31. #281
    supreme_lady Guest
    Tony DeNiro tweets today,
    "In the studio mixing @realevanross 1st single called "Yes Me" Ladies get ready, its official & will be heard on @Oprah feb 25th!!!!!"
    "Mix is done History has been made...my engineer Jean Marie that mixed Micheals dangerous album just mixed @realEvanRoss 1st single! #HISTORY".

    Evan's 1st single!! Can't wait!!! and it will be played on Oprah, wow!!!!!

  32. #282
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    I couldn't have said it better myself miss_lish. Tony Turner - topdiva got caught in a web of lies and deceit and now she's trying to back peddle by posting that her DianaRoss on Oprah lie was all a ruse to mislead and trick which is just another lie. She posted about Tony Turner being in the audience [[and backstage) with Diana Ross on Oprah to gain attention and popularity and it all backfired. She's a liar and a fraud but we must all keep her in our prayers because she is a very disturbed woman. top diva Turner leads a very sad life and she thinks lying and deceiving people will make her loved and popular. How wrong she is.

    As the good book pf Proverbs rightly states "Whoever hates disguises himself with his lips and harbors deceit in his heart; when he speaks graciously, believe him not, for there are seven abominations in his heart; though his hatred be covered with deception, his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly"

    topdiva-turner should study the book of Proverbs and pray to the almighty for forgiveness. To thine own self be true topdiva Turner. Only the Lord can help you now. My work with you is done ma'am.
    You are one sick bible thumping joke, missy - you are HARDLY RELIGIOUS, honey - just anothe one of the many faces of satan. Your sudden appearance her makes me suspect you are from the deleted file - and have experienced a reincarnation of frightful sorts.

    The work of you and your kind is never really done for you are just, jealous, bitter, and evil - really funny and tragic at the same time - which is all so redundant in the modern world.

    Praise be to ALLAH!
    Last edited by topdiva1; 02-21-2011 at 10:27 AM.

  33. #283
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by miss_lish View Post
    I am gonna say this and then I am done with the Tony Turner/Top Diva cancer that has permeated the forum for far too long. I am hopeful that others will follow suit and let this go. Jon C and Iconicpuff memberships were deleted for questioning someone's credibility, that for me, was obvious almost from jump-street, was fraudulent. I don't know why Ralph felt compelled to delete their membership, and yet was unable or didn't choose to also delete Top Diva's membership. That remains a mystery. Top Diva's antics and falsehoods have caused much more dissension among the ranks than those who felt compelled to expose Top Diva as a fraud, and yet they got the kabosh?! Interesting.

    I'd also like to point out that it was a good thing this thread wasn't deleted. Eventually, all the drama was drawn to its own conclusion, and it is plain for all to see who is the culprit. Deleting threads only postpone the inevitable and compel unresolved dissension to arise in future threads. Because this thread was allowed to continue, a resolution of sorts has been reached. I strongly suspect that most of the SDF membership has moved on. And if the truth be told, the only members who have actively engaged with Top Diva of late have been Marv2, Stephanie, and detmotownguy. [[I think that's his screen name, or something similar.) Now that TopDiva has unquestionably been exposed as a fraud, I highly doubt he will be given much attention, and certainly no credibility will be extended his way. At least for me, this will be the case.

    Now you know, as well as everybody else - you are not done - unless you have found someone else - another target to pick on. If you are done PLEASE stick to it - for many are sick of you creating all this mess. You bring up Tony Turner in every thread every chance you get - long before anyone else does - and if anyone would just read the threads they will see that you always throw the first punch towards me or Turner - I believe that you are just jealous over my association with Turner - this is why I did what I did - and it brought you and your crew right out - I am not worried about iconicpuff and jonc for they will be back with other names or posting through the rest of your crew.

    I also see you have mentioned some other posters names in your post, I am sure you have them on your hit list now.

    My goal was to expose all of you from that other nasty site - who indeed came here to create only trouble - as your site is not as popular of this one. So now that you have been exposed - all of you - for what you are - put me on ignore - and let the rest of us get back to MOTOWN.

    Regardless of what has happened - I have no ill feelings toward any of you - you just needed to be exposed, for the cancer you are.

    Last edited by topdiva1; 02-21-2011 at 10:19 AM.

  34. #284
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Penny View Post
    And Penny gives Miss Lish a great big AMEN to that!
    Boy for someone who joined a couple of months ago - you sure have linked on to the wrong crew - you remind me so much of Jonc and useyourchuckiemuscle - I really believe that is who you are.

  35. #285
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Penny View Post
    Many of us have had our eyes opened around here!

    Thanks to me - JONC - moving on.

  36. #286
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    Top Diva, I will give you that the first mention of Tony Turner's name in this thread was by Miss_Lish when she
    called you Tony Turner. But, Tony Turner was not directly discussed in this thread until you stated that
    Diana's appearance on Oprah had already been taped.

    That provoked someone to ask how you could be 100 per cent sure and you said that
    Tony Turner was at the taping.. The thread had been moving along for about three pages
    before you injected Tony Turner directly into the discussion.

    Many people on this board are involved one way or another in the music industry and
    could not let that lie go by without calling you on it. At that point the thread turned from
    Diana on Oprah to Top Diva is A Liar and let's prove that Tony was not at a taping that still
    has not happened.

    So the responsibility of turning this thread and many others into a Tony Turner thread falls
    on you.

  37. #287
    topdiva1 Guest
    You still don't get it - IT WAS A ROUSE - thanks for pointing out the misslish factor.

  38. #288
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    I get it. You don't get it. Miss-Lish did not bring Turner into this thread. All she did was call you Tony because of your infatuation with him. You brought Tony Turner to this thread by saying he was at a non existent taping. It was your ROUSE that brought the discussion from Oprah and Diana to Tony and Top Diva.

    And now I am contributing to it. Let's move on.
    Last edited by milven; 02-21-2011 at 11:45 AM.

  39. #289
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    Milven is rational and reliable; his post below is fair and bears repeating:

    Top Diva, what you have done with that statement is to put us all on notice not to believe anything that you post on this board. Your posts start with, "it has been said" " I have been told" "it has been reported" "reliable sources have told me". Well, now with your admission above, it can be said and it can be told and you have reported that you post lies on this board.

    So be it. You have never had any power to have your posts believed on this board. But if it possible, your admission above has given you negative power.

    You were pushed into a corner to admit a lie that you posted, and your only way out of that corner was to say that you tricked us.

    As for the Tony Turner/Top Diva crap, I'll leave that to others to discuss. You may just be a Tony Turner fanatic. As I said earlier, I neither hate nor love Turner. I do dislike that you turn every thread into a Turner thread.

    You did not play any of us. You lied to us. I will refrain from attacking you personally, but I can't help but wonder if you lead a sad life in the real world and that is why you spend much of your time creating drama on this board.

  40. #290
    smark21 Guest
    Remember the story from childhood "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?

  41. #291
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by milven View Post
    I get it. You don't get it. Miss-Lish did not bring Turner into this thread. All she did was call you Tony because of your infatuation with him. You brought Tony Turner to this thread by saying he was at a non existent taping. It was your ROUSE that brought the discussion from Oprah and Diana to Tony and Top Diva.

    And now I am contributing to it. Let's move on.

    Good idea, Yes let's move on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. #292
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Milven is rational and reliable; his post below is fair and bears repeating:

    Top Diva, what you have done with that statement is to put us all on notice not to believe anything that you post on this board. Your posts start with, "it has been said" " I have been told" "it has been reported" "reliable sources have told me". Well, now with your admission above, it can be said and it can be told and you have reported that you post lies on this board.

    So be it. You have never had any power to have your posts believed on this board. But if it possible, your admission above has given you negative power.

    You were pushed into a corner to admit a lie that you posted, and your only way out of that corner was to say that you tricked us.

    As for the Tony Turner/Top Diva crap, I'll leave that to others to discuss. You may just be a Tony Turner fanatic. As I said earlier, I neither hate nor love Turner. I do dislike that you turn every thread into a Turner thread.

    You did not play any of us. You lied to us. I will refrain from attacking you personally, but I can't help but wonder if you lead a sad life in the real world and that is why you spend much of your time creating drama on this board.

    I understood this the first three times - However, I cannot believe that you defended elegant soul who is a known racist.

    NOW talk about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again and again.

  43. #293
    topdiva1 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Remember the story from childhood "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?

    Worse - remember Ross in The Wiz.

  44. #294
    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    Worse - remember Ross in The Wiz.
    Topdiva, just let it go. All these comments don't make it any better. Even my boy, President Bill Clinton famous for saying "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" was proven wrong. He finally admitted to his umm...indiscretions and let it go.

    By the way I happened to like the Wiz and when it came out on Dvd I bought it for my sons to watch and they loved it too. THey watched it on Thanksgiving and Christmas break along with two Harry Potter's and UP!

  45. #295
    topdiva1 Guest
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^Good advice - THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. #296
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    Can someone please point me in the direction of the "ignore" function on this site? I am having difficulty finding it and some common folk are getting on my nerves.

  47. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by Penny View Post
    Can someone please point me in the direction of the "ignore" function on this site? I am having difficulty finding it and some common folk are getting on my nerves.
    At the top of the forum, "Forum Actions", then "General Settings" then towards the midddle, left, "Edit Ignore List",

    A very handy tool!

  48. #298
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Penny View Post
    Can someone please point me in the direction of the "ignore" function on this site? I am having difficulty finding it and some common folk are getting on my nerves.
    You can also click on a member, a little balloon/box will come up. Click on the link for view profile. When you go there, there's an option to click "ignore" the person and that should do the trick. Ignore is not just a dramatic announcement, it's an actual function.

  49. #299
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by topdiva1 View Post
    Worse - remember Ross in The Wiz.
    Oh LOL
    I loved the Wiz
    Remember MiSS One ?
    She was a hoot !!!
    Too bad O can't do a reunion focusing around them.

  50. #300
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
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    Thank you to you kind folks for showing me how to use the ignore function. I appreciate it so very much. Now, let's head on over to midnight johnny's thread and listen to his hot show. He plays great music, doesn't pretend about anything and is sexier then heck. I'll see you there tonight!


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