Beatles Break iTunes Record

Beatles have sold 5 million songs in under two months

The Beatles continue to break records, four decades after the legendary band broke up.

The Hollywood Reporter reports that the Fab Four have sold 5 million songs in just under two months on iTunes, a feat no other act has accomplished.

According to an iTunes spokesperson, The Beatles have sold more than 5 million songs since their much ballyhooed November 16 debut on the online retailer. In that time, the group has also sold more than a million full-length albums.

The Beatles were a notable iTunes holdout and the big reveal that their music was going to finally be made available was met with a media blitz.

The most popular song, says THR, is Here Comes the Sun, from 1969's Abbey Road, which is the band's top-selling album on iTunes.

Each of the Beatles' 13 studio albums, including Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Revolver, The Beatles [The White Album] and Abbey Road, was remastered for digital release. Apple also added visual features and a mini-documentary about the creation of each album to the recordings.