In the interest of fairness, I thought I'd start a thread for any Trump supporters or voters to express themselves in a fair and balanced environment. I will do my best to keep it civil.

I have several friends who voted for Trump.....none of them are really what I would call Trump supporters.....but I know a few of them also.

One gentleman is a good friend and former colleague. He's a 6 foot five former Army Ranger, long time Repub and is one of the foremost experts on Memorial Day/Decoration Day History in the country....and an SNL fan.

He basically said he didn't do it for Trump or the Party......but he put that bag over his head, held his nose......and voted for the Supreme Court Implication.

I've known him long and well enough to believe him.

His sons are pretty good musicians....especially the banjo player. I gave him a copy of my fave Roots and Blues Boxed Set and we both used to play songs from them at work......Surprisingly this is one of our faves. Anachronistic but catchy.